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How to create a batch class to just update the Contacts defined in a trigger?

I have a trigger on Account that updates all child Contact objects but I am hitting a DML error due to number of Contacts on the Account. I want to call a batch class from the trigger if the list of Contacts is larger than 10000 (DML limit). 

Is there a way to define the batch class in a way that it just takes the list of Contacts and updates them in batch? This is what I have for the batch and it is giving bunch of errors
global class SG_BatchContactUpdate implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{

  Map<Id, Contact> contactmap = new Map<Id, Contact>();
    global SG_BatchContactUpdate (Map<Id, Contact> contacts) {
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
return DataBase.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE Id IN : contactmap.keySet()]);
    //Execute Method.
    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC) {

This is how I am calling from the trigger
Database.executeBatch(new SG_BatchContactUpdate(contactsToUpdate));

Best Answer chosen by Violet
if anyone is curious, this solved it
global class BatchContactUpdate implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{

    List <Account> mapAccount = new List <Account> ();
    List <Contact> contactlist1 = new List <Contact> ();
    global BatchContactUpdate(List <Account> AccountUpdate) {
    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
        return DataBase.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id, AccountID
                                         FROM Contact
                                         WHERE AccountID IN :mapAccount
    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC , List <Contact> contactlist) {
        for (Account acct : mapAccount){ 
            for (Contact con : contactList){
                if (con.AccountID == acct.Id){
                        contactlist1.add(new Contact(
                            Id = con.Id,
         update contactlist1;
    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){

All Answers

deepak balur 19deepak balur 19
Can you also post how you are calling the Batchable from within Account please? I mean, is it in a LOOP is what I want to see.
if (contactsToUpdate.isEmpty()){
            if (contactsToUpdate.size()>1000)

            else {
                update contactsToUpdate;

Thanks for the reply, it is not in the loop. I just  want to use the batch if the list if more than 10000 because it fails after 10000
if anyone is curious, this solved it
global class BatchContactUpdate implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{

    List <Account> mapAccount = new List <Account> ();
    List <Contact> contactlist1 = new List <Contact> ();
    global BatchContactUpdate(List <Account> AccountUpdate) {
    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
        return DataBase.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id, AccountID
                                         FROM Contact
                                         WHERE AccountID IN :mapAccount
    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC , List <Contact> contactlist) {
        for (Account acct : mapAccount){ 
            for (Contact con : contactList){
                if (con.AccountID == acct.Id){
                        contactlist1.add(new Contact(
                            Id = con.Id,
         update contactlist1;
    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){
This was selected as the best answer