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Rajendra RathoreRajendra Rathore 

VF Email Template With VF Component(Controller) Not Working For Community Forgot password

Hi All,

I had changed Email template for "Forgot Password" as VF Email Template that contains a VF Component in Salesforce Community.
But when that VF Email Template -->VF Component have controller then email is not sent out.
If i remove controller from VF component and it's working fine.
Here is component code:
<apex:component controller="UserInfoCntrl" access="global" allowDML="true">


Here is Controller Code for component :
global class UserInfoCntrl{

Did any one familiar with that issues?

Rajendra RathoreRajendra Rathore
Community Forgot Password VF Email Template
Prafull Choudhary 12Prafull Choudhary 12
@rajendra, did you find any solution for this?