function readOnly(count){ }
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function checkPhonefield(inputPhoneNumber) { var PhoneMatcher = /^[0-9-+]+$/; if (!PhoneMatcher.test(inputPhoneNumber)) { alert('Please provide valid Phone number'); return false; } else return true; }
NOT(REGEX( Phone , "\\D*?(\\d\\D*?){10}"))
NOT( AND( (LEN(Mobile__c)==16 ),(REGEX(Mobile__c,'[+91]{3}-[7-9]{1}[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}'))) )
Please mark it best answer it works so that it will be helpful for others
Sandeep Singhal
Copy this formula into your Error Condition formula of validation rule. Let me know if it helps you.
Please check the below validation rule for mobile number in "+91-xxx-xxx-xxxx" and starting with "7 or 8 or 9" digits.
Hope this helps you!
Best Regards,