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Thomas DeSelms 7Thomas DeSelms 7 

How to update Campaign Member status dynamically from a custom object field?

I am attempting to update the Campaign Member status depending on the edit of a picklist field on a custom object called Application. Applications records have the Campaign ID and Contact ID as lookup fields in them.

For example, ABC applies to one of our programs, in Salesforce an application record and campaign member record are created for ABC. When the application status field is changed from New to Rejected, I want the campaign member status field to change from Registered to Denied.

I'm pretty sure I can use process builder with flows to do this. As in have a process that runs when an application is edited and use flows to capture the Contact ID and Campaign ID on the Application record as input variables to use in the process builder to locate the Campaign Member record and update it. That's my loose understanding. Can anybody help and give me more indepth directions?
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Thomas,

Please follow below steps.
  • For doing this let's say we create a custom status field in contact object and we update this field as "Denied" by writing a process on Application object using process builder. so we create a process on Application object and when the status of Application status field value changes to Rejected then we do a record update action and update related contact custom status field. 
  • We create a process on contact object on the status change to Rejected and then do a record update action . we can select the campaign member object to be updated and then we update the status to Denied.
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