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Kelly KKelly K 

customer portal - redirect for reset password confirmation

Hi All,

We have a customer portal (yes, I'm aware communities is the new thing - but we are not migrating to communities for several reasons). Some time ago, when another administrator originally went through and implemented it, he set up a log in page on our company's domain for the customer portal - I noticed recently it wasn't comprehensive and only masked the log in page, but used SF's default reset password & error pages. I'm trying this as a concept before I get our web admins to update our pages, so there's 3 pages currently involved: Login.html, PasswordReset.html, and PasswordResetConfirm.html. The override on the log in page works (if there's no error) and I'm able to reset the password from a custom page. What I'm having trouble with is overriding the page presenting the confirmation of the reset password: 

User-added image
Here's what I've got for the form on the PasswordReset.html, but it does not appear to be working. I've tried adding a "saveURL", but it seems that it will prepend "" in every case. Is there any way to change where the page redirects to for the confirmation?
<form  style="margin-left: 320px; margin-top: 20px;" action="" id="editPage" method="post" name="editPage" onsubmit="if (window.ffInAlert) { return false; }" >
	<input type="hidden" name="cancelURL" id="cancelURL" value="Login.html" />						
	<input type="hidden" name="orgId" id="orgId" value="00D300000000Q4e" />
	<input type="hidden" name="portalId" id="portalId" value="06030000000cXQh" />
	<input type="hidden" name="retURL" id="retURL0" value="Login.html" />
	<input type="hidden" name="retURL" id="retURL1" value="PasswordResetConfirm.html" />
	<input type="hidden" name="save_new_url" id="save_new_url" value=";orgId=00D300000000Q4e&amp;portalId=06030000000cXQh" />
