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Log in as community user

i have a custom page that manages our community users and I'd like to replicate the "Log in as community user" function (under manage external user)  via a custom button. Can this be done? I see that the URL generated includes parameters like sunetworkid and sunetworkuserid but I cannot find documentation on those. 
Irene QuesadaIrene Quesada
We have just set up a Partner Community.  I am sys admin and when I view a contact record that is enabled as a portal user I see the option to "Login to Community as User" under the "Manage External Users" button.  I am trying to enable this option for one of the delegated admins in my org.  She has the following permissions but still does not see the option when she navigates to the contact record:  Manage User, Create and Manage Communities.  Her profile is also enabled for ( the community.
David GuettaDavid Guetta
@IreneQuesada  We also have Community Sector and we want to set up the same fonctionnality . I want to give one of ower admin ( the ability to manage members of the community . Can you assist me as experienced developer ?