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Creating a Case Call Log and getting it (and notes) to show in case feed

When I use the salesforce UI while looking at a case, and I am in the case feed view I can click on "Log  a call" and put in some notes.  The notes I put in here show up in the case feed below.  If the notes I typed in are long only a few lines of the notes show and I can click a "more..."  link to show the rest of the notes without having to go to a new page.

I am creating integration with an internal ticketing system and am pushing tickets and notes to salesforce cases.  I am creating a Task with a Type of "Call".  All values seem to be the same as a Call Log created via the Salesforce API, however the case feed shows these differently.  The case feed shows the manually created ticket as a "Call log" in the case feed, but my API created call logs show as "Task" with a link to see the task detail so I can see notes - I cannot see the notes on the feed page like a salesforce UI created call log.

I see a FeedItem for the manually created salesforce UI Call Log, with a ParentId of the Task.  I do not have a FeedItem for the Task I created via the API, and I get a "Task is not enabled for feeds" error if I try to duplicate the FeedItem made for the Salesforce UI task.

Is it possible to get a manually created Task to show up in the case feed the same as a Call Log (created via the web UI) does?
Kyle HandleyKyle Handley
Did you ever find resoultion here? I have an old build I use to post to case feed via /services/data/v37.0/chatter/feed-elements using 

subjectId = CaseID

Trying to get this to work for lightning.