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Inserting Image or changing text color of Text Field value

HI All,

I have a text field(Status__C) in Custom object(Communication__c). This field is getting updated from external service.
My requirement is, that whenever Status__c value equals to FAILED, then the image should be displayed with this status, in the same field only.
Or the color of text should be Red.
I don't want to use any VF page for that.
Any idea how to achieve this by configuration.

Thanks in advance,
Tadeas BTadeas B
if you have a text field, it will always be a text field, there is no way how to get an image into this field.
You could create a formula field displaying image based on your Status__c field, see: .
Other way would be a Rich text field populated by Trigger of Workflow (rich text field can hold both image and text).

Does this help?