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Validation based on current users custom field


I'm trying to introduce validation on one of our apex classes which is based on a custom field value on the user's record.

So we have a custom field setup on the user object called Consultant (checkbox).
When a user logs in I want to return an error message if that current logged in user has Consultant = FALSE then show them the error message whereas for users where Consultant = TRUE they can bypass the error.

List<User> lstUser = [Select Agent_Name__c from User where userinfo.Consultant__c=TRUE];
 if(lstUser.size()==0 ){
                                apexpages.addmessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.FATAL,' You can not proceed'));

When I try using userinfo. it doesn't compile so does anyone know how to retrieve a value from a custom field on user object for the current user?

Best Answer chosen by RadDude89
Hi RadDude89,

Try this code snippet:-

String ids=userinfo.getUserId();
List<user>usr=[Select Agent_Name__c from User where Consultant__c=TRUE And ID=:ids];
if(lstUser.size()==0 ){
                                apexpages.addmessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.FATAL,' You can not proceed'));


All Answers

Hi RadDude89,

Try this code snippet:-

String ids=userinfo.getUserId();
List<user>usr=[Select Agent_Name__c from User where Consultant__c=TRUE And ID=:ids];
if(lstUser.size()==0 ){
                                apexpages.addmessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.FATAL,' You can not proceed'));

This was selected as the best answer
That works, thanks for your help