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Beatriz Minguez
Create a contact test factory ERROR
Dear all,
I am trying to solve one of the Trailhead Challenges in the unit: Creating Test Data for Apex Tests and is giving me the following error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Executing the 'generateRandomContacts' method failed. Either the method does not exist, is not static, or did not return the correct set of Contact records.
The following is the code;
What I need to solve is the following:
Create an Apex class that returns a list of contacts based on two incoming parameters: one for the number of contacts to generate, and the other for the last name. The list should NOT be inserted into the system, only returned. The first name should be dynamically generated and should be unique for each contact record in the list.The Apex class must be called 'RandomContactFactory' and be in the public scope.
The Apex class should NOT use the @isTest annotation.
The Apex class must have a public static method called 'generateRandomContacts' (without the @testMethod annotation).
The 'generateRandomContacts' method must accept an integer as the first parameter, and a string as the second. The first parameter controls the number of contacts being generated, the second is the last name of the contacts generated.
The 'generateRandomContacts' method should have a return type of List<Contact>.
The 'generateRandomContacts' method must be capable of consistently generating contacts with unique first names.
For example, the 'generateRandomContacts' might return first names based on iterated number (i.e. 'Test 1','Test 2').
The 'generateRandomContacts' method should not insert the contact records into the database.
Can anyone help me?
I am trying to solve one of the Trailhead Challenges in the unit: Creating Test Data for Apex Tests and is giving me the following error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Executing the 'generateRandomContacts' method failed. Either the method does not exist, is not static, or did not return the correct set of Contact records.
The following is the code;
public class RandomContactFactory { public static List<Contact> generateRandomContacts (integer nNumContacts, string sLastName) { List<Contact> lContactList = new List<Contact>(); for(integer i=0; i<nNumcontacts; i++) { Contact c = new Contact(LastName= sLastName + ' ' +i); lContactList.add(c); } return lContactList; } }
What I need to solve is the following:
Create an Apex class that returns a list of contacts based on two incoming parameters: one for the number of contacts to generate, and the other for the last name. The list should NOT be inserted into the system, only returned. The first name should be dynamically generated and should be unique for each contact record in the list.The Apex class must be called 'RandomContactFactory' and be in the public scope.
The Apex class should NOT use the @isTest annotation.
The Apex class must have a public static method called 'generateRandomContacts' (without the @testMethod annotation).
The 'generateRandomContacts' method must accept an integer as the first parameter, and a string as the second. The first parameter controls the number of contacts being generated, the second is the last name of the contacts generated.
The 'generateRandomContacts' method should have a return type of List<Contact>.
The 'generateRandomContacts' method must be capable of consistently generating contacts with unique first names.
For example, the 'generateRandomContacts' might return first names based on iterated number (i.e. 'Test 1','Test 2').
The 'generateRandomContacts' method should not insert the contact records into the database.
Can anyone help me?
Contact c = new Contact(LastName= sLastName, FirstName = 'Test ' +i);
All Answers
Contact c = new Contact(LastName= sLastName, FirstName = 'Test ' +i);
public class RandomContactFactory {
public Static List<Contact> generateRandomContacts(Integer NumberOfContact, String LnameOfContact){
List<Contact> con=new List<Contact>();
for(Integer i=0;i<NumberOfContact;i++){
Contact c=new Contact(FirstName='Test '+i,LastName=LnameOfContact);
return con;
We can test it with:
public class RandomContactFactoryTest {
static testMethod void testfunction(){
List<Contact> Con = RandomContactFactory.generateRandomContacts(1,'Abhishek');
The above solution worked out... But I just thought to debug and see the values.
Tried using like this all the ways possible
public List<Contact> generateRandomContacts(Integer iContacts, String sLastName){
List<Contact> lstRndContacts = new List<Contact>();
for(Integer i=0; i<10; i++){
String FN = 'FN_' +i;
system.debug('Hello World');
Contact oContact = new Contact(LastName = sLastName, FirstName = FN);
return lstRndContacts;
But no values is getting printed in log.
Could you pls give me some suggestion?
Below is the code I wrote and I passed the challenge. Since we are inserting the record, there is no need in including the Lastname though required:
public class RandomContactFactory {
public static List<Contact> generateRandomContacts(Integer numOfContactGenerated, String lastnameGenerated)
List<Contact> conts = new List<Contact> ();
for (Integer i = 0; i<Integer numOfContactGenerated;i++ )
conts.add(new Contact(firstname = 'Test'+i) ) ;
return conts;
for (Integer i = 0; i<Integer numOfContactGenerated;i++ ) remove Integer and this line should be
for (Integer i = 0; i< numOfContactGenerated;i++ ) and then this code would work and assist in completing the challenge.
public class RandomContactFactory {
public static List<Contact> generateRandomContacts (integer nNumContacts, string sLastName)
List<Contact> lContactList = new List<Contact>();
for(integer i=0; i<nNumcontacts; i++)
Contact c = new Contact(LastName= sLastName, FirstName = 'Test '+i);
return lContactList;
// putting this code because new people can see that how many ways it can be written
public class RandomContactFactory {
public static List<Contact> generateRandomContacts(Integer noOfContacts, String lastName){
List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact>();
for(Integer i=0; i<noOfContacts; i++){
Contact c = new Contact(LastName=lastName, FirstName = 'Test ' + i);
return conList;
Below code worked fine:
public class RandomContactFactory {
public static List<Contact> generateRandomContacts(Integer numContacts, String ContactLastname) {
List<Contact> cont1=new List<Contact>();
for(Integer i=0;i<numContacts;i++) {
Contact a = new Contact(FirstName='First' + i,LastName=ContactLastname);
Return cont1;
As it is a static method you can call it directly with class name and can create a contact a stated above.
public class RandomContactFactory {
public static List<Contact> generateRandomContacts(Integer num, String str) {
List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact>();
for(Integer i=0;i<num;i++){
Contact con = new Contact(FirstName = str+' '+i, LastName = str+' '+i);
return conList;