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Repeated server calls in Lightning


I need to call an apex server function in lightning in every 10 seconds.Is there anyway to achieve this?

Thank you
Aabhi BattaAabhi Batta
there is a way to call function every 10 second's ​ but its not good practice
	doInit : function(component) {
        function fun(){
            //Call APex server here ex()
          var call=component.get("c.echo");
          setInterval(function(){ fun(); }, 10000);


Ajay Sharma SFAjay Sharma SF
@Eldon : Aabhi Batta is right. You call your apex method from doInit or afterScriptLoaded you have to use setInterval with 10000 miliaseconds(10 sec). It is not a good practice however. Your apex calls should always be event based.