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Kim StanfieldKim Stanfield 

Question about using Process Builder


I was able to create a successful process/flow that updates a custom lookup field with the primary contact name on the Opportunity when a Contact Role is marked as "Primary." The problem is that the custom field will not populate unless you click Edit and Save on the Opportunity record. Could someone tell me how I could automate the edit/save process since I have read that this is necessary for my process to work. It would be great if the custom field could just automatically populate without clicking edit. 
If you don't mind could you share flow and process screenshot here
Kim StanfieldKim Stanfield
Yes, thank you. I am including screen shots from both the process and the flow here. 
Defines Opportunity as start object
Defines Opportunity as object
Defines criteria for action
User-added image
Launches Flow
User-added image

Screenshots from Flow Designer: Record Lookup 
User-added image
Record Update
User-added image
Looks good to me 
Kim StanfieldKim Stanfield
Thank you for your response. Do you know if there is any way that I can modify this process so that it will run without me having to click "edit" and then "save" on the opportunity record?