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Alex Wong 4
Is there a way to perform validation for apex:inputField?
I am creating a form in Visualforce. Since my form is a bit long, it is hard for users to remember the error message at the top and revise it. On top of the error message, I want to create a validation when users typing in their information.
For example, there are 2 field, users name and email. Users cannot leave the name field blank, if so, I want to show a message of "This field is required to fill in" beside the field. And for email field, I want to have another message to remind users to insert a valid email.
Is there anyway in visualforce to do so? Thanks for your help.
For example, there are 2 field, users name and email. Users cannot leave the name field blank, if so, I want to show a message of "This field is required to fill in" beside the field. And for email field, I want to have another message to remind users to insert a valid email.
Is there anyway in visualforce to do so? Thanks for your help.
You can add something like this:
1. Check the Empty
<apex:page id="page">
function show()
var name=document.getElementById('page:f1:p1:ip1').value;
if(name== "" || name==null)
document.getElementById("page:f1:p1:op2").innerHTML = "Please enter your name";
<apex:form id="f1">
<apex:pageblock id="p1">
<apex:outputlabel value="Enter u r name" id="op1" />
<apex:inputtext id="ip1" />
<apex:commandbutton value="submit" onclick="return show();" reRender="op2"/>
<apex:outputlabel id="op2" />
---> Besides salesforce has the on field validation, so u can have that option.
2. create formula syntax
Regression : '([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.]+)@(((\\[a-z]{1,3}\\.[a-z]{1,3}\\.[a-z]{1,3}\\.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+\\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3}))'
All Answers
You can have a Javascript to check the require field & for proper email format you can use regression expression.
* if you find the reply FINE. Please like
You can add something like this:
1. Check the Empty
<apex:page id="page">
function show()
var name=document.getElementById('page:f1:p1:ip1').value;
if(name== "" || name==null)
document.getElementById("page:f1:p1:op2").innerHTML = "Please enter your name";
<apex:form id="f1">
<apex:pageblock id="p1">
<apex:outputlabel value="Enter u r name" id="op1" />
<apex:inputtext id="ip1" />
<apex:commandbutton value="submit" onclick="return show();" reRender="op2"/>
<apex:outputlabel id="op2" />
---> Besides salesforce has the on field validation, so u can have that option.
2. create formula syntax
Regression : '([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.]+)@(((\\[a-z]{1,3}\\.[a-z]{1,3}\\.[a-z]{1,3}\\.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+\\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3}))'
However, nothing happen even I follow him. Is your method show the similar function to the link?
Thanks for your help!!! (
This is very useful information for me. Thank you very much!
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