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Kris CharatonikKris Charatonik 

Redirect to different domain in Canvas, All canvas apps in App Selection Dropdown

I have an application running in Canvas that uses as the Canvas App URL.
For legal reasons based on user input I have to redirect to a different server like
or continue on

The problem is that when I redirect inside my app the redirect from canvas always pops up (navigates away from to or

The only solution i see now is to create 2 more visualforce pages that contain one canvas app ( each that has these addresses in the callback.
This way via the visualforce javascript proxy I redirect to the page that has Canvas app A or Canvas app B  and the user may continue working inside the canvas app at everything looks natural (even though there is a redirect and canvas app loading its all looks the same (same tab same layout etc)).

This solution has:
1 App
Something - contains tabs that contain the canvas app pointing to as well as other tabs and static pages (I would like to show only this in the app selection dropdown)

3 Connected Apps
Canvas app Something - canvas app pointing to
Canvas app A_Something - canvas app pointing to
Canvas app B_Something - canvas app pointing to

But its unintuituve for the user that they see 3 apps in the upper right corner app selection dropdown.

1. Is there a way to use different servers in one Canvas app so I can redirect in the same canvas app to different domains?
2. Of not is there a way to hide the Canvas app A_Something and Canvas app B_Something from showing in the app selection?

I spent about 12 hours looking for the solution :(
Santhosh Kumar BhojanSanthosh Kumar Bhojan
Hi ,
Did you find any solution for the above scenario ?I am stuck with the same requirement as well.