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Luca Benedettini 7Luca Benedettini 7 

Releted list of Case in VF page

Hi , i'm writing a VF page with standardcontroller "Case" but when i use tag <apex:relatedList list="Solutions" /> (or any other object i.e. Atthacments, Emails)  on page Cases, throw an error :
Solutions' is not a valid child relationship name for entity Case.
I don't unaderstand why, I want simply rebuild the releted list on the standard Case page record. Someone could help me please?
JyothsnaJyothsna (Salesforce Developers) 

Please check the below code.
<apex:page standardController="case">
   <apex:relatedList list="Cases" subject="{!Case.AccountId}"/>

There is no relationship between Case and Solution Objects. In the above code please replace the AccountId  field with other related object fields.Like ContactId, UserId etc.

Hope this helps you!