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Brian Evans 3Brian Evans 3 

chatter posting window gone?

I'm trying to use Chatter in my Dev Org for the Trailhead tutorial and the only options are for creating new actions, like "new account", "new trip", "new lead", etc.
The regular posting window for post, file, link, poll is not available.
Did I do something wrong when I enabled this, or click a wrong box somewhere else?
Best Answer chosen by Brian Evans 3
You can check the global publisher action page layout under Setup->Create->Global Actions->Publisher Layouts  and click edit the global action page layout to include the post, file, link and poll

All Answers

You can check the global publisher action page layout under Setup->Create->Global Actions->Publisher Layouts  and click edit the global action page layout to include the post, file, link and poll
This was selected as the best answer
Brian Evans 3Brian Evans 3
Thank you, Karanrajs. I just assumed those were default enabled.