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surya singh 9
I am beginner : Not able to solve Trailhead challange for-Developer Beginner :Process Automation-Automate Basic Business Processes with Process Builder
I am beginner : Not able to solve Trailhead challange for-Developer Beginner :Process Automation-Automate Basic Business Processes with Process Builder
Create a process to update child record when the parent is updated.
You've been given a requirement to keep Contact addresses in sync with the Account they belong to. Use Process Builder to create a new process that updates all child Contact addresses when the address of the Account record is updated. This process:
Can have any name.
Must be activated.
Must update Contact mailing address fields (Street, City, State, Post Code, Country) when the parent Account shipping address field values are updated.
NOTE: You may have to deactivate the validation rule for the Contacts object (created from a previous challenge) in order to complete this challenge."
What I had tried
Deleted validation rule on contact from previous challange.
Using Process builder created new Process with below details
Object: Account
Criteria:'Update Address' with condidtion
Field: selected shipping street, city, state,postalcode and country
Operator: Ischanged
Type: boolean
value: true
Any condition met (OR)
For Immediate action
Action name: Mailing address change
Records: Account.contacts
Criteria for Updating Records:No criteria—just update the records!
Set new field values for the records you update:
Field: selected Mailing street, city, state,postalcode and country
Type: Reference
value: selected shipping street, city, state,postalcode and country
after this saved and activated. So Once I check challange got below error:
"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
An update to an account record failed to update the mailing address fields of all child contact records. Make sure that the process is correct and that it is activated."
So Please help.
Create a process to update child record when the parent is updated.
You've been given a requirement to keep Contact addresses in sync with the Account they belong to. Use Process Builder to create a new process that updates all child Contact addresses when the address of the Account record is updated. This process:
Can have any name.
Must be activated.
Must update Contact mailing address fields (Street, City, State, Post Code, Country) when the parent Account shipping address field values are updated.
NOTE: You may have to deactivate the validation rule for the Contacts object (created from a previous challenge) in order to complete this challenge."
What I had tried
Deleted validation rule on contact from previous challange.
Using Process builder created new Process with below details
Object: Account
Criteria:'Update Address' with condidtion
Field: selected shipping street, city, state,postalcode and country
Operator: Ischanged
Type: boolean
value: true
Any condition met (OR)
For Immediate action
Action name: Mailing address change
Records: Account.contacts
Criteria for Updating Records:No criteria—just update the records!
Set new field values for the records you update:
Field: selected Mailing street, city, state,postalcode and country
Type: Reference
value: selected shipping street, city, state,postalcode and country
after this saved and activated. So Once I check challange got below error:
"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
An update to an account record failed to update the mailing address fields of all child contact records. Make sure that the process is correct and that it is activated."
So Please help.
To complete the above challenge follow the steps below:
1) Select the object
2) Add criteria
3) Add immediate action
Hope it helps you
thanks for reply But Probelm still not solved. It says
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
An update to an account record failed to update the mailing address fields of all child contact records. Make sure that the process is correct and that it is activated.
Just choose No Criteria - just execute the actions!
then move to the Immediate Actions. Mine looks like this:
Save it, then Activate.
Before I started the challenge again, I deactivated the Validation Rule under Contacts from a previous challenge.
I hope this helps!
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0019000001rTgN5AAK; first error: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, There's a problem with this country, even though it may appear correct. Please select a country/territory from the list of valid countries.: [ShippingCountry]
Any suggestion guys?
I faced the same issue. I exactly did what you did. I followed Ajay's steps and got the issue. I felt I did everything correct but still got the issue. So this is what I did and it resolved the issue. I actually created too many clones of the first process and never deleted any of the old ones. Everytime I used to deactivate the old ones and thought only the active ones will get validated. For some reason I felt like deleting everything and start from scratch. And it worked like a charm. Hope this helps. Thanks.
In the exercise it only says I need to delete the validation for Contact, but seems you need to delete the one for Account too.
It was bringing up an error with this in it: Account number must be 8 characters long
Thank you Jan Michelle Laureola and everybody else for contributing!
I believe my lack of understanding SF formulas is hindering me from these thought processes sometimes..
Need more training on formula excercise and pb any ideas where to start?
In my experience, the issue also had to do with a validation rule created on the Account object (has to do with making the account number be numeric). Once you deactivate it, the process works. Good luck!
This was a difficult challenge partly because the items to update aren't the main object. There seem to be a few ways to solve this one for sure.
My original route was "just executing the actions" to update the records without any check in the critieria. For the immediate action, I then checked to see if each part of mailing address on the contact didn't match the shipping address on the account with one check for each address element asked for in the challenge. Then I came on here and saw Ajay's solution and the "is changed" operator for the account. To me that seems more efficient programatically, but hard to tell. I tried it that way as well.
For those that were wondering, I didn't include any null checks. Mainly because the "ask" was any changes. If any of the fields were changed from null, the process would trigger. If they were all still null, they wouldn't have changed. didn't see the need to create another condition/check.
I am facing the same issue but the strange thing is my process is wokring fine it updates contacts but trailhead is unable to catch it and says
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
An update to an account record failed to update the mailing address fields of all child contact records. Make sure that the process is correct and that it is activated.
Any suggestions?
This youtube video really helped me
Be sure there are no active validation rules.
Make sure you don't have any other active processes
Make sure the process is evaluated when the record is created AND edited. This is option you choose when setting up the object node.
@Ajay's was close and I did not try his exactly but I did not need the "isnull" operator in the criteria node for this to pass. Just the "IsChanged" operator. If you tried Ajay's way and are still having an issue try removing those.
Be sure there are no active validation rules.
Make sure you don't have any other active processes
Make sure the process is evaluated when the record is created AND edited. This is option you choose when setting up the object node.
@Ajay's was close and I did not try his exactly but I did not need the "isnull" operator in the criteria node for this to pass. Just the "IsChanged" operator. If you tried Ajay's way and are still having an issue try removing those.
I followed @Ajay K Dubedi advice and it worked for me perfectly. Only there's no need putting in Criteria "is null" fields:)
Thanks man!
You may need to zoom to view the images properly. :)
I had the same issue and is resolved now. Try disabling State and Country/Territory Picklists in the Setup Menu.
I hope this helps!
I faced the same problem. After recreating the whole process and thanks to this thread I figured out, that a validation rule I created in the account object caused all the trouble. So alwas keep the account object clean.
I spent far too much time on this one...
Jan Michelle Laureola Thanks that worked for me.
Though there are numerous posts on this, though I tried all those steps, starting from deleting any validation rules on Account object and the Contact object, deactivating previous versions of process builder, tried both shipping and billing address from account, though it worked perfectly on the Salesforce ( Contact got updated when Account's so and so field changed), the challenge is not complete. Its 500 points to loose. I am just wondering what else could buy this.
Thanks for the tip of disabling Country/Territory Picklist; this was my hang up. And thanks to all the other tippers who helped me drill down this issue.
If anyone facing this issue,please create this process builder in new playground. There might be some issues with your old playground.
I have also tried the same and it worked for me.
"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
An update to an account record failed to update the mailing address fields of all child contact records. Make sure that the process is correct and that it is activated." ? My contacts are updating with the account shipping address change.
Hi All,
I had the same issue, but Ajay's solution worked! I also used a new playground and built it up from scratch.
I have same issue: "An update to an account record failed to update the mailing address fields of all child contact records. Make sure that the process is correct and that it is activated."... After configuring the process I verified that changing any adress value on account information, the contact fields are automatically changed (I tried an account with two contacts and verified both contacts are correctly updated)... so the process as I defined seems to be working properly but exercise checking is verifying something different. Additionally I verified that in the "Define Criteria", in the "Set conditions" step I need to set boolean value to "FALSE" instead of "TRUE" to make the process to work properly and detect the changes in account fields (but this makes no sense from a logical point of view)... so it seems that there is not only an issue with exercise checking but also with process logic in the SF code... I tried different ways to verify all of this... creating a new playground, defining the process for a single field instead of 5 different fields (easiest way to check that the boolean value need to be configured as FALSE instead of TRUE), removing the criteria conditions ("No criteria—just execute the actions!")... in all the cases checking manually I'm able to change the value of the account field (shipment information) and automatically mailing information of contact registers is replaced by new value... so in all the cases the process seems to be working are requested in the exercice but in all the cases same error message... "An update to an account record failed to update the mailing address fields of all child contact records. Make sure that the process is correct and that it is activated."
I followed Jan's advice (thanks Jan) and was able to complete the trail, but I had to dissable an "8 character limit" validation rule under the Account object. I am very confused as to why this error was presented in the first place. This process was only affecting mailing information under the account object, not the account number. Here is a screenshot of the field values that where selected to be updated:
As you can see, nothing was selected that should have changed or effect the account number. Regardless, I recieved the following error message when I first tried submitting the challenge:
Can anyone provide any insight as to what is causing this error?
Even I am facing the error for Automate Simple Business Processes with Process Builder
Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Loan_Amount__c]: [Loan_Amount__c]
Can anybody help.....
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0010K00001qxtPaQAI; first error: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, There's a problem with this country, even though it may appear correct. Please select a country/territory from the list of valid countries.: [ShippingCountry]
Please help me?
Thank you
1) Make sure you delete any previous processes building attempts for this exercise (do not only deactivate, delete them)...
2) Also, make sure you deactivate both of the created Validation Rules from Account and Contact objects.
Both of the above criterias needed to be verified before this challenge would pass.
(Try on your own first, see vid for "answer" -
I had same issue and i found out that solutions is quite simple.
We have to make sure that value is selected to True. By default its set to False.
I deleted all cloned process builder and started from zero. Following @kaushik tips, I got it.
For those suffering from the
FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, There's a problem with this country, even though it may appear correct. Please select a country/territory from the list of valid countries.: [ShippingCountry]
I was not able to make it work in an old dev org that existed before State/County picklists were added. Switching to a new Trailhead Playground resolved the issue.
Somebody asked for you request ? i have the same error in the same Trailhead !
If some one had the answer for this ! ?
Jan Michelle Laureola thanks for your help, I tried to solve the problem many times but failed, finally through your solution I passed the challenge.
Thank you Jan Michelle your instructions definitely helped!
for anyone else still having problems on this make sure of a few things.
1. validation rules on account are disabled.
2. validation rules on contact are disabled.
3. that you are changing the MAILING city/ etc from the CONTACTS record.
and that the value is the SHIPPING city/country etc.
I was able to complete the task. As many of us know, even though the criteria is entered correctly for - shipping address of account if changed -> should change the contact mailing address, it wasn't working for most of us. I tried a different way and it worked.
2) Next, i created the process to update the Contact.BillingAddress. This is the process criteria most of us got right.
2.1 - Object-> Account, Created & Edited.
2.2 - Criteria -> Account.ShippingAddresses -> IsChanged to True.
2.3 - No Criteria!, Just update the records -> Field Values for the records you update ->
Contact.MailingAddresses Reference Account.ShippingAddresses
Note: All the 'es for address' is nothing but you Country, State, City, Street, PostalCode.
Please comment if it worked for you.
I was able to complete the task. As many of us know, even though the criteria is entered correctly for - shipping address of account if changed -> should change the contact mailing address, it wasn't working for most of us. I tried a different way and it worked.
2) Next, i created the process to update the Contact.BillingAddress. This is the process criteria most of us got right.
2.1 - Object-> Account, Created & Edited.
2.2 - Criteria -> Account.ShippingAddresses -> IsChanged to True.
2.3 - No Criteria!, Just update the records -> Field Values for the records you update ->
Contact.MailingAddresses Reference Account.ShippingAddresses
Note: All the 'es for address' is nothing but you Country, State, City, Street, PostalCode.
Please comment if it worked for you.
If anyone facing an issue with this module, Please ensure that you have to set conditions on 5 fields
Shipping Street,
Shipping City,
Shipping State,
Shipping Postal Code,
Shipping Country.
Don't forget to apply condition as like below
After setting the criteria , come to immediate actions and update records as like below it will work.
Activate the process and check by changing shipping address fields in Account object, It will automatically change the values in contact object(Mailing address fields)
Thanks @KanovaMitchell was super helpful :)
I did tried soo many times. But finally passed this challenge. Trick was simple. Just map the fields as asked in challange. refer below. please mark it as best answer, If it resolves your issue
Look for the file attached for detailed steps.
Select Account.Shipping.Street, city, State, Postal code, Country in criteria
update street,city,state,postal code and country on Contact.
Hi guys, I was also running into issues but got it to work! Process
My final process looked like Vijay's.
Thanks, everyone!
Hope that helps someone.
Challenge Requirements
The page must be named CreateContact
It must reference the Contact standard controller
It must use a Visualforce apex:form component
It must have three apex:inputField components bound to the following Contact fields:
First Name
Last Name
It must have an apex:commandButton component that uses the save method from the standard controller"
can you please help?
I have gone through comments above for Process Builder trailhead challenge. But i was still getting an error. Finally I have created a new playground, & created a new process in it. Still I am getting same error.
PFB steps I have done.
I have checked that there are no validation rules on Account & Contacts object.
Could anyone help to resolve this issue?
"Challenge not yet complete in My Trailhead Playground 6
An update to an account record failed to update the mailing address fields of all child contact records. Make sure that the process is correct and that it is activated."
Made all the difference.
I have seen a lot of people having issues in this particular trail, Even after following the correct steps you are facing the errors. This might happen due to some validation rules or other processes, conditions, etc. The best way to overcome this issue is to create a new Trailhead Playground and simply create the process, That will surely work.
Happy Trailblazing!
Dev Sahu
Salesforce, if you are watching, correct the instructions, this assessment is causing lot of confusion.
Next, after correcting the above, I had a typo where I was mapping the MailingCity field on the Contact to the ShippingStrret on the Account. This would fail hte challenge check. I corrected the mistake, that is, set the mapping to [Account].ShippingCity and Activated the Process. However, note that I had not saved my changes and so my changes were discarded. It would have been nice if the editor had provided a warning asking me to save (or discard) my changes prior to Activation. The solution was to make the changes, hit Save at the bottom, and then hit Activate at the top.
Here is a quick short detailed video with scenario explanation for this challenge hope this helps you
Automate Business Process with Process Builder (
SOLUTION FOR THE TRAILHEAD CHALLENGE- "Create a process to automate field updates"
Process Name - Update Contact Address
Object -Object - Account
Start the process - when a record is created or edited
Advanced - Leave as default
Criteria - Criteria Name - Account Shipping Address Changes
Criteria - Conditions are met
Set Conditions -
Field - Account > Shipping City, Country, Zip/Postal Code, State/Province, Street
Operator - Is null, Is changed
Type - Boolean
Value - False, True (with respect to the operator)
Conditions - Any of the conditions are met (OR)
Advanced - Leave it as default
Action - Immediate Action Immediate Action
Action Name - Update Contact Mailing Address
Record - Account > Contacts
Criteria for Updating Records - No criteria—just update the records
Set new field values -
Field - Mailing City, Country, Zip/Postal Code, State/Province, Street
Type - Field Reference
Value - Shipping City, Country, Zip/Postal Code, State/Province, Street
IF THE ABOVE SOLUTION THROWS THIS ERROR- We updated the shipping address in an account record, but we can’t find the new address values in each child contact’s mailing address. Make sure the process is active.
To successfully complete and verify the challenge, the testcase needs to run first. The org has Validation Rules created on the Account and Contact Object that are casuing error.
Check Validation Rules on Account and Contact Object > Deactivate the rules :> Uncheck the Active Checkbox to Deactivate
PS: If my answer helps you to solve your problem please mark it as best answer. It will help other trailbalzers too.
So, just with a new PlayGround you are going to pass through this challenge.