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Guiomar Fernández de BobadillaGuiomar Fernández de Bobadilla 

Trailhead - Create an Account Using REST API and Workbench


I have this error when I try to check challenge:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find an account named 'Blackbeards Grog Emporium' created from Workbench with the Description 'The finest grog in the seven seas.'

In the next picture you can see what I send by the Workbench

User-added image

The result is succes and in my Developer Org I can see the Account created correctly, but the challenge isn't passed.
Best Answer chosen by Guiomar Fernández de Bobadilla
Guiomar Fernández de BobadillaGuiomar Fernández de Bobadilla
I've created other Account with the same Name and Description, so now I've the Account twice (but different ids) and now I passed the challenge! I don't know why.

In the Trailhead with SOAP Ui ( occurs the same. It's necessary create two Accounts to pass the challenge.

All Answers

Guiomar Fernández de BobadillaGuiomar Fernández de Bobadilla
Sorry, I don't k now what you mean. Which is the Task URL? The Trailhead URL where is the challenge?
Guiomar Fernández de BobadillaGuiomar Fernández de Bobadilla

Guiomar Fernández de BobadillaGuiomar Fernández de Bobadilla
I've created other Account with the same Name and Description, so now I've the Account twice (but different ids) and now I passed the challenge! I don't know why.

In the Trailhead with SOAP Ui ( occurs the same. It's necessary create two Accounts to pass the challenge.
This was selected as the best answer
Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
Yes this really strange. I also tested same. After executing same request twice its working fine.
  "Name" : "Blackbeards Grog Emporium",
  "description" : "The finest grog in the seven seas."

User-added image

I submitted the feedback in salesforce from below window. You can also add your feedback for same module
User-added image

I think my work is correct, but the challenge verification is still giving me an error.
If you think you've completed the challenge correctly, but you are still getting errors, make sure that you are using a fresh Developer Edition that does not have a namespace prefix. (What is a namespace prefix?) If you are still having trouble, use the “Share Feedback” button in the footer or on the right column to send a support request.

Let us know if this will help you
Guiomar Fernández de BobadillaGuiomar Fernández de Bobadilla
I added my feedback in the module talking about my problem and the solution. In addition link this post in the feedback.

Thank you!
Jeff DouglasJeff Douglas
Thanks! I've made a small change which should appear shortly. Thanks for the feedback!

Jeff Douglas
Trailhead Developer Advocate
I think it works if you give description ending with dot (.), may be validating complete text. Initially it hasn't worked for me, later when i copied the exact text it worked.

  "Name" : "Blackbeards Grog Emporium",
  "description" : "The finest grog in the seven seas."
Arun Chaubey 6Arun Chaubey 6
Hi Everyone, I am also getting the same error, even after executing the below code several times, in application I can see the account is created but not able to pass the challenge - 

  "Name" : "Blackbeards Grog Emporium",
  "description" : "The finest grog in the seven seas."
Tolga SunarTolga Sunar
I can't pass this challenge. Tried everything suggested above. Please fix this.
I feel the Trailhead validation for this challenge is failing, you must have done the exercise as expected though it gave you a error. Even i got error multiple times, then I tried to insert the  Account twice through workbench, then i deleted both and again inserted... it worked. This is not be a guidence or help but if you go back and check none of the response have final solution, expect a promise from Jeff that it will be taken care. Make sure that you are not directly modifying any data from UI
Jeff DouglasJeff Douglas
All, sorry for the inconvenience. We are updating this on the next release. In the meantime, run the following query and ensure there is only 1 record in your org with the correct name and description. You may have multiple records if you ran the process a number of times for testing.
select id, description from account where name = 'Blackbeards Grog Emporium'

Jeff Douglas
Trailhead Developer Advocate
Hi Jeff,
I'm getting the below error when Check Challenge.

There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: QPFKIMCY. Error: Faraday::ClientError. Message: INVALID_FIELD: description from account where name = 'Blackbeards Grog Emporium' ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:43 encrypted field 'name' cannot be filtered in a query call

Please help.
Jeff DouglasJeff Douglas
It looks like you are using an org that was used for another challenge where you encrypted the name field in accounts. You won't be able to pass this challenge with that org, you'll have to sign up for a new DE org and do the challenge in that one.

Jeff Douglas
Trailhead Developer Advocate
Thank you Jeff.
Is there a way to revert back encrypting the name field in accounts? I would like to verify the settings.
Sarah Rosada Ovington-SchwaabSarah Rosada Ovington-Schwaab
Ha Ha Ha, I forgot the period after seas(.) and re executed, and it passed!!
Naveen ChoudharyNaveen Choudhary
It's working fine. use the below snippet as mentioned in the exercise as it is
  "Name" : "Blackbeards Grog Emporium",
  "description" : "The finest grog in the seven seas."
Hey team. I'm getting this error when trying to create an Account.

HTTP Method 'POST' not allowed. Allowed are HEAD,GET

Is this due to a previous Trail I may have completed?
Mira CavéMira Cavé
Hi Team,
I am getting the same error message as Rasforce1 above. Can you help, please?
(the GET and HEAD service does work fine, btw)
Juan AcostaJuan Acosta
Hi Guys, 

In my case, the issue is different. I can create the account. However, the description field always appear as New description

User-added image

I tried using the v36.0 and the version v37.0
  "Name" : "Blackbeards Grog Emporium",
  "ShippingCity" : "New York",
  "description" : "The finest grog in the seven seas."

However, the issue is always the same. The description field that is the type Long Text Area(32000), apparently cannot be changed on creation. 

I will use the update record in workbench to pass the challenge and update the description field as required. 

Kind regards, 


P.s: I tried with Description or description, so, the issue is not case sensitive.

Abhishek ShakrawarAbhishek Shakrawar
Hello all,

Here's the workaround for this trail.

Error Message : ERROR at Row:1:Column:43 encrypted field 'name' cannot be filtered in a query call.

Issue : Name field is being encrypted, hence you will not be able to clear this trail with your existing Dev Org.

Resolution : Create a new dev org :
You can easily link the new dev org with your existing trail head Id

Now login into Workbench with new dev id :
Select Post MEthod and paste the follwing :

  "Name" : "Blackbeards Grog Emporium",
  "description" : "The finest grog in the seven seas."

And you will pass...

Sydney ZinkSydney Zink
Ya that didn't work either
David McFaddenDavid McFadden
I had the same issue and found that the description field had the value of "New Description"  Deleted all the trigger runing on the Account object and the description field received the correct text, "The finest grog in the seven seas."  Passed the challenge after killing triggers
Nilotpal RoyNilotpal Roy
Hi All,
Please make sure you use (.) "description" : "The finest grog in the seven seas."

User-added image

/services/data/v39.0/query/?q=SELECT+description+From+Account+WHERE+Name='Blackbeards Grog Emporium'

 to Execute using GET

User-added image

Hope this will helps.

Nilotpal Roy.
Namespace is the culprit behind this error. I created a fresh org and was able to succeed the challenge.
shashi kumar 58shashi kumar 58

1. Click the below link from Workbench
2. Run click on post->/services/data/v39.0/sobjects/account
3. Run the below code in Requested Body
  "Name" : "Blackbeards Grog Emporium",
  "description" : "The finest grog in the seven seas."

User-added image
4. Click on Account and Search the Account-->Blackbeards Grog Emporium
5. Add the description-->
The finest grog in the seven seas.

6. Save 

7. Check your trail challenge.

Sudhakara Babu NalluriSudhakara Babu Nalluri
Hi Rosforce1 and Meera,

I also got the same error as 'METHOD NOT ALLOWED. HTTP Method 'POST' not allowed. Allowed are HEAD,GET'. The reason for this error is not having correct URI path. Please change the URI to '/services/data/v41.0/sobjects/account' and click Execute. You should not see the error now and you should see account created message. Challenge is passed now!

Rafael MoreiraRafael Moreira

I tried everything you said, but nothing works.

My Code:
  "Name" : "Blackbeards Grog Emporium",
  "description" : "The finest grog in the seven seas."

My Select:

Anyone can help me?
asim saeed 19asim saeed 19
I think you gave extra space after ." 
Josip KrajnovićJosip Krajnović
The Trailhead validation for this challenge isn't working properly, created two or more accounts on several orgs, after some time and switching between them it suddenly passed...wierd and frustrating. All other challenges in this Module passed with the first try.
Kamlakar PatilKamlakar Patil

How can I get access to Workbench for completing these exercises? I am getting following error when I try to login to workbench:

Login screen

Error message after login

Any ideas how to proceed on this?

Bhuvanesh MohankumarBhuvanesh Mohankumar
It should work,

Select Production and select any version [Latest recommended]
Check the Agree to terms of service and log in with your Trailhead credentials
Let me know if you face any issue [Note: you should logged in your sales force using same credentials]

Log in to your Trailhead DE org and navigate to Workbench.
For Environment, select Production.
For API Version, select the highest available number.
Make sure that you select I agree to the terms of service.
Click Login with Salesforce. 
Bhuvanesh MohankumarBhuvanesh Mohankumar
I have explained you the steps with screen shots, Since I have already logged in my salesforce, the User name is already displaying in right top.

Once you log in successfully, you have to "ACCEPT" for allowing workspace to install in your salesforce

You can see following steps.

First Login
User-added image
User-added image
Kamlakar PatilKamlakar Patil
Hi Bhuvanesh,

I always get "invalid_grant: ip restricted" error after login with my Salesforce credentials to Workbench, any ideas how to overcome that?

Thanks for your help.

Kamlakar PatilKamlakar Patil
After using different URL for workbench:, I was able to login, but then getting error as seen in the
following screen shot:

User-added image

Any help would be appreciated.

Bhuvanesh MohankumarBhuvanesh Mohankumar
Hi Kamlakar,

I tried the same, only difference is I tried using the following API version, it workes for me

Method: POST
API: /services/data/v41.0/sobjects/account
Request Headers : click on Header button to see the value
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Accept: application/json
Request Body:
"name" : "Blackbeards Grog Emporium",
"description" : "The finest grog in the seven seas."

User-added image

Kamlakar PatilKamlakar Patil
Thanks @Bhuvanesh Mohankumar, it is working for me also now.
Edison Raj 9Edison Raj 9
Hi Jeff,
            Still I could not pass this challenge even after creating 2 Accouns with unique IDs.
Pls suggest some solution
Santosh Kumar PradhanSantosh Kumar Pradhan

Hi all,

This seems to be problem with old Salesforce Orgs, where you could not even run a query in Developer Console like follows

[SELECT Id FROM Account WEHER Name = 'hi'] 
//gives error in developer console saying that name can not be filtered
New orgs does not give this error.
Aparna Krishnan PAparna Krishnan P

It's Veryy Easyyy!!!

Make sure you all are separating the Name and Description feilds by "comma"  ( I mean this one symbol ",")   that's enough it is simple as that. Don't confuse more.
Its working for me. 

Don't forget to appreciate if it good for you! 
Hit the Like button!
vishal Srivastava 30vishal Srivastava 30
I logged into developer edition "in choose your hands on org" and link it with trailhead playground and then check for challenge. 
Thomas Qvist Krüger 1Thomas Qvist Krüger 1
I logged into developer edition "in choose your hands on org" and link it with trailhead playground and then check for challenge. 

This worked for me
Vinay SalveVinay Salve
Hi Team,

I have created the account as instructed quite a few times, however still not able to clear tralhead challenge though the account creation is a success.

Kindly assist what needs to be done, thanks for your support

  "Name" : "Blackbeards Grog Emporium",
  "description" : "The finest grog in the seven seas."

Vinay Kumar Salve
Vinay SalveVinay Salve
Hello All,

I am using the following code, however I am getting the error as "There was an issue processing your verification. Please refresh the page and try again".

  "Name" : "Blackbeards Grog Emporium",
  "description" : "The finest grog in the seven seas."

Please assist, thanks 
Todd KadasTodd Kadas
Thanks @Vinay. I must have been drinking too much grog to realize that I forgot the period after seas  argh!!!!!!
Anand DolasAnand Dolas
Hello,  I am trying to create account with REST API for the challenge.
Executing POST method on account object,


"Name": "Blackbeards Grog Emporium",
"description": "The finest grog in the seven seas."

However getting below error,


message: We can't save this record because the “contact addresses sync” process failed. Give your Salesforce admin these details. <b>An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow</b><br>An unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Please contact your system administrator for more information. Error ID: 588943896-195845 (1867836330)

Please help.

alberto pillaialberto pillai
Hi guys, you've probably done the trail previously
so you still have a trigger like this

trigger HelloWorldTrigger on Account (before insert) {
    for(Account a : Trigger.New) {
        a.Description = 'New description';

Deactivate it and you will have the description field correctly set