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Danny IncompanyDanny Incompany 

Workflow Behaivior and Email alerts

Hi, we have a situation where a customer is stating that the workflow rules and alerts where working some way and we believe is technically imposible, however need to confirm this.

Object: Opportunity
Deposit_deadline__c = formula field that takes the deposit deadline from related Trip object.
npe01__Payments_Made__c = currency field

Object: Trips
Not_Alerts__c = checkbox field
Deposit_Deadline__c = date field

Workflow Criteria (in opportunity object):
AND( (TODAY() + 7 ) == Trip__r.Deposit_Deadline__c , npe01__Payments_Made__c != Amount,Trip__r.Not_Alerts__c = False)

If I edit the opportunity to comply with the rule criteria, and lets say the the deposit deadline is 7 days from now, the rulle will trigger or create the time trigger to trigger an alert for tomorrow or immediatelly (depending on how I have set it up). However, customer states that the deposit deadline date, if set for, lets say 7 days from next friday, then the alert will trigger on Friday, automatically, without having someone go and edit the opportunity.

I believe this is technically impossible, due that the alerts will trigger based upon creation or upon editing a trigger. Is it possible that if a rule today does not comply with rule criteria, but tomorrow does comply because date has changed for that time, triggers the alert? Or is it exctriclty necessary that a user has to edit or create the opportunity?

How would you recommend on setting payment reminders on Salesforce? I think with workflows it may not be possible.

I think there is a related idea on this:

Thanks for your help.

Best Answer chosen by Danny Incompany
Paul S.Paul S.
Yes, workflows are only evaluated when records are created or edited.  However, I don't believe that means they have to be edited via the UI.  Any process that causes the record to go through the save process will then cause the workflow rule to fire.  Do you have any rollup summary fields on the opportunity object?  If there was a change to the related records that are then summarized on the opportunity object, that would then cause the opportunity record to go through the save process.

All Answers

Paul S.Paul S.
Yes, workflows are only evaluated when records are created or edited.  However, I don't believe that means they have to be edited via the UI.  Any process that causes the record to go through the save process will then cause the workflow rule to fire.  Do you have any rollup summary fields on the opportunity object?  If there was a change to the related records that are then summarized on the opportunity object, that would then cause the opportunity record to go through the save process.
This was selected as the best answer
Danny IncompanyDanny Incompany
Thanks for your answer Paul, there seems to be some rolloups however they might not interfiere with the this. We believe there might be some sort of batch process doing this, however there is a managed package that won't allow us to check on the clases. So we might be contacting the developer that manages the package. 

I appreciate your time and answer. Good day!