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Munira MajmundarMunira Majmundar 

Error on Set up Salesforce Connect Trailhead Exercise

Can folks who have completed Salesforce Connect Trailhead help?

I am getting the following error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
An external object with the API name Phone_Plan__x does not exist

The instruction on the Challenge says
Note that you will need to adjust the Object Names for the two external objects from the default setting after the initial sync.

So, I go to the External Object and changed the API to Phone_Plan__x

This gives me a validation error
Error: The Object Name field can only contain underscores and alphanumeric characters. It must be unique, begin with a letter, not include spaces, not end with an underscore, and not contain two consecutive underscores. 

It says the Object Name field should not contain two consecutive underscores.  But, the API name does contain two consecutive underscores at the end.

Can someone please help?


Best Answer chosen by Munira Majmundar
Sandeep WaliaSandeep Walia
Sharing a screenshot would have been helpful.

But an external object doen not allow to setup the API name.We can only change the Label,Plural Label and Object Name while creating the object as shown below:
User-added image

Instead of naming your object Phone_Plan__x,change it to just Phone Plan.

All Answers

Sandeep WaliaSandeep Walia
Sharing a screenshot would have been helpful.

But an external object doen not allow to setup the API name.We can only change the Label,Plural Label and Object Name while creating the object as shown below:
User-added image

Instead of naming your object Phone_Plan__x,change it to just Phone Plan.
This was selected as the best answer
Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
I hope you are adding __X in object Name ?. Simply add Phone Plan only.

The field name is automatically populated once you enter the label for a custom field. If you are still finding the error, then kindly replace the spaces with '_' (underscore) in your name field. As the Name field should contain only underscores and alphanumeric characters, and must be unique in your organization. It must begin with a letter, not include spaces, not end with an underscore, and not contain two consecutive underscores.

Please check below post

Let us know if this will help you
Munira MajmundarMunira Majmundar
Thanks Sandeep and Amit.  One learns in theory that field name automatically populates once one enters the lable for a custom field.  I have done this many times.  However, this mistake reenforces my understanding :)  Thanks again guys!!
Megan HooserMegan Hooser
I was just running into this problem and Sandeep, you solved it! I had manual adjsuted the API and the object name, resulting in the error. By adjusting just the object name I got completed. 
Munira MajmundarMunira Majmundar
Megan, did you try the third section yet?  Seems a bit knotty to me.  I am jotting on all the steps.  I am having a need to re-read it several times to really understand what it is asking :(
Jess BurghJess Burgh
User-added image
I'm still having issues with this challenge. I followed the steps and not sure where I'm going wrong.
David CantorDavid Cantor
I am having the same issue as Jess