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Form Assembly Secure Parameter Question


I'm trying to make a public form that prefills fields with a contact through a parameter. I'm able to do this in FormAssembly but I'm having troubles understanding the Secure Parameters way in this link

I don't understand how can i use that to export the data and send a mass email. Could someone explain me where should i use that visualforce code in the example?

Also i would like to know how hard is it to do this with Visualforce and a Site.

Sorry for the noob question and my english
Shannon VEShannon VE
Joaquin, I am also trying to create a public FormAssembly form with contact ID passed as secure parameter, and I'm also not understanding the explanation from FormAssembly on how to create the secure parameter for use in a mass email.

Where you able to figure out how to do it?  If so, would you be willing to explain the solution?
Hi Shannon, 

I ended up using a site with the contactid in the url parameter hashed in md5. Not sure it's the besto solution but is way mor flexible than formassembly and did the job just right.

If you want i can help you in this process