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Change field type for field in use on a community site

I would like to change a field type for a custom Case field (from Text to Text Area).  The reason for the change is that I need users to enter data in separate lines.

I have temporarily removed it from the associated field updates.  When I try to change the field type, I get the following error:  The field you're trying to change is in use on site <a href="">Tripp_Lite_Customer_Community1</a>.

That community has a status of Inactive.

How do I remove the reference to the community so that I an change the field type?

I received the following solution from SF Support, but I don't see a case template in use or any data connections to remove.

1. Navigate to sitestudio.
2. Click on Page templates.
3. Open the 'Cases' and 'Open a case' template
4. Navigate to Page data connection in the right corner and try to remove them.
5. Go back to Case field and you try to change the data type of the case field.
6. Reconnect the Case connection from page properties -> 'Page Data Connection' for those pages that temporarily removed the connections.

If you still cannot change the data type of the Case field then publish the changes in Studio after disconnecting the Case connection.

Hoping someone can lend their expertise.  Thank you!