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Clare LangleyClare Langley 

I created a report but selected the wrong type so deleted it. Now I cannot create the report with the correct name!

I am currently working my way through Trailhead (Create a report and dashboard to show Cases by status.) & created a report but selected the wrong type so deleted it. Now I cannot create the report with the correct name to complete the challenge. What can I do?? 
Best Answer chosen by Clare Langley
T r o u b l e S h o o t e rT r o u b l e S h o o t e r
Not sure Clare.  That should have done it.  There is a seperate hard delete process which runs regularly on the instance, but this should not also cause this issue.  You could of course delve deeper with queries using API etc, but what would be easier (and quicker)to pass this if it continues to be a problem is just create a new dev edition and do the challenge in there.  I had to do this for a couple of the badges.  What is the exact error message you get in trailhead?

All Answers

T r o u b l e S h o o t e rT r o u b l e S h o o t e r
Hi Clare,

If you go to the home page and look for the link called "Recycle Bin".  Click this link and hopefully you should see the deleted report.  If you then press the "Empty your recycle bin" button.  That should do the trick hopefully and you can then create the report again with the same name and API name.
Clare LangleyClare Langley
Hi Hitesh, 

I have already emptied the recycle bin but I still cant create it with the right name. Would it be a cache issue?
T r o u b l e S h o o t e rT r o u b l e S h o o t e r
Not sure Clare.  That should have done it.  There is a seperate hard delete process which runs regularly on the instance, but this should not also cause this issue.  You could of course delve deeper with queries using API etc, but what would be easier (and quicker)to pass this if it continues to be a problem is just create a new dev edition and do the challenge in there.  I had to do this for a couple of the badges.  What is the exact error message you get in trailhead?
This was selected as the best answer
Clare LangleyClare Langley
Its so annoying, I'm working towards the end of the Reports & Dashboards Specialist Superbadge & this happens.
Error message
Clare LangleyClare Langley
Hi Hitesh, 

I have created another Trailhead login & passed the challenge! Thanks for your help & guidance with this issue.

Clare :)