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Date field format in RelatedList

Hi all,

I have created a new Custom Object in Salesforce. This object has a lookup with the Account Object.

The problem is that in the RelatedList of this object in the Account Page, I see the standard field 'Created Date' with a Date Format.

Is it possibile to view this field with a DateTime Format ?

Thanks in advance.
Best Answer chosen by Rick_93

Unfortunately, I think you will need to create a separate Formula field with a Date Time type. You can then add CreatedDate in the formula text box. Use this field in the related list and it will show the complete date with time in the column.

All Answers


Unfortunately, I think you will need to create a separate Formula field with a Date Time type. You can then add CreatedDate in the formula text box. Use this field in the related list and it will show the complete date with time in the column.
This was selected as the best answer
Create a field in the Account Object called "DateTime" with the DateTime field selection.
In the layouts section of your custom object, select the "edit" button in the related list of the Opportunity, and add DateTime to it.
Create a workflow with the criteria everytime Opportunity Created = True, then modify the field "DateTime" to $System Date.

This will create a DateTime field modification everytime the opportunity is created.