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Gerardo Rodriguez LaraGerardo Rodriguez Lara 

Validation Rule - unique text field with commas

Hello, I have a text field with values ​like: " Cats , dogs " or "banana , apple, orange ". The values ​​are texts separated by commas and can not be repeated in any order. Like I can't have two records, one with "cats, dogs" and other with "dogs, cats". how to create a validation rule for this?
Best Answer chosen by Gerardo Rodriguez Lara
veda Hebbarveda Hebbar

You cannot archive this using validation rule.Because in validation rule you cannot check other records value. You can use trigger for this.


All Answers

veda Hebbarveda Hebbar

You cannot archive this using validation rule.Because in validation rule you cannot check other records value. You can use trigger for this.

This was selected as the best answer
Gerardo Rodriguez LaraGerardo Rodriguez Lara