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Converting GMT into Locale Users Time Zone

I want to show the Start Date and End Date in user's Local time Zone. For this I have created a Visual Force Page and through getter and setter method, when I am showing IN VF Page,I am getting the time in GMT. What is the way for the the logged-in user to show the local time in Visual force Page?
Best Answer chosen by PlatFormCloud
Hello There,
Try this:
String timeZone = UserInfo.getTimeZone().getID();
Datetime;// here you can user your dates e.g. createddate
Datetime d1=Datetime.valueOf(dateGMT);
string s1=d1.format();

Note: Please mark it as solved if that helps.

All Answers

Hello There,
Try this:
String timeZone = UserInfo.getTimeZone().getID();
Datetime;// here you can user your dates e.g. createddate
Datetime d1=Datetime.valueOf(dateGMT);
string s1=d1.format();

Note: Please mark it as solved if that helps.
This was selected as the best answer
Bryan JamesBryan James
make the returns strings and by using (DateTime.format (http://​ the DateTime field you are using will be converted to the logged in users locale date / time and displayed as a string. If you post some code I can give you more specific instructions if you cannot figure it out. But you can get to the documentation by clicking on the link as well. 
Thanks CloudGeek- You were just bang on target. This was exactly which i was looking for.