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sesha Raosesha Rao 

Unable to see the custom object in tab of the salesforce platform license please help me

I have created a custome object "Application" using the salesforce admin license and I have created a role "Sales Executive" with salesforce platform license.where in when I have logged into the Sales Executive profile I am unable to see the custome object "Application" in his tab.Please help me
Best Answer chosen by sesha Rao
Parker EdelmannParker Edelmann
Did you check to make sure that the Sales Executive profile has "read" access to that object? If it doesn't, that profile will not be able to see that object. Also, did you create a tab for that object? If not, it will make it harder to access, but not impossible.

All Answers

Parker EdelmannParker Edelmann
Did you check to make sure that the Sales Executive profile has "read" access to that object? If it doesn't, that profile will not be able to see that object. Also, did you create a tab for that object? If not, it will make it harder to access, but not impossible.
This was selected as the best answer
SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Sesha Rao,

First, check if you have created the tab or not.
Follow the following steps.
Goto the setup.
Then go the App section
Then click on create and then click on Tab to see whether you have created the tab or not if not then create a tab.
Setup -> App -> Create -> Tabs.
After creating the tab.Please check step no 8 in below document if have done the same thing

Setting Tab Visibility

Available in: EnterpriseUnlimited, and Developer Editions
User Permissions Needed
To set tab visibility:“Manage Users”
  1. Click Your Name | Setup | Manage Users | Profiles.
  2. Select a profile.
  3. Depending on which user interface you're using, do one of the following:
    • Enhanced profile user interface—In the Find Settings... box, enter the name of the tab you want and select it from the list, then click Edit.
    • Original profile user interface—Click Edit, then scroll to the Tab Settings section.
  4. Specify the tab visibility.
    Default OnShow the tab by default for users with this profile. Individual users can override this setting. The Home tab setting can't be changed from Default On.
    Default OffHide the tab by default for users with this profile. Individual users can override this setting.
    Tab HiddenHide the tab and don't allow individual users to override this setting in their personal customization. Using this setting doesn't prevent users from accessing the records or list views from a tab; to prevent users from seeing records of that object type, remove the “Read” permission for the object.
  5. (Original profile user interface only) To reset users’ tab customizations to the tab visibility settings that you specify, select Overwrite users' personal tab customizations.
  6. Click Save.
If Salesforce CRM Content is enabled for your organization but an administrator has not selected theSalesforce CRM Content User checkbox on the user detail page, the Salesforce CRM Content app has no tabs. The tabs display when the Salesforce CRM Content User checkbox is selected.

Creating Custom Object Tabs

Custom Object Tabs and Web Tabs available in: Contact ManagerGroupProfessionalEnterprise,Unlimited, and Developer Editions

Apex Page Tabs available in: Contact ManagerGroupProfessionalEnterpriseUnlimited, and DeveloperEditions

User Permissions Needed
To create and edit custom tabs:“Customize Application”

Define a new tab to display the data stored in your custom object records.

  1. Click Your Name | Setup | Create | Tabs.
  2. Click New in the Custom Object Tabs related list.
  3. Select the custom object to display in the custom tab. If you have not already created the custom object, click create a new custom object now and follow the instructions in Defining Custom Objects (" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); text-decoration: none;).

    The label of the new tab is the same as the plural version of the custom object label, as described inDefining Custom Objects (" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); text-decoration: none;).

  4. Click the Tab Style lookup icon to display the Tab Style Selector.

    If a tab style is already in use, a number enclosed in brackets [] appears next to the tab style name. Hover your mouse over the style name to view the tabs that use the style. Click Hide styles which are used on other tabs to filter this list.

  5. Click a tab style to select the color scheme and icon for the custom tab.
    Optionally, click Create your own style on the Tab Style Selector dialog if you want to create a custom tab style and your organization has access to the Documents tab. To create your own tab style:
    1. Click the Color lookup icon to display the color selection dialog and click a color to select it.
    2. Click Insert an Image, select the document folder, and select the image you want to use.
      Alternatively, click Search in Documents, enter a search term, and click Go! to find a document file name that includes your search term.Note
      This dialog only lists files in document folders that are under 20 KB and have theExternally Available (" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); text-decoration: none;) checkbox selected in the document property settings. For more information, see uploading images (" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); text-decoration: none;) and document property settings (" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); text-decoration: none;). If the document used for the icon is later deleted, Salesforce replaces it with a default multicolor block icon (Default Block Icon).
    3. Select a file and click OK. The New Custom Tab wizard reappears.
  6. Optionally, choose a custom link to use as the introductory splash page when users initially click the tab. For details about creating a custom link to use as a splash page for your custom tab, seeDefining Custom Buttons and Links (" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); text-decoration: none;).
  7. Enter a description of the tab, if desired, and click Next.
  8. Choose the user profiles for which the new custom tab will be available:
    • Select Apply one tab visibility to all profiles and choose Default On, Default Off, or Tab Hidden from the drop-down list.
    • Alternatively, select Apply a different tab visibility for each profile and choose Default On, Default Off, or Tab Hidden from the drop-down list for each profile.

    For Professional Edition users and Salesforce Platform One license users, tab visibility is automatically set to Default On.

  9. Specify Tab Visibility.

    For Enterprise, Unlimited, Developer Edition, and organizations, choose Default On, Default Off, or Tab Hidden in Tab Visibility to determine whether the custom tab is visible to users with that profile, and click Next. For Professional Edition organizations, tab visibility is automatically set to Default On. Salesforce Platform One license users, tab visibility is automatically set to Default On.

    If you choose Default On or Default Off, an option is added to the Create New drop-down list in the sidebar so that users with the “Create” permission can quickly create a new record. For example, if the custom object displayed in the custom tab is named Expenses, an Expense option appears in this list.

  10. Specify the custom apps that should include the new tab. See What is an App? (" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); text-decoration: none;) for information on custom apps.
  11. Check Append tab to users' existing personal customizations to add the new tab to your users’ customized display settings if they have customized their personal display.
  12. Click Save.

To further customize the tab:


Hope this helps you!

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Thanks and Regards

sesha Raosesha Rao
Thanks for the solution...