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Need to Reduce SOQL queries
I m having a senerio where it is need to make a SOQL querry inside the FOR loop, but is increasing number of SOQL hits..
I m trying to use MAP but enable produce the required code... requesting to please guide/help me out for the same..
below is the code snippet...
public list<cNodes> getmainnodes()
hierarchy = new list<cNodes>();
List<Territory2> tempparent = [SELECT Id, Name, ParentTerritory2Id, ParentTerritory2.Name from Territory2 order by ParentTerritory2.Name, Name];
for (Integer i =0; i< tempparent.size() ; i++)
List<UserTerritory2Association> tempchildren = [SELECT Id, Territory2.Name, User.Name, UserId from UserTerritory2Association where Territory2Id= :tempparent[i].Id order by Territory2.Name];
hierarchy.add(new cNodes(tempparent[i],tempchildren));
return hierarchy;
You can use this pseudo code
public list<cNodes> getmainnodes(){
hierarchy = new list<cNodes>();
//get parentId, object map
Map<Id,Territory2> tempparentMap = [SELECT Id, Name, ParentTerritory2Id, ParentTerritory2.Name from Territory2 ];
//get all children list
List<UserTerritory2Association> tempchildren = [SELECT Id, Territory2Id,Territory2.Name, User.Name, UserId from UserTerritory2Association where Territory2Id=:tempparentMap.keyset()];
//Create parentId children list map
Map<String,List<UserTerritory2Association>> parentIdChildrenMap = new Map<String,List<UserTerritory2Association>>();
for(UserTerritory2Association child:tempchildren ){
List<UserTerritory2Association> newObjectList = new List<UserTerritory2Association>();
parentIdChildrenMap.put(child.Territory2Id, newObjectList );
List<UserTerritory2Association> objectList = parentIdChildrenMap.get(child.Territory2Id);
//Create hierarchy list
for(Id parentId:tempparentMap.keyset()){
hierarchy.add(new cNodes(tempparentMap.get(parentId),parentChildrenMap.get(parentId)));
return hierarchy;
All Answers
I tried using List Collection... as below is the code for that
but this is giving error as System.LimitException: Apex CPU time limit exceeded.
Requesting to please help me out with the best approcah for this...
List<Territory2> tempparent = [SELECT Id, Name, ParentTerritory2Id, ParentTerritory2.Name from Territory2 order by ParentTerritory2.Name, Name];
List<UserTerritory2Association> potentialUsers = [SELECT Id, Territory2Id, Territory2.Name, User.Name, UserId from UserTerritory2Association ];
for (Territory2 t : tempparent) {
List<UserTerritory2Association> tUser = new List<UserTerritory2Association>();
for (UserTerritory2Association u : potentialUsers) {
if (t.Id.equals(u.Territory2Id)) {
hierarchy.add(new cNodes(t,tUser));
hierarchy.add(new cNodes(new Territory2(Id = objUTA.Territory2Id, Name = objUTA.Territory2.Name,
ParentTerritory2Id = objUTA.Territory2.ParentTerritory2Id,
ParentTerritory2.Name = objUTA.Territory2.ParentTerritory2.Name),objUTA
Just try whether this will make any difference
its giving an error as second parameter to cNodes() is a list collection that will hold all records for "UserTerritory2Association" related to current "Territory2" in for loop... using the above code you metioned it giving error as : Constructor not defined: [cNodes].<Constructor>(Territory2, UserTerritory2Association)
You can use this pseudo code
public list<cNodes> getmainnodes(){
hierarchy = new list<cNodes>();
//get parentId, object map
Map<Id,Territory2> tempparentMap = [SELECT Id, Name, ParentTerritory2Id, ParentTerritory2.Name from Territory2 ];
//get all children list
List<UserTerritory2Association> tempchildren = [SELECT Id, Territory2Id,Territory2.Name, User.Name, UserId from UserTerritory2Association where Territory2Id=:tempparentMap.keyset()];
//Create parentId children list map
Map<String,List<UserTerritory2Association>> parentIdChildrenMap = new Map<String,List<UserTerritory2Association>>();
for(UserTerritory2Association child:tempchildren ){
List<UserTerritory2Association> newObjectList = new List<UserTerritory2Association>();
parentIdChildrenMap.put(child.Territory2Id, newObjectList );
List<UserTerritory2Association> objectList = parentIdChildrenMap.get(child.Territory2Id);
//Create hierarchy list
for(Id parentId:tempparentMap.keyset()){
hierarchy.add(new cNodes(tempparentMap.get(parentId),parentChildrenMap.get(parentId)));
return hierarchy;
thanks @Nayana K
thanks @Sreeni Kolakan