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Change Record Owner Automatically With The User Who Approves The Record After Approval Submission

Hi friends,

My Scenario is :

When a user submitts a record for approval. The the owner of the record should be changed.

It means that "AB" is the  current record owner and he submits for approval for "CD". Then the Owner field on the record should be
changed to "CD".

I need the Owner Field to be updated aautomatically with the user to whom the record was assigned for approval.

How can i achieve this friends.

Will i need to code or can this be achieved using standard functionalities

Any help friends..!
Nitin SharmaNitin Sharma
Yes you can do with standard functionalities . In approval process use field update for owner field and change it to another user.

Nitin Sharma
Dutta SouravDutta Sourav
Hi Dev,

Here is the option:
User-added image
Now choose the owner filed to be changed.

Hope this helps!
Best Regards,
Thanks for your response @ Dutta Sourav & Nitin Sharma

But here in intial submission action i need to select a user for owner change.

What i need is Owner field to be updated with the person who approves the records. There will be different users in my Org.
How do i specify here.

It means that the approver should be the record owner once the records subitted for approval. (For different approvers how do i specify this field update).

Could you guys please guide me in finishing off this...!

Below is the screenshot of the initial submission field update.

User-added image
Hi Dutta Sourav & Nitin Sharma,

Any Updates.......?