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Jason Kuzmak 12
Can my if statement check if a variable exists at all?
Hi All,
I'm pretty new to coding, so this may be a really basic question.
I'm trying to modify an Apex class that was created by our original SF org developers. There is a bulk test in one of the classes that fails to pass the governor limits, I assume, because of all of the SOQL queries :
I'm pretty new to coding, so this may be a really basic question.
I'm trying to modify an Apex class that was created by our original SF org developers. There is a bulk test in one of the classes that fails to pass the governor limits, I assume, because of all of the SOQL queries :
private class Test_OpportunityTrigger { static testMethod void testOpportunityTriggers() { Test_OpportunityTrigger.testOpportunityTriggersHelper(2); } static testMethod void testOpportunityTriggersBulk() { Test_OpportunityTrigger.testOpportunityTriggersHelper(200); } static void testOpportunityTriggersHelper(Integer numberOfRecords) { // find a status for a converted lead LeadStatus convertStatus = [ SELECT MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE IsConverted = true LIMIT 1 ]; // create leads List<Lead> leadList = TestData.generateLeads(numberOfRecords); for(Lead lead : leadList) { lead.State = 'PA'; lead.Stage__c = 'Sales Qualified Lead'; lead.Status = 'Working - Contacted'; lead.SIC_Code__c = 'siccode'; lead.Branch_Code__c = '101: Corrugated Products'; } insert leadList; // convert the leads List<Database.LeadConvert> leadConvertList = new List<Database.LeadConvert>(); for(Integer ii=0; ii<leadList.size(); ++ii) { Lead lead = leadList[ii]; Database.LeadConvert lc = new Database.LeadConvert(); lc.setLeadId(lead.Id); lc.setConvertedStatus(convertStatus.MasterLabel); leadConvertList.add(lc); } if(!leadConvertList.isEmpty()){ List<Database.LeadConvertResult> lcrList = Database.convertLead(leadConvertList); } // build a map to correlate an opportunity and contact for role verification Map<Id, Id> opportunityToContactMap = new Map<Id, Id>(); List<OpportunityContactRole> oppConRoleSOQL = [SELECT Id, OpportunityId, ContactId FROM OpportunityContactRole WHERE IsPrimary = true AND Role = 'Decision Maker']; for(OpportunityContactRole opportunityContactRole : oppConRoleSOQL){ opportunityToContactMap.put(opportunityContactRole.OpportunityId, opportunityContactRole.ContactId); } // verify that the lookup was populated on the opportunity and that the opportunity contact roles were created Map<Id, Contact> oppIdToContactMap = new Map<Id, Contact>(); Map<Id, Contact> contactMap = new Map<Id, Contact>([SELECT Id, AccountId FROM Contact]); List<Opportunity> opportunityList = [SELECT Id, AccountId, Opportunity_Contact__c FROM Opportunity]; for(Opportunity opportunity : opportunityList) { Contact contact = contactMap.get(opportunity.Opportunity_Contact__c); System.assertEquals(opportunity.AccountId, contact.AccountId); System.assertEquals(opportunityToContactMap.get(opportunity.Id), opportunity.Opportunity_Contact__c); } // insert new contacts and change the opportunity contact List<Contact> contactList = TestData.generateContacts(numberOfRecords); for(Integer ii=0; ii<contactList.size(); ++ii){ contactList[ii].AccountId = opportunityList[ii].AccountId; } insert contactList; for(Integer ii=0; ii<opportunityList.size(); ++ii){ opportunityList[ii].Opportunity_Contact__c = contactList[ii].Id; } update opportunityList; // verify that the contact roles were updated opportunityToContactMap.clear(); // JKK created this line too. Same as above. oppConRoleSOQL = [SELECT Id, OpportunityId, ContactId FROM OpportunityContactRole WHERE IsPrimary = true AND Role = 'Decision Maker']; for(OpportunityContactRole opportunityContactRole : oppConRoleSOQL){ opportunityToContactMap.put(opportunityContactRole.OpportunityId, opportunityContactRole.ContactId); } for(Integer ii=0; ii<opportunityList.size(); ++ii) { Opportunity opportunity = opportunityList[ii]; System.assertEquals(opportunityToContactMap.get(opportunity.Id), opportunity.Opportunity_Contact__c); } } }
So, I can cause this to pass just by changing the Bulk trigger value from 200 to like, 10. What I would PREFER to do, is just run an if statement for the SOQL variables that says "if this variable already exists, don't run this query for it." If I just test for whether the variable is 'null', it'll just say that the variable doesn't exist. Well shoot, THAT'S what I'd like to test for, then! If it doesn't exist, do a thing! Or, will that not solve my governor limit problem?
Any ideas?
System.DmlException: ConvertLead failed. First exception on row 37; first error: UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION, System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries across namespaces: 1101 Class.OpportunityTriggerHandler.handleBeforeInsert: line 15, column 1 Trigger.OpportunityTrigger: line 15, column 1: []
Stack Trace: Class.Test_OpportunityTrigger.testOpportunityTriggersHelper: line 52, column 1 Class.Test_OpportunityTrigger.testOpportunityTriggersBulk: line 14, column 1
Based on the undersatding you are firing the trigger from Opportunity.
Bascially we need to change the Trigger context variable .
In trigger you can change the code
OpportunityTrigger Opty= new OpportunityTrigger ();
If(Trigger.IsInsert && Trigger.IsBefore)
Public void testOpportunityTriggersHelper(List<Opporunity >numberOfRecords)
Try to get the list of opty ID and get the values of Leads and opportunityContactRole and insert and update accordingly
Please let me know if you have any question.
Thanks! But I'm a little confused what part you're referencing. The code I provided above is a test class, and I'm trying to understand what's making it reach its governor limits. Maybe we should start with that. Can you point anything out (and describe) to me from the code I provided what looks like it might be causing the error?
Can i get the trigger and handler class code .
The Handler Class is here:
And Here is the opportunity trigger: