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Steve Gilbert 13Steve Gilbert 13 

Password reset for trailhead

What is the process for resetting a password for trailhead when the email address that is there may be wrong and the reset link is not working?
Best Answer chosen by Steve Gilbert 13
SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Steve Gilbert,

Please reach with your username.They will reset your Password.

If this helps please mark it as solved.

Thanks and Regards

All Answers

SandhyaSandhya (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Steve Gilbert,

Please reach with your username.They will reset your Password.

If this helps please mark it as solved.

Thanks and Regards
This was selected as the best answer
Andrew Wilson 30Andrew Wilson 30
This would be a great help if someone ever actually repsonded to emails or tickets created. For something that is so simple and basic as resetting passwords in a test org, the actual process to do so is a horendously painful experience. 
Derek Kipps 8Derek Kipps 8
Follow this link exactly. Do an administrator reset and it does not ask you about your place of birth. 
Diego Cruz 17Diego Cruz 17
Actually, the e-mail address provided by Sandhya is no longer operational, so you'll receive an automatic reply rejecting your request.  

What you must do is get to Setup -> Users -> Users and check the box @ right of the username you want to use. The "Reset Password(s)" button will appear on the top. After clicking it, the platform will send you an e-mail with a link towards a page where you can reinitialize it! and then you're back in the game.
Actual solution using the Setup->Users->Users and Reset button

Please do neither click on the username nor on the edit link. The first will show the button to reset the password, but will then ask for the current/old password, and that's the reason why you're locked out...! the second will show you only the user details.