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Lara KhouriLara Khouri 

Revenue Forecasting

Salesforce edition: professional edition
No Developer resources.
For any given opportunity, we have the following fields filled out:
Fee Estimate: 700,000
Production Estimate: 3,800,000
Projected Project Debut Date: 2/1/2016
Projected Project Completion Date: 10/1/2017
Revenue forecasting formula shown below, allocates revenue per year.
Currently in SF, this formula field is accurately calculating “2016 Fee Estimate”:
IF( Projected_Debut_Date__c > End_of_2016__c ,0, 
IF( Projected_Completion_Date__c < End_of_2015__c ,0,( 
IF( Projected_Completion_Date__c > End_of_2016__c, End_of_2016__c,Projected_Completion_Date__c) - 

IF( Projected_Debut_Date__c<End_of_2015__c,End_of_2015__c,Projected_Debut_Date__c)) / 

(Projected_Completion_Date__c - Projected_Debut_Date__c) * Fee_Estimate__c ))
The problem with the above formula is that it is specific to the year 2016. The field “2016 Fee Estimate” will become obsolete after 2016.
I need to find a way to create generic fields, whereby “Year 0” represents the current year. Every subsequent year, year 0 represents the actual current year. (This eludes to the fact that a reference date field (Year 0) will change every year to reflect the right year)
Ideal situation:
Year 0 Fee Amount: value
Year 0 Production Amount: value
Year 1 Fee Amount: value
Year 1 Production Amount: value
Year 2 Fee Amount: value
Year 2 Production Amount: value
Any suggestions on how this can be done? thank you in advance!!