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Cathy Kelly 4Cathy Kelly 4 

Service Not Available feature in Partner Community

Hi , 
I am new to Salesforce Partner community. I am using Salesforce Developer Org.
I do not find a Stand-alone component to choose in Service Not available lookup in Community Management console. Can someone tell me what are all the components to develop in my Org so I can select the correct static resource for Service Not Avaliable in Partner Management. 

Also, Please let me know how to test the Service not available feature for Partner community.
Hi Cathy,

You should be able to find the setting in the Community - Manage page. You can get to the page from Setup -> Customize -> Communities -> All Communities. Then click Manage on the partner community. The Service Not Available is in the Adminstration -> Pages page (see screenshot).

Screenshot of Administration -> Pages page
Robert Meadows 4Robert Meadows 4
Hi Raidan

how do we test this?  Nobody at Salesforce seems to know.
Hi Robert,

What do you want to test? Can you please be more specific?

Robert Meadows 4Robert Meadows 4
Hi Raidan
The 'Service Not Available' page.  How can we see it without taking Salesforce offline?
E.g. a page preview of some kind.
As you may already know, you will need to create a static resource - a zip file with maintenance.html page in the root folder. Let's say you name the static resource: Maintenance. To test the page in your browser, go to this URL: <your-community-base-url>/resource/maintenance/maintenance.html. 
Robert Meadows 4Robert Meadows 4

Thanks Raidan

That tests that the HTML / CSS in the zip file is okay. 
Is there anything other than blind faith to test it will work if the community is not available?

Yes, that is the tricky part. I can only think of 2 opportunities to test this:
  1. When Salesforce is performing a major upgrade 
  2. When your org's instance server (e.g.: na*) is down for whatever reason  
Robert Meadows 4Robert Meadows 4
Blind faith it is then Raidan.  Thanks for your help.