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Ajay Anikar H RAjay Anikar H R 

Superbadge: Security Specialist Module


Part of the module is where you create couple of profiles with object level permissions. Accordingly i have set the right permissions for account object (R/E/VA), Opportunity (R/C/E) -- NO VIEW ALL for Field Sales Profile.

Everytime i check the challenge am getting below error; any help.
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Field Sales User does not appear to have the correct object permissions for Accounts and Opportunities.
Best Answer chosen by Ajay Anikar H R
N.M. SharmaN.M. Sharma
NO NO So far according to my Experience with ThrailHead if we miss someting very small it throwen error at that time we make really a very small mistake we make in it and when we grab this we found it is very small.

All Answers

N.M. SharmaN.M. Sharma
I think you need to read all the scnario. 
You are missing some thing thats why you facing error.
Ajay Anikar H RAjay Anikar H R
Thanks Sharma for the response, i have gone through the requirements multiple times now and have recreated the profile as many times as well. I got it fired from couple of my friends as well.

Just wondering if others were able to proceed without this error.

N.M. SharmaN.M. Sharma
NO NO So far according to my Experience with ThrailHead if we miss someting very small it throwen error at that time we make really a very small mistake we make in it and when we grab this we found it is very small.
This was selected as the best answer
I'm also stuck with similar error.
<<​Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Project Management User does not appear to have the correct object permissions for Accounts and Opportunities.>>

Project Management User should have Read access to opportunity and for Accounts it is not clear from the meeting notes and I have tried a different combinations but no luck.

I think their robot along with problem description needs some work for this trail 

Ajay Anikar H RAjay Anikar H R
Update: I was able to move forward on this challenge; started re-creating the profiles and really going through the notes word by word as suggested by Sharma (thanks to him).

Marking this as resolved. 
Yury BondarauYury Bondarau
Hi Guys, 
Experienced the problem with Field Sales User Profile. Please see the screenshots:

Task Description:
User-added image

Field Sale User profile configuration:
User-added image

Actual Result:
User-added image

Can somebody help me to figura out what is missed? 
@Ajay Anikar, could you please post a screenshot of your profile configuration that allowed you to pass this step?
Ajay Anikar H RAjay Anikar H R
Remove the View All/Modify All on Account for this profile and let me know if that works.
Yury BondarauYury Bondarau
Yep. It helped. Thank you.
Snehasish PradhanSnehasish Pradhan
Can someone help me with Sales Exective User Profile settings or Org wide Defaults for Accounts And Opportunities.

Accounts and Opportunities are set to read only while in Org Defaults Account is Public Read Write and Opportunity is Public Read Only.

Am getting this error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Sales Executive User does not appear to have the correct object permissions for Accounts and Opportunities.

Please tell me if I have missed anything .
Ajay Anikar H RAjay Anikar H R
Hi Snehasish,

Profile: Sales Executive 
Can you verify if  "View All" checked on Accounts and Opportunity, and CRUD is unchecked ?
Also List views permissions against this profile

Let me know if this helps.

Thank you
Snehasish PradhanSnehasish Pradhan
Hi Ajay,

Thanks a lot , view all for Accounts and Opportunities was unchecked. I fixed that.

Snehasish Pradhan
Hi All
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Account object level permissions are not configured correctly for the Field Sales User profile.

Iam struck this problem can you please help for following step on rules.

Hi All
Done No worrries just uncheck on "Delete"  of Field sales user then it works
Hello Salesforce,
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Inside Sales User does not appear to have the correct object permissions for Accounts and Opportunities.
Can any one help me 
Tutuko Rakha 9Tutuko Rakha 9
I Have the same error User-added image
The Field Sales User does not appear to have the correct object permissions for Accounts and Opportunities. Can someone Help Me
Sharmila JennasSharmila Jennas
Hello - getting the same error - Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Account object level permissions are not configured correctly for the Field Sales User profile.
Can you please help?  account -Record Types-Delete, View All, Modify All are unchecked.  Thanks!
Yusuf Ali NalwalaYusuf Ali Nalwala

In Quick Find search Profile and select Field Sales User Profile then click edit button and check or uncheck as per below image under Standard Object Permissions.
User-added image

Hope this will help.

Yusuf Ali
Gayatri DevarapalliGayatri Devarapalli
Follow All the steps 
Firstly you should be clear that you should create Profiles not users ...
Quick Box----> Profile ----> New ------> Select any profile from dropdown Ex;- custom:support /sales user ------>Field Sales User....then follow below steps...Try to complete 3 will clear the challenge
1.For Field Sales User profile make sure you have selected 'Read' and 'Edit' for Accounts and  'Read ' 'Create' and 'Edit' for Opportunities.1
2.For Inside Sales User make sure you have selected 'Read ' 'Create' and 'Edit' for both Accounts and Opportunity and also set The Login hours as per the requirements (I have not set any IP range still i could clear the challenge).
3.For Sales Executive User make sure you have selected 'Read' and 'ViewAll' for both Account and Opportunity.
Willian Matheus 3Willian Matheus 3
Thanks Gayatri, solved for me!
david willy 1david willy 1!.jnz?portlet=Blog&screen=View+Post&screenType=next&&Id=75534e14-0632-41c9-938c-c9837f9b230c!.jnz?portlet=Blog&screen=View+Post&screenType=next&&Id=7f0438ea-eb0a-4d84-af31-3b4047776111!.jnz?portlet=Blog&screen=View+Post&screenType=next&&Id=f0a95005-444d-4978-aaa0-7a516798de63!.jnz?portlet=Blog&screen=View+Post&screenType=next&&Id=26026736-e4eb-4e3e-9624-ad1a0409325d!.jnz?portlet=Blog&screen=View+Post&screenType=next&&Id=b16cba2b-2c4f-4a63-8507-945a4373fc5d!.jnz?portlet=Blog&screen=View+Post&screenType=next&&Id=9355070f-a21d-47ac-abb3-4d5a7560e943!.jnz?portlet=Blog&screen=View+Post&screenType=next&&Id=361542f6-ca89-4b3a-bc9b-c6e70c9cc265!.jnz?portlet=Blog&screen=View+Post&screenType=next&&Id=b7234e34-b575-4bca-bbbc-9eb8bccedb6a
Thanks. [SOLVED] based on gayatri suggestion
Mark Phillips 17Mark Phillips 17
Thank you Gayatri I  SOLVED based on your suggestion.

Gowtham Dhanaraj 1Gowtham Dhanaraj 1
Thank you @gayathiri
Romina VelardeRomina Velarde
User-added image
Hi guys! I am having trouble understanding what the instruction wants me to do. I have created the profiles Field Sales User, Inside Sales User, and Sales Executive User. And have assigned them to the respective Users but I get this error. 
(I have uncheck View All. In my case when i hit edit on my Field Sales Users profile it doesnt appear Standard object permissions when I hit Object Settings and choose Accounts, just Object permission with Read and View All option). 
I appreciate your help in advance!
Romina VelardeRomina Velarde
User-added image