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Jonathan Pena
Display field value based on opportunity stage
I'm trying to create a formula field which wwill dsipalay an assigned value based on the opportunity stage:
For Example:
Lead/Idea Generation = 02-Noticed
Needs Analysis = 04-Validated
Request for Plan/Proposal = 05-Qualified
Working likely = 05-Qualified
Verbal = 05-Qualified
I/O In House - Order In = 06-Conditional
Contract Complete = 07-Won/Implementing
Lead Disqualified = Lost
Lost = Lost
Here is the formula field i started:
IF(ISPICKVAL(StageName ,"Lead/Idea Generation"), 02-Noticed),
If(ISPICKVAL(StageName ,"Needs Analysis"), 04-Validated),
If(ISPICKVAL(StageName ,"04-Validated"), 100, 0.1),
If(ISPICKVAL(StageName ,"Request for Plan/Proposal","Working likely","Verbal" ), 05-Qualified),
If(ISPICKVAL(StageName ,"I/O In House - Order In"), 06-Conditional),
If(ISPICKVAL(StageName ,"Contract Complete"), 07-Won/Implementing),
If(ISPICKVAL(StageName ,"Lead Disqualified", "Lost"), Lost
For Example:
Lead/Idea Generation = 02-Noticed
Needs Analysis = 04-Validated
Request for Plan/Proposal = 05-Qualified
Working likely = 05-Qualified
Verbal = 05-Qualified
I/O In House - Order In = 06-Conditional
Contract Complete = 07-Won/Implementing
Lead Disqualified = Lost
Lost = Lost
Here is the formula field i started:
IF(ISPICKVAL(StageName ,"Lead/Idea Generation"), 02-Noticed),
If(ISPICKVAL(StageName ,"Needs Analysis"), 04-Validated),
If(ISPICKVAL(StageName ,"04-Validated"), 100, 0.1),
If(ISPICKVAL(StageName ,"Request for Plan/Proposal","Working likely","Verbal" ), 05-Qualified),
If(ISPICKVAL(StageName ,"I/O In House - Order In"), 06-Conditional),
If(ISPICKVAL(StageName ,"Contract Complete"), 07-Won/Implementing),
If(ISPICKVAL(StageName ,"Lead Disqualified", "Lost"), Lost
All Answers
i wrote formula on opportunity leadsource field.
which is
case(field, condition, result, condition, result, condition, result, else);
Let me know if you have any difficulties
I assume that data type for this formula field is Text so return value should be added in single quotes or double quotes. Also if you are checking stage with multiple picklist values seperate those if conditions like
If(ISPICKVAL(StageName ,"Request for Plan/Proposal"), "05-Qualified"),
Example :
Commission Amounts
IF(ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Closed Won"), ROUND(Amount *0.02, 2), 0)
Hope this helps
Thank you so much for your help on this. Very helpful information which i can use for other business cases as well.
Once again, thank you for your input.