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Linda 98Linda 98 

Send email alert to ADMIN of org.Ideas please!!

I am trying to send normal email alert (Just a text email) when checkbox is updated on account object.

I thought i can do with workflow email alert but I failed.So i am checking out for more options.
HOW can i send a normal alert to admin of org when particular field is updated on account object.

Please share thoughts.Thank you
Why can't you use workflow?
Linda 98Linda 98
1.I dont see option to say email receipent as admin of org.
2.i want to send normal text email.Not with email template.
You can add the admin user directly as a recepient.
What do you mean by "normal text email.Not with email alert"?
Linda 98Linda 98
Sorry typo error.a normal email .not using template.
what's wrong with template? Are you going to change the email body everytime you send an email?
Linda 98Linda 98
No.but they don't want email template.they want a normal HTML email text
I think I am not understanding your requirement. Email templates are nothing but html/text/vf email body which can take pre-defined data or can also take data from the related record.
1. Create a Test email template
2. Create a WFR on object lets say account 
3. When checkbox is checked, create an email alert
4. In the email alert select Public group (System Admin) 

P.S. :- Create a Public group called "System Admin" and all system admin to it 
Deepak Pandey 13Deepak Pandey 13
Hi Linda ,
         Write a Trigger which is fire when your account checkbox will be true. it is firing after update-

trigger chckboxcheck on Account (after update)
for(account acc :
if(acc.checkbox != trigger.oldmap.get(
// write your email code//
Deepak Pandey 13Deepak Pandey 13
2nd way to
1st - create custom template(what you want to send to user). it asked you whose person you want sent thn just put it down user.
you can directlly call user email the syntax {!}.