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Nishant Kumar 52Nishant Kumar 52 

Completed Challenge but not getting validated

Hi All,
I have completed the challenge for Apex basics and database - Getting started with Apex. But when i am trying to check the challenge its saying
"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Executing the 'generateStringArray' method failed. Either the method does not exist, is not static, or does not return the proper number of strings."
Please help.
Nishant Kumar 52Nishant Kumar 52
I got the fix for the above. I was missing the space but the error message was a bit misleading.There needs to be a space between Test and the number. I had : Test0, Test1.... and what was necessary was Test 0, Test 1, ... :)
Anuj PatelAnuj Patel
You can inform Salesforce about this useful information. 
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That might help future trailblazers.

Please mark it as the best answer if you find it useful.

Gourav Kumar ChakrabortyGourav Kumar Chakraborty

I received the desired output, however I am still getting the error message.

below is the output from my debug log:
23:52:48:082 USER_DEBUG [14]|DEBUG|('Test 0', 'Test 1', 'Test 2', 'Test 3', 'Test 4', 'Test 5', 'Test 6', 'Test 7', 'Test 8', 'Test 9', ...)

Any idea why?

Anuj PatelAnuj Patel
Hi Gourav,
I understood that you are getting desired result but not getting trough the Check set by salesforce-trailhead. That is when people from Trailhead support comes into play and help you. I can help you till getting desired output where in your case you already have it.

Email them @

Please mark it as the best answer if you find it useful.


Nishant Kumar 52Nishant Kumar 52
Hi Gourav,

I can see that the response you are getting is withing quotes i.e. 'Test 0', 'Test 1',.... Ideally it should be Test 0,Test 1, .....
Kindly check once. Also, please share the error message you are getting.

Nishant Kumar