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activity history permissions

one of our external systems wants to pull activity history using the rest api and is getting an error that indicates they need to be a system admin in order to get a Contacts and Accounts Activity History
There is an implementation restriction on ActivityHistories. When you query this relationship, security evaluation is implemented for users who don't have administrator permissions, and only a single parent record may be evaluated. (Faraday::ClientError)

for the time being i made him a system administrator, but i dont like that very much. any ideas on how I can walk back his permissions yet still grant him access to activity history using the rest api?

I think you have check you external user profile permission, try to look for access to object Task and Event, Also please verify below steps :
You can view an activity when one of the following applies:
You’re assigned to the activity
You’re above the user assigned to the activity in the role hierarchy
You have at least read access to the record to which the activity is related
You have the “View All Data” permission
You have the “View All” object-level permission for at least one contact and the related opportunity, account or case, and Shared Activities is enabled
You have the “View All” object-level permission for the related opportunity or account, where the sharing model applied to the record is “Controlled By Parent”, and Shared Activities isn’t enabled
You can edit or delete an activity (in Salesforce Classic only) when the following applies:
You have the “Edit Tasks” and “Edit Events” permissions
You’re assigned to the activity, or
You’re above the user assigned to the activity in the role hierarchy, or
You have the “Modify All” object-level permission in the related record, where the record’s sharing model is “Controlled By Parent.” (with Shared Activities enabled, you need the “Modify All” object-level permission for at least one contact and the related record), or
You have the “Modify All Data” permission

Hope this helps,

view all and modify all??
might as well be system administrator at that point