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Sohel Shaikh 23
Account: execution of BeforeUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed.
Here two objects are used.Account and Schedule__c.
The main block's code is called by before trigger on account.
Trigger is on Account object.
It is not allowing me to update the Schedule__c object .
Please let me know why this error is encountered.
Error :
Error:Apex trigger Account caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: Account: execution of BeforeUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a0JM0000007bp55MAA; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, Schedule: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a05M000000ACmimIAD; first error: SELF_REFERENCE_FROM_TRIGGER, Object (id = 001M000000uSEuz) is currently in trigger Account, therefore it cannot recursively update itself: [] Class.ScheduleTrigger.updateCallsForSchedule: line 63, column 1 Trigger.Schedule: line 11, column 1: []: Class.AccountTrigger.NextCallCycleCheck: line 248, column 1
Main Block :
system.debug('Inside 6week block ');
boolean acctNextCycle = a.Next_Cycle_Call__c;
List<Schedule__c> wk6Schedules = new list<Schedule__c>();
if(a.Priority_Cycle_Frequency__c == 'K: 6 Week Cycles: Weeks 1-2' || a.Priority_Cycle_Frequency__c == 'L: 6 Week Cycles: Weeks 3-4' || a.Priority_Cycle_Frequency__c == 'M: 6 Week Cycles: Weeks 5-6'){
system.debug('Inside 6week if block ');
for(Schedule__c schedule : [SELECT Id,Store__c,Week__c FROM Schedule__c WHERE Active__c = 'Y' AND Status__c = 'Active' AND Route__r.Status__c = 'Active' AND Store__r.Active__c = 'Y' AND Store__c =: a.Id]){
system.debug('Inside schedule for loop ');
if (schedule.Week__c == 1 || schedule.Week__c == 2){
system.debug('Inside if block of week 1 and 2 ');
if (!acctNextCycle){
system.debug('Inside nextcall true ');
system.debug('Inside nextcall false ');
}else if (schedule.Week__c == 3 || schedule.Week__c == 4){
system.debug('Inside if block of week 3 and 4 ');
System.debug('all schedules to update are ...'+ wk6schedules);
if (wk6Schedules.size() > 0) {
Functions used in main block :
public static Account reverseAcctNextCycleCall(Account account){
system.debug('Inside reverseAcctNextCycleCall ');
Account schedAcct = new Account();
schedAcct = account;
if (schedAcct.Next_Cycle_Call__c){
schedAcct.Next_Cycle_Call__c = false;
schedAcct.Next_Cycle_Call__c = true;
system.debug('New next cycle call :'+schedAcct.Next_Cycle_Call__c);
system.debug('Exiting reverseAcctNextCycleCall');
return schedAcct;
public static Schedule__c update6wkSchedule(Schedule__c sched){
// if wk=1or2, +2 , if wk=3or4, -2
system.debug('inside update6wkSchedule');
Schedule__c schedule = sched;
Decimal existingWk = schedule.Week__c;
system.debug('Existing week : '+existingWk);
Decimal newWk = 0;
if (existingWk == 1 || existingWk == 2){
newWk = existingWk + 2;
}else if (existingWk == 3 || existingWk == 4){
newWk = existingWk - 2;
return schedule;
schedule.Week__c = newWk;
system.debug('New week : '+newWk+'schedule.Week__c : '+schedule.Week__c);
return schedule;
The main block's code is called by before trigger on account.
Trigger is on Account object.
It is not allowing me to update the Schedule__c object .
Please let me know why this error is encountered.
Error :
Error:Apex trigger Account caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: Account: execution of BeforeUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a0JM0000007bp55MAA; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, Schedule: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a05M000000ACmimIAD; first error: SELF_REFERENCE_FROM_TRIGGER, Object (id = 001M000000uSEuz) is currently in trigger Account, therefore it cannot recursively update itself: [] Class.ScheduleTrigger.updateCallsForSchedule: line 63, column 1 Trigger.Schedule: line 11, column 1: []: Class.AccountTrigger.NextCallCycleCheck: line 248, column 1
Main Block :
system.debug('Inside 6week block ');
boolean acctNextCycle = a.Next_Cycle_Call__c;
List<Schedule__c> wk6Schedules = new list<Schedule__c>();
if(a.Priority_Cycle_Frequency__c == 'K: 6 Week Cycles: Weeks 1-2' || a.Priority_Cycle_Frequency__c == 'L: 6 Week Cycles: Weeks 3-4' || a.Priority_Cycle_Frequency__c == 'M: 6 Week Cycles: Weeks 5-6'){
system.debug('Inside 6week if block ');
for(Schedule__c schedule : [SELECT Id,Store__c,Week__c FROM Schedule__c WHERE Active__c = 'Y' AND Status__c = 'Active' AND Route__r.Status__c = 'Active' AND Store__r.Active__c = 'Y' AND Store__c =: a.Id]){
system.debug('Inside schedule for loop ');
if (schedule.Week__c == 1 || schedule.Week__c == 2){
system.debug('Inside if block of week 1 and 2 ');
if (!acctNextCycle){
system.debug('Inside nextcall true ');
system.debug('Inside nextcall false ');
}else if (schedule.Week__c == 3 || schedule.Week__c == 4){
system.debug('Inside if block of week 3 and 4 ');
System.debug('all schedules to update are ...'+ wk6schedules);
if (wk6Schedules.size() > 0) {
Functions used in main block :
public static Account reverseAcctNextCycleCall(Account account){
system.debug('Inside reverseAcctNextCycleCall ');
Account schedAcct = new Account();
schedAcct = account;
if (schedAcct.Next_Cycle_Call__c){
schedAcct.Next_Cycle_Call__c = false;
schedAcct.Next_Cycle_Call__c = true;
system.debug('New next cycle call :'+schedAcct.Next_Cycle_Call__c);
system.debug('Exiting reverseAcctNextCycleCall');
return schedAcct;
public static Schedule__c update6wkSchedule(Schedule__c sched){
// if wk=1or2, +2 , if wk=3or4, -2
system.debug('inside update6wkSchedule');
Schedule__c schedule = sched;
Decimal existingWk = schedule.Week__c;
system.debug('Existing week : '+existingWk);
Decimal newWk = 0;
if (existingWk == 1 || existingWk == 2){
newWk = existingWk + 2;
}else if (existingWk == 3 || existingWk == 4){
newWk = existingWk - 2;
return schedule;
schedule.Week__c = newWk;
system.debug('New week : '+newWk+'schedule.Week__c : '+schedule.Week__c);
return schedule;
Kindly mark solved if this resolves the issue.
All Answers
Try removing that update statement and update the record asynchronously.
Hope this helps.
Could please tell me how to do it?
Shall I use @future to do it.
Kindly mark solved if this resolves the issue.
All before triggers does not need additional update - just change the values and before trigger will take care of new values.
Remove all the update DML operations.
Account and Schedule__c are related.
Also please let me know where I could find concept related to this master detail relaionship inn terms of trigger execution.
What are DOs and DONTs for triggers in Master Detail relationship?
I just update the Schedule__c object
Thanks everyone.
Could you please help me in this