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Gary Payne 9Gary Payne 9 

How to track multiple checklist milestones by product?

What is best practice for tracking a checklist of required tasks to implement a new product with a customer?  The sales rep closes a SFDC Opportunity and now the implmentation team must work with the customer to install the product and train the customer users of the product.  We have a custom object named Implementation Project that must be used to keep track of the process post-Opportunity Close-Won.  Two teams become invloved in the implementation: Technical and Training.  There are many steps involved in the implementation that require tracking and integration to workflows that send email alerts and Date stamp when the tasks are completed. Each product may have a different set of tasks to be performed and tracked.  Can anyone suggest a best approach to make this process work efficiently?
Create a reference object as a template for the checklists.  Load the table with records for the steps with a field for the product.  Include a sequence number field to order them.  When the Opportunity is closed or some other event, copy the records for that product from the template object and insert them into an Implementation Steps object that is a child of the Implementation Project object.   These records can be updated as the work gets done. If you make it master child relationship, you can can use rollup fields onto the Implementation Project object.  Chatter might be helpful too.