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Workflow Behaivior and Email alerts
Hi, we have a situation where a customer is stating that the workflow rules and alerts where working some way and we believe is technically imposible, however need to confirm this.
Object: Opportunity
Deposit_deadline__c = formula field that takes the deposit deadline from related Trip object.
npe01__Payments_Made__c = currency field
Object: Trips
Not_Alerts__c = checkbox field
Deposit_Deadline__c = date field
Workflow Criteria (in opportunity object):
AND( (TODAY() + 7 ) == Trip__r.Deposit_Deadline__c , npe01__Payments_Made__c != Amount,Trip__r.Not_Alerts__c = False)
If I edit the opportunity to comply with the rule criteria, and lets say the the deposit deadline is 7 days from now, the rulle will trigger or create the time trigger to trigger an alert for tomorrow or immediatelly (depending on how I have set it up). However, customer states that the deposit deadline date, if set for, lets say 7 days from next friday, then the alert will trigger on Friday, automatically, without having someone go and edit the opportunity.
I believe this is technically impossible, due that the alerts will trigger based upon creation or upon editing a trigger. Is it possible that if a rule today does not comply with rule criteria, but tomorrow does comply because date has changed for that time, triggers the alert? Or is it exctriclty necessary that a user has to edit or create the opportunity?
How would you recommend on setting payment reminders on Salesforce? I think with workflows it may not be possible.
I think there is a related idea on this:
Thanks for your help.
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I appreciate your time and answer. Good day!