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Andrew Telford
Visualforce Email Template Not Showing Custom Object Values (SingleEmailMessage)
I have an issue where I am sending out SingleEmailMessage on mass using a visualforce enail template. Some of the information is in a custom object c0_mailout__c which I have in the email template as the relatedtotype. When I execite the script to test it, the email that I receive doesn't have the related details I am after (ci_mailout__c.file_password__c, ci_mailout_file_name__c). In debugging, I note that the relatedto ID doesn't appear to be present when the email is generated.
Based on this, I believe that my script isn't passing the relatedto information that the template requires. Is there a way using SingleEmailMessage to pass the relatedtoid to the email template?
Apex Class CI_Mailout
VisualForce Component ci_mailout_password
Visualforce Email Template
Based on this, I believe that my script isn't passing the relatedto information that the template requires. Is there a way using SingleEmailMessage to pass the relatedtoid to the email template?
Apex Class CI_Mailout
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- //-- Name: //-- CI_MailOut //-- //-- Purpose: //-- Used in conjunction with CI_Mailout__c //-- //-- Created by: //-- Andrew Telford //-- //-- Date: //-- 2016-06-02 //-- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUBLIC class CI_MailOut { PUBLIC CI_Mailout() {} PUBLIC ID mailoutID { get; set; } PUBLIC ID contactID { get; set; } PUBLIC LIST<CI_MAILOUT__C> objPasswords{ get; set; } PUBLIC LIST <ci_mailout__c> objMailout; PUBLIC LIST <attachment> objAttachment; PUBLIC LIST <Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> msgList = new List <Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> (); PUBLIC LIST <CI_MAILOUT__C> updateMailout = NEW LIST<CI_MAILOUT__C>(); PUBLIC LIST <EmailTemplate> objtemplate_email; PUBLIC LIST <EmailTemplate> objtemplate_password; PUBLIC STRING strTemplate_Initial; PUBLIC STRING strTemplate_Password; PUBLIC STRING strEmailFrom; PUBLIC STRING template_email_id; PUBLIC STRING template_password_id; STRING thisScript = 'CI_Mailout.apxc: '; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // //-- get_mail_attachment //-- //-- Use: //-- This is used as a component for visual force emails generated from ci_mailout__c // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUBLIC LIST<attachment> get_mail_attachment() { LIST<attachment> objAttachments; objAttachments = [SELECT ID FROM Attachment WHERE ParentID = :mailoutID]; RETURN objAttachments; } PUBLIC LIST<CI_MAILOUT__C> getPassword() { objPasswords = [SELECT recipient_first_name__c, recipient_last_name__c, File_Name__c, File_Password__c FROM CI_MAILOUT__C WHERE ID = :mailoutID]; SYSTEM.DEBUG(thisScript + 'getPassword - objPasswords size: ' + objPasswords.size()); RETURN objPasswords; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-- //-- send_mailout //-- //-- Use: //-- This is the process to actually send the email and will be triggered by a scheduled APEX //-- //-- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUBLIC VOID send_mailout(STRING mailOutName) { //-- Our variables BOOLEAN sndSuccess = FALSE; strTemplate_Initial = mailOutName; strTemplate_Password = mailOutName + ' - Password'; //-- Set the FROM email address for(OrgWideEmailAddress owa : [select id, Address, DisplayName from OrgWideEmailAddress]) { strEmailFrom =; } //-- Get the details of who we are going to send to objMailout = [SELECT Id, contact__c, contact__r.Name, recipient_first_name__c, recipient_last_name__c, caps__r.AccountID__c, file_password__c, email_address__c FROM ci_mailout__c WHERE Sent__c = FALSE AND Mailout_name__c = :strTemplate_Initial ORDER BY Policy_count__C Desc LIMIT 500]; SYSTEM.debug(thisScript + 'Size of Mailout: ' + objMailout.size()); //-- Get the Mailtemplate that we are going to use objTemplate_email = [SELECT id, Name FROM EmailTemplate WHERE Name = :strTemplate_Initial]; FOR(EmailTemplate thistemplate_email: objTemplate_email) { template_email_id =; SYSTEM.debug(thisScript + 'Initial Template: ' + thisTemplate_email.Name); } objTemplate_password = [SELECT id, Name FROM EmailTemplate WHERE Name = :strTemplate_Password]; FOR(EmailTemplate thistemplate_password: objTemplate_password) { template_password_id =; SYSTEM.debug(thisScript + 'Password Template: ' + thistemplate_password.Name); } FOR (ci_mailout__c thisMailOut: objMailout) { SYSTEM.debug(thisScript + 'Looping through the mailout data'); Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); email.setTargetObjectId(thisMailOut.contact__c); email.setTemplateId(template_email_id); email.setSaveAsActivity(true); email.setToAddresses(new String[] { thisMailout.email_address__c }); email.setTreatTargetObjectAsRecipient(FALSE); email.setUseSignature(FALSE); email.setOrgWideEmailAddressId(strEmailFrom); //-- Get the Email Attachment objAttachment = [SELECT ID, Name, ContentType, body FROM attachment WHERE ParentId = :thisMailOut.Id]; SYSTEM.debug(thisScript + 'No Attachments: ' + objAttachment.size()); if( objAttachment.size() > 0) { FOR(attachment thisAttachment: objAttachment) { SYSTEM.debug(thisScript + 'Looping through Attachment'); Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment(); efa.setFileName(thisAttachment.Name); efa.setBody(thisAttachment.body); efa.setContentType(thisAttachment.ContentType); email.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] {efa}); } } msgList.add(email); SYSTEM.debug(thisScript + 'Check if we have a password template'); IF ( objTemplate_password.size() > 0 ) { SYSTEM.debug(thisScript + 'Creating Password Email'); Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email_pass = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); email_pass.setToAddresses(new String[] { thisMailout.email_address__c }); email_pass.setTreatTargetObjectAsRecipient(FALSE); email_pass.setTargetObjectId(thisMailOut.contact__c); email_pass.setTemplateId(template_password_id); email_pass.setSaveAsActivity(true); email_pass.setUseSignature(FALSE); email_pass.setOrgWideEmailAddressId(strEmailFrom); msgList.add(email_pass); } } SYSTEM.DEBUG(thisScript + 'Message List size: ' + msgList.size()); IF( msgList.size() > 0 ) { List<Messaging.SendEmailResult> results = Messaging.sendEmail( msgList, false ); IF(!results.get(0).isSuccess()) { SYSTEM.DEBUG(thisScript + 'This was unsuccessful: ' + results[0].getErrors().get(0).getMessage()); } ELSE { FOR( CI_MAILOUT__C thisMailout: objMailOut) { thisMailout.Sent__C = TRUE; thisMailout.Sent_Date__c =; updateMailout.add( thisMailout ); } IF( !updateMailout.isEmpty() ) { update updateMailout; } } System.debug(thisScript + results ); } } }
VisualForce Component ci_mailout_password
<apex:component controller="CI_MailOut" access="global"> <apex:attribute name="mailID" type="Id" description="Mailout Reference" assignTo="{!mailoutID}" /> <apex:repeat value="{!Password}" var="p"> <p>Dear {!p.Recipient_First_Name__c}</p> <p>Here is your password to access your CommInsure client list. These clients will shortly receive information about CommInsure’s enhancement to medical definitions.</p> <ul> <li>File Name: {!p.File_Name__c} </li> <li>Password: {!p.File_Password__c}</li> </ul> </apex:repeat> </apex:component>
Visualforce Email Template
<messaging:emailTemplate subject="File password for enhancement of medical definitions communications to CommInsure clients" recipientType="Contact" relatedToType="CI_Mailout__c" replyTo=""> <messaging:HtmlEmailBody > <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no" /> <meta name="format-detection" content="date=no" /> <meta name="format-detection" content="address=no" /> <meta name="format-detection" content="time=no" /> <c:ci_email_style_sheet /> </head> <body style="-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; -webkit-touch-callout: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 100% !important"> <!-- Email Header - End --> <!-- Email Content --> <h3>File password for enhancement of medical definitions communications to CommInsure clients</h3> <p>Related to: {!RelatedTo.Id}</p><!-- DEBUG--> <p>Related Name: {!relatedTo.Name}</p><!-- DEBUG--> <c:CI_MailOut_Password mailID="{!}" /> <p>If you have any questions, please contact your Business Development Manager.</p> <!-- Email Content - End --> <!-- Email Signature --> <c:ci_email_signature /> <p> </p> <p> </p> <!-- Email Footer --> </body> </html> </messaging:HtmlEmailBody> </messaging:emailTemplate>
With a bit more searching, I was able to pass the ci_mailout__c id that the email template needs by adding the singleemailmessage attribute of and
Hope that helps anyone out there that needs this functionality