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Chris Weis 6Chris Weis 6 

Got my Admin Cert. What's next?


I recently obatined my Admin Certification through self-stud.  What should I focus on next?  Advanced Admin? Developer?

I'm currently not a SFDC Administrator, I'm a Mortgage Banker looking for a career change.  Since I have no practical SFDC Admin experience, I'm hoping that a few additional certifications will help me.  I'm focusing on applying for Admin/Jr Admin jobs with Banks/Mortgage Companies/Financial firms to leverage my 10+ years experience.

Thanks in advance.

If you don't have any development experience in the past and if you are focusing for Admin role then go with Advanced Admin Certification and then go for App builder certification. Once you are done and comfortable with the platform and have some real time experience then go with the Platform developer certification I and then II