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Mark Cradock
is there anyway to set default tab view in lightning (e.g. account detail instead of related)
It seems bizarre that in lightning when you open Accounts, Leads or contacts the default is not to open in the details tab but in another less useful one. Is there any way of changing this default?
We moved to Lightnng to help encourage users by making it simpler and more obvious. This strange default makes it less obvious.
We moved to Lightnng to help encourage users by making it simpler and more obvious. This strange default makes it less obvious.
This is currently available only in Developer Orgs.
In a Dev org Enable App Builder for Lightning Expeirence (Pilot)
On the Object Page click on the gear icon and click edit page.
Click on the Tabs in the primary view and then change the Default Tab on the top right.
Save and activate if not already and this should set the default tab.
I am anxiously awaiting this to be available for sandbox and production use.
Dave Casper
From the seettings menu, choose Edit Page:
Change the Default Tab to Details and Save.
Use Activation... to determine whether to apply the change to the entire organization, or more locally, such as to a particular user Profile: