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aaryan sri
How to Change output background color based on value
Hi All,
Some body can help need to show column
1.out put text value red color if text value is closed
2. out put text value green color if text value is open
3. out put text value grey color if text value is Existing
Below is the vf code
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">PANEL STATUS</apex:facet>
<p> <span class="label label-default">{!objRecord.panel_status}</span></p>
Some body can help need to show column
1.out put text value red color if text value is closed
2. out put text value green color if text value is open
3. out put text value grey color if text value is Existing
Below is the vf code
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">PANEL STATUS</apex:facet>
<p> <span class="label label-default">{!objRecord.panel_status}</span></p>
Try this code-
Rupal Kumar