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farouk fakunle
superbadge: lightning experience specialist
Has anyone completed this trail? I am stomped on challenge number 3, regarding created the process for fulfillment. Any pointers or guidance would be appreciated.
I am referencing the Adventure Pakage Object to Start my process so it it is:
Object - Adventure Package
Start Process- Only when a record is created
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName Does not equal Cancelled
2. [OpportunityLineitem].Fulfillment_Created_c Equals False
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
1. Create a Record
Record Type - Fulfillment
Set Field Values
AdventurePackageId - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package cost - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
Expedition Leader - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader_c
Explorer - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_C
Fulfillment Name - Formula -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Schedule Date -Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status- Picklist - New
Package - [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
2. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID
No criteria just update records
Set new fields for the records you update
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
3. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem]
Criteria for Updating Records - No criteria-just update records
Set new field values for the records you update
Fulfilment Created = True
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
Evaluate the Next Criteria
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = True
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
Create a Record - Task
Set Field Values
Assigned to ID - reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.OwnerId
Related to ID - reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Id
Priority - Normal
Status - Not started
Subject- String - Update explorer
14 days from now
Post to Chatter
User - Select a user from a record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
Once done with these changes, execute blow lines of code in dev console.
Product2 product = new Product2(name='Half Dome Hike', isActive=true);
insert product;
//insert the pricebookentry
Pricebook2 stdPrice = [Select id from Pricebook2 where isStandard=true limit 1];
PricebookEntry pbe = new PricebookEntry( IsActive = true, Product2Id =, UnitPrice = 2.00, Pricebook2Id = stdPrice.Id);
insert pbe;
All Answers
The hidden AdventurePackageID field (used for backward compatibility) is populated with the appropriate ID. ( what do they mean by appropriate ID?)
For audit purposes, set the fulfillment name using both the adventure name and adventure package ID. ( how can i reference two fields on one line?)
Thank you
For the second piece, you need to use the formula function to concatenate the two together for the fulfullment name field.
I've checked the Fulfillment record creation field mapping line by line several times, and everything seems fine. One thing that might be throwing me off is the requirement "If there isn’t an explorer on the adventure package at the time this process is fired, create a task for the opportunity owner to add an explorer to the fulfillment and adventure package records." To solve this, I have two nodes on the Fulfillment Creation process: the first saying StageName != FALSE, Fulfillment_Created__c = FALSE, and Explorer__c is NULL. This creates the fulfillment record, updates the opportunity, and updates the adventure package record. If this node is false, the process builder evaluates a second node, which has the same criteria as the node above except Explorer__c is NOT NULL. When this node is true, the process builder fires the same actions as the first node, plus it creates a task reminding the opportunity owner to update the fulfillment and opportunity records.
Is there an easier approach to this that I'm missing? I'm at a total loss as to how to proceed, and it's a bummer since I really want to continue with this badge (or figure out what I'm doing wrong). Thanks!
Have writen the Process on Adventure Package object. All the fields are as per the requirements. Still getthing the error message :
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.
In Setup, go to Customize | Tabs Names and Labels in Salesforce Classic.
In LEX, go to Setup Home | User Interface | Rename Tabs and Labels.
Then select the edit link next to Opportunity Products to rename and save.
I have used 2 nodes with Following details :
1. It checks :
a. Field 'Fulfillment Created' is False on Opp Line Item
b. Opp Stage is NOT Cancelled.
c. Explorer on Opp Line Item is Not Null
Then it takes the following actions :
a. Create Fulfillment Record with following values :
i) Fulfillment Name = Adventure Name + OppLineItemId
ii) Scheduled Date = OppLineItem.Date
iii) AdventurePackageId = OppLineItemId
iv)Adventure Package Cost = OppLineItem.TotalPrice
v) Adventure = OppLineItem.Adventure
vi)Expedition Leader = OppLineItem.Adventure.ExpeditionLeader.
vii) Package = OppLineItem.OppId
viii) Explorer = OppLineItem.Explorer
ix) Status = New
b. Create Chatter Post
c. Update Opportunity with Needs insurance, Needs Waiver values from Adventure
d.Update Adventure Package with values for 'Fulfillment Created' to true and Needs insurance, Needs Waiver values from Adventure.
2. This Node checks the following :
a. Field 'Fulfillment Created' is False on Opp Line Item
b. Opp Stage is NOT Cancelled.
c. Explorer on Opp Line Item is Null
and then takes the following Actions :
a. Create Fulfillment Record with following values :
i) Fulfillment Name = Adventure Name + OppLineItemId
ii) Scheduled Date = OppLineItem.Date
iii) AdventurePackageId = OppLineItemId
iv)Adventure Package Cost = OppLineItem.TotalPrice
v) Adventure = OppLineItem.Adventure
vi)Expedition Leader = OppLineItem.Adventure.ExpeditionLeader.
vii) Package = OppLineItem.OppId
viii) Explorer = Null
ix) Status = New
b. Create Chatter Post
c. Update Opportunity with Needs insurance, Needs Waiver values from Adventure
d.Update Adventure Package with values for 'Fulfillment Created' to true and Needs insurance, Needs Waiver values from Adventure.
e. Create a Task immediately, relate it to Opportunity and assign it to the Opp Owner.
f. Create another Task after 14 days with same details.
What am I missing here ?
Nikhil - give it a try by writting a small piece of apex class.
Not sure if you have the Evaluate the Next Criteria set on your first criteria node
The "No Explorer" nnode criteria only has the one criteria that needs to be met, explorer field is blank.
Chatter post requirement only applies to one scenario, not both.
Thank you all for the replies, i am still stomped and do not know where i am making an error. This what i have so far, please let me know if am making a mistake somewhere in the reference or the process.
I am referencing the Adventure Pakage Object to Start my process so it it is:
Object - Adventure Package
Start Process- Only when a record is created
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName Does not equal Cancelled
2. [OpportunityLineitem].Fulfillment_state_c Does not equal Created
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
1. Create a Record
Record Type - Fulfillment
Set Field Values
AdventurePackageId - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package cost - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
Expedition Leader - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader_Id
Explorer - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_C
Fulfillment Name - Formula -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Schedule Date -Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status- Picklist - New
2. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem].Adventure
No criteria just update records
Set new fields for the records you update
Needs Insurance -Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Needs_Waiver_c
3. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem]
Criteria for Updating Records - No criteria-just update records
Set new field values for the records you update
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Needs_Waiver_c
Evaluate the Next Criteria
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = True
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
Create a Record - Task
Set Field Values
Assigned to ID - reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.OwnerId
Related to ID - reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Exploter_c
Priority - Normal
Status - Not started
Subject- String - Update explorer
14 days from now
Post to Chatter
User - Select a user from a record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
Thanks. Was able to get past Challenge 4.
Appreciate your help in debugging the same challenge for me:
Node1: Object: Adventure Package (Only when record is created)
Condition: Oppty.Stage <> Cancelled & Oppty.LineItem.Fulfillment_Created is FALSE
Action1: Reference and update fields - Fulfillment - appropriate AdventurePackageId,Adventure Package Cost,Adventure,Expedition Leader,Explorer,Fulfillment Name,Package,Schedule Date & Status
Action2: Oppty Line Item updates - FulfillmentCreated is made true, with Needs Waiver and Insurance referenced from AdventurePackage
Action3: Needs Waiver and Insurance referenced from Adventure
Condition: OpptyLineItem Explorer is NULL and Oppty Stage is not equal to Cancelled
Action1: Task creation - Assigned To ID, Priority, Status, Related To ID & Subject
Action2: 14 Days Chatter Post.
I have created multiple records to test this flow and everything works as required (obviously thats my understand and belief)
When i check the challenge it throws below error:
The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.
Cannot understand which other field is not getting updated?
Hope more eyes can help me here.
Its showing me Error as
'The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.'
I have used mapping for fulfillment record as below-
AdventurePackageId : [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Status: New
Adventure Package Cost : [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Expedition Leader : [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader__c
Adventure : [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
Explorer : [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer__c
Fulfillment Name : [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Schedule Date: [OpportunityLineItem].serviceDate
@Fons, Could you please tell us field mapping for fulfillment record?
The field mapping seems correct.
I have passed the challenge 4. And now it seems I am stuck at challenge 6.
Having created the Process I have tested single records as well as multiple records, and could see that Adventure Package's SalesPrice ( the adventure package which was used for creation of this fulfillment record) gets updated with Fulfillment's Deposit value.
While checking the Challenge though, getting the following error, which is very annoying :
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The Fulfillment Cancellation Automation process does not appear to be working properly. Make sure that a cancelled Fulfillment updates the Adventure Package correctly.
Any Ideas ?
I have used 2 nodes with Following details :
1. It checks :
a. Field 'Fulfillment Created' is False on Opp Line Item
b. Opp Stage is NOT Cancelled.
c. Explorer on Opp Line Item is Not Null
Then it takes the following actions :
a. Create Fulfillment Record with following values :
i) Fulfillment Name = Adventure Name + OppLineItemId
ii) Scheduled Date = OppLineItem.Date
iii) AdventurePackageId = OppLineItemId
iv)Adventure Package Cost = OppLineItem.TotalPrice
v) Adventure = OppLineItem.Adventure
vi)Expedition Leader = OppLineItem.Adventure.ExpeditionLeader.
vii) Package = OppLineItem.OppId
viii) Explorer = OppLineItem.Explorer
ix) Status = New
b. Create Chatter Post
c. Update Opportunity with Needs insurance, Needs Waiver values from Adventure
d.Update Adventure Package with values for 'Fulfillment Created' to true and Needs insurance, Needs Waiver values from Adventure.
2. This Node checks the following :
a. Field 'Fulfillment Created' is False on Opp Line Item
b. Opp Stage is NOT Cancelled.
c. Explorer on Opp Line Item is Null
and then takes the following Actions :
a. Create Fulfillment Record with following values :
i) Fulfillment Name = Adventure Name + OppLineItemId
ii) Scheduled Date = OppLineItem.Date
iii) AdventurePackageId = OppLineItemId
iv)Adventure Package Cost = OppLineItem.TotalPrice
v) Adventure = OppLineItem.Adventure
vi)Expedition Leader = OppLineItem.Adventure.ExpeditionLeader.
vii) Package = OppLineItem.OppId
viii) Explorer = Null
ix) Status = New
b. Create Chatter Post
c. Update Opportunity with Needs insurance, Needs Waiver values from Adventure
d.Update Adventure Package with values for 'Fulfillment Created' to true and Needs insurance, Needs Waiver values from Adventure.
e. Create a Task immediately, relate it to Opportunity and assign it to the Opp Owner.
f. Create another Task after 14 days with same details.
And after that, run this script in your dev console :
Product2 product = new Product2(name='Half Dome Hike', isActive=true); insert product; // insert the pricebookentry Pricebook2 stdPrice = [Select id from Pricebook2 where isStandard=true limit 1]; PricebookEntry pbe = new PricebookEntry( IsActive = true, Product2Id =, UnitPrice = 2.00, Pricebook2Id = stdPrice.Id); insert pbe;
for creating test records.
Do let me know, if this doesn't solve your issue.
'The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.'
I have created process as follows:
1.Create Flow on 'Adventure Package' object (when Record is created).
2.Criteria's are : Oppty.Stagename <> Cancelled & OpptyLineItem.Fulfillment_State <> 'Created'
3.Immediate Actions :
i) Create Fulfillment record.
ii) Update 'Advanture Package' record with fields as below:
- Needs Insurance : OpptyLineItem.Product2.Needs_Insurance__c
- Needs Waiver: OpptyLineItem.Product2.Needs_Insurance__c
- Fulfillment Created : True
iii) Update [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID record with fields as below:
- Needs Insurance : OpptyLineItem.Product2.Needs_Insurance__c
- Needs Waiver: OpptyLineItem.Product2.Needs_Insurance__c
1. Criteira : OpptyLineItem Explorer equals to NULL
2. Immediate Actions : Creation of Task Record with field mapping as below:
- Assigned To ID : OpptyLineItem.Oppty.OwnerId
- Priority : 'Normal'
- Status : 'Not Started'
- Related To ID : OpptyLineItem.Explorer__C
- Subject : Update explorer Entrt
3. Scheduled Action: 14 Days from Now
- Post to Chatter with fields specified in requirement. (OpptyLineItem.Oppty.OwnerId)
I am not getting what I've missed/did wrong.
Suggestion would be appreciated.
Thanks In Advance.
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject
I started going field by field and compared it with the results along with inputs from Nikhil's and others definition. Also, enbaled the debug log or left the developer console open so that I can see the details behind the above error.
Below for reference and one node with evaluate next criteria. Thanks everyone!!!
I was able to resolve sObject after removing the data that were inserted for product 'Half Dome Hike'; however back to original error now.
thanks in advance,
SELECT adventurepackageid__c, adventure_package_cost__c, adventure__c, expedition_leader__c, explorer__c, package__c, schedule_date__c FROM Fulfillment__c WHERE package__c = ''
Here is my data model below, am i missing aything or referencing something wrong? thanks in advance.
I am referencing the Adventure Pakage Object to Start my process so it it is:
Object - Adventure Package
Start Process- Only when a record is created
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName Does not equal Cancelled
2. [OpportunityLineitem].Fulfillment_Created_c Equals False
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
1. Create a Record
Record Type - Fulfillment
Set Field Values
AdventurePackageId - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package cost - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
Expedition Leader - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader_c
Explorer - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_C
Fulfillment Name - Formula -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Schedule Date -Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status- Picklist - New
Package - [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
2. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID
No criteria just update records
Set new fields for the records you update
Needs Insurance -Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Needs_Needs_Insurance_c
Needs Waiver - Refernce - [OpportunityLineItem].Needs_Waiver_c
3. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem]
Criteria for Updating Records - No criteria-just update records
Set new field values for the records you update
Fulfilment Created = True
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
Evaluate the Next Criteria
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = True
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
Create a Record - Task
Set Field Values
Assigned to ID - reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.OwnerId
Related to ID - reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Exploter_c
Priority - Normal
Status - Not started
Subject- String - Update explorer
14 days from now
Post to Chatter
User - Select a user from a record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
Related to ID - reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Id
I don't know if this will help, but people seem to be checking Fulfillment_State_c (in some cases) but not setting it. It has two values in the picklist: "Created" and "Not Created". I suspect that both Fulfillment_State_c and Fulfillment_Created_c need to be set when the Fulfillment record is created or the test will fail. Fulfillment_Created_c, of course, is a Boolean.
I haven't completed this challenge yet, so I'm guessing, based on the code I'm seeing.
I am seeing below information on debug logs while checking the challenge (infact i have tried this challenge on two particular sandbox both giving same results) this looks to be a data that is getting inserted while checking challenge and throwing up error. Correct me..
SOQL_EXECUTE_BEGIN|[4]|Aggregations:0|SELECT Id FROM PricebookEntry WHERE Name = 'Half Dome Hike' LIMIT SOQL_EXECUTE_END|[4]|Rows:0 15:59:17.105 (1134802656)|EXCEPTION_THROWN|[5]|System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: 1, Actual: 0 15:59:17.105 (1135061480)|FATAL_ERROR|System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: 1, Actual: 0 AnonymousBlock: line 5, column 1 15:59:17.135 (1135134448)|CUMULATIVE_LIMIT_USAGE |LIMIT_USAGE_FOR_NS|(default)|
@farouk fakunle
Please update your process with below changes.
1. Update Record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID
Set new fields as below
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
2.While creating task record
Related to ID - reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Id
Once done with these changes, execute blow lines of code in dev console.(As It worked for me)
Product2 product = new Product2(name='Half Dome Hike', isActive=true);
insert product;
//insert the pricebookentry
Pricebook2 stdPrice = [Select id from Pricebook2 where isStandard=true limit 1];
PricebookEntry pbe = new PricebookEntry( IsActive = true, Product2Id =, UnitPrice = 2.00, Pricebook2Id = stdPrice.Id);
insert pbe;
Let me know if this worked for you.
- Explorers
- Adventures
- Opportunities
- Opportunity Line Items with Opty ID, PriceBookEntryID
- Opportunity Contact Roles with Role as Explorere and Contact ID & OpptyID
I don't see what I am missing and validated pretty much all of the data using Workbench and wondering...
I chose the Opportunity Object to start my Process - when record is created or edited
entry criteria {Opportunity}.StageName equals cancelled
Immediate Actions
Update Record - [Opportunity].Fullfillments_r
Criteria for Updating
Schedule Date Less than Reference [Opportunity.CreatedDate
Status Equals Cancelled
Set New fields
Adventure Package Cost reference [Opportunit].Amount
Thanks all for the discussion and solutions offered.
I am referencing the Adventure Pakage Object to Start my process so it it is:
Object - Adventure Package
Start Process- Only when a record is created
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName Does not equal Cancelled
2. [OpportunityLineitem].Fulfillment_Created_c Equals False
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
1. Create a Record
Record Type - Fulfillment
Set Field Values
AdventurePackageId - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package cost - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
Expedition Leader - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader_c
Explorer - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_C
Fulfillment Name - Formula -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Schedule Date -Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status- Picklist - New
Package - [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
2. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID
No criteria just update records
Set new fields for the records you update
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
3. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem]
Criteria for Updating Records - No criteria-just update records
Set new field values for the records you update
Fulfilment Created = True
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
Evaluate the Next Criteria
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = True
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
Create a Record - Task
Set Field Values
Assigned to ID - reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.OwnerId
Related to ID - reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Id
Priority - Normal
Status - Not started
Subject- String - Update explorer
14 days from now
Post to Chatter
User - Select a user from a record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
Once done with these changes, execute blow lines of code in dev console.
Product2 product = new Product2(name='Half Dome Hike', isActive=true);
insert product;
//insert the pricebookentry
Pricebook2 stdPrice = [Select id from Pricebook2 where isStandard=true limit 1];
PricebookEntry pbe = new PricebookEntry( IsActive = true, Product2Id =, UnitPrice = 2.00, Pricebook2Id = stdPrice.Id);
insert pbe;
Could you please help me for challenge #6.
I am not getting the requirement statement for this.
I've followed Farouk solution step by step and It does not work for me. I also executed the code in the developer console in an anonymous window and it appear as success but still not working.
The only thing is that in Farouk's solution he have: [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName
And i have [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName__C
Is that important?
Also I attach an IMG of how I have it distributed, Please if you need more info just tell me.
@ Trupti This is the image, sorry.
Yes. Please change [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName__C to [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName .
As we're referencing standard field stage of Opportunity here.
Also I think you have not set Evaluate the Next criteria.
Thank you very much @Trupti and @Farouk.
It was because I had not activated the stop after the first node... I completely forgot that step.
The [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName__C didn't affect me because is the only field Stage I have in the object (and I couldn't remove the __C in the name since its a custom field)
Thank you again!
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Please make sure you upload all of the Opportunities from the spreadsheet.
Step 8 is failing even though I have loaded the following data by querying and building relationships via Workbench...
- Explorers
- Adventures
- Opportunities
- Opportunity Line Items with Opty ID, PriceBookEntryID
- Opportunity Contact Roles with Role as Explorere and Contact ID & OpptyID
I don't see what I am missing and validated pretty much all of the data using Workbench and wondering...
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Opportunities with the stage of 'Awaiting Approval' and a Discount > 0, did not kick off an approval process named 'Approval for Package Deal'.
Here is what I submitted:
Object: Opporunity
Start Process when created or edit
Conditions are met
[Opportunity].StageName Is Changed True
[Opportunity].StageName= Awaiting Approval
[Opportunity].Discount > 0
All conditions are met (And)
Immediate Actions
Object Opportunity
Approval Proccess: Specific Approval Process- Approval for Package Deal
Submitter: User field from a record- [Opportunity].Owner.Id
Update Record
Record: [Opportunity]
Criteria: updated records meet all conditions
Filter: Discount Is null= true
New field: Stage=Scheduled
Deposit Made
[Opportunity].StageName = Deposit Made
Immediate Action
Update Record
Record: [Opportunity].Fulfillments__r
No criteria
Status= paid deposit
[Opportunity].StageName =Cancelled
Immediate Actions
Update Records
Status= Cancelled
Thank you in advanced!
Update Record
Record: [Opportunity]
Criteria: updated records meet all conditions
Filter: Discount Is null= true
New field: Stage=Scheduled!/feedtype=SINGLE_QUESTION_SEARCH_RESULT&id=906F0000000kEQoIAM
I tried the challenge #7 by following way :
1. I have created one Quick action on fulfillment Object as below :
2. Then added this quick action Fulfillment page layout in Salesforce1 and Lightning Experience Actions section.
But it is showing me error as below :
'There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: MDWZFFGI. Error: Faraday::ResourceNotFound. Message: NOT_FOUND: Invalid Action Name: Fulfillment__c.New_Expedition_Leader_Case'
Am I missing some steps??
I missed priority field ..
Thank you @farouk fakunle. It worked :)
Anybody completed Challenge #8 ??
I'm getting error 'Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Please make sure you upload all of the Opportunities from the spreadsheet'.
@MIchele remove the [Opportunity].StageName Is Changed True and try it again.
My mistake was that I chosed a wrong Stage field, but now I have passed the challenge and I think that I had pretty much the same as you.
If it doesn't work answer and I post my process.
If not, do it and tell me if it works.
Step 8 is still failing for me even after doing all of the above steps.
Has anyone completed #9, i am getting this error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'Opp Stage by Adventure' report does not appear to be configured correctly. Make sure it has the correct report type, groupings, filters and chart type.
This is my customization -
Hopefully this helps!
in Adventure package object Needs Insurence and Needs waiver fields is Read only fields, how can i update that fields using PB?
please help in clearing step#4...
I've done it.
Was an error with the ID's. I had to go step by step from the Product2, PricebookEntry, PricebookID, Pricebook2, Explorer, Opportunity, OpportunityLineItem and OpportunityContactRole.
I fixed it deleting all the previous inserted data and going step by step exporting the ID's and adding to the further steps so the coherence of the connections was mantained.
Has been a tedious work but helped a lot to learn how everything is interconnected between this objects.
I hang still on step 6 and get following error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The Fulfillment Cancellation Automation process does not appear to be working properly. Make sure that a cancelled Fulfillment updates the Adventure Package correctly.
The current process looks:
The Fulfillment Object start my Process - when record is created or edited
entry criteria
{Fulfillment_c}.Status equals cancelled
Immediate Actions
Update Record - [Fullfillments_c].Package.OpportunityLineItems
Set New fields
Sales Price reference {Fulfillment_c].Deposit_c
What is the issue ?
I am stucked at challenge 6 but the error is being caused by a bug on the script that checks the challenge.
I tested the process and worked correclty, but when I check the challenge I get the following weird message exception:
18:44:17:102 FATAL_ERROR System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Same value: 0.80
that means that it passed.
Fulfillment Object (when record is created or edited)
-Entry criteria
[Fulfillment_c].Status equals Cancelled
-Immediate Actions
Update Record - [Fullfillments_c].Package.OpportunityLineItems
-Set New fields
Sales Price reference [Fulfillment_c].Deposit_c
This approval process, called Approval for Package Deal, is available whenever the opportunity stage is Awaiting Approval, and it assigns approvals back to the opportunity owner. If the opportunity owner approves the discount, the opportunity record’s stage is set to Scheduled. Otherwise, set the stage to Negotiation Rejected.
You notice that the Discount field isn’t required; not wise considering you’ll be working with it for automating the approvals process. You require the field and set the default value to 0.
i created approval for pacakage deal process but i am bit confused and clueless ..
thanks in advance
But then, what are the first three or so? Is "sales" just a second reference to "Custom: Sales Profile", since there isn't any sales profile in my environment?
And what of "fulfillment profiles", which must be specificially "expedition leaders and fulfillment team members"? They might be missing because I downloaded a broken install package and those have since been added. Or, it might mean I'm supposed to create them.
The wording of the instruction is that they expect all these profiles to be available and we are supposed to enable navigation for them. But they aren't, at least not in my environment. I'm reluctant to create the ones they list, but I don't see how to make progress without doing that. Reading it, I'm expecting to find seven existing profiles in the environment after installing the package and ones that exactly match what they say. Instead, I get about three.
Any thoughts?
I am seeing the below error on step 6, can anyone help and correct here
"The Fulfillment Cancellation Automation process does not appear to be working properly. Make sure that a cancelled Fulfillment updates the Adventure Package correctly."
You need to install this unmanaged package:
Hi all,
I'm also trying to complete this challenge.
But my prblem ist that I can't set the reference Package - [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId on my Record Type* Fulfillment, because I can't find that field.
Any ideas?
@Iván Thanks for your help. I already installed that package (it was a problem with my field. Wanted to have it as a formular but changed it to a checkbox now)
But I still can't set the Package field.
Here is my data:
I just created the field as Package Text(18), because it´s not included in the unmanaged package.
Finally, add this chart to your Lightning Adventure Record Page with the label Adventure Stage Comparison. To ensure that this chart isn’t accidentally displayed to customers, add it to a new section called Adventure Comparison.
OK, so I'm opening the lightning record page and adding the chart with the label "Adventure Stage Comparison". However, I can't figure out how to add a new sectionin Lightning (which should be called Adventure Comparison). Thoughts?
When you add a tab --> Select Custom and the text box will be there to give a name as "Adventure Stage Comparison". Please use the tab below the heder component to have different tabs.
I still get the following error.
The 'Opp Stage by Adventure' report does not appear to be configured correctly. Make sure it has the correct report type, groupings, filters and chart type.
It looks like you have it grouped by Stage with the X axis as the Adenture and the Y axis as the record count. But, it looks like you have it grouped by Primary Explorer. I didn't set primary on the Opportunity Contact role when I did the import, so I may need to fix that. How are you accounting for the stage in the chart?
I've tried all the suggested methods above, nothing worked. still getting this error:
"The Fulfillment Cancellation Automation process does not appear to be working properly. Make sure that a cancelled Fulfillment updates the Adventure Package correctly."
I have a feeling it's somewhat related to the DATE condition, I've got:
[fulfillment__c].scheduled_date__c GREATE THAN TODAY ()
Any other suggestions? Much appreciated.
Fulfillment created Bo0lean to TRUE
Liine Item ID Equals Formula [Fulfillment__c}.AdventurePackageId__c
You might also get a DML Exception, which is covered in this thread -
Line Item ID Equals Formula [Fulfillment__c}.AdventurePackageId__c
package.OpportunityLineItemsor Opportunity.OpportunityLineItems. Its solved!I got it to work with grouping by Stage first, then Adeventure. I did not group by Primary Explorer though I think some others did do that as wll.
Guys, What "Record Type" did you choose for Adventure Package?
ii) Update 'Advanture Package' record with fields as below (PENDING):
- Needs Insurance : OpptyLineItem.Product2.Needs_Insurance__c
- Needs Waiver: OpptyLineItem.Product2.Needs_Insurance__c
- Fulfillment Created : True
iii) Update [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID record with fields as below (OK):
- Needs Insurance : OpptyLineItem.Product2.Needs_Insurance__c
- Needs Waiver: OpptyLineItem.Product2.Needs_Insurance__c
I haven't found the object to update the three fields: Fulfillment Created, Needs Insurance and Needs Waiver.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi All,
I'm a bit stuck at step 7. Getting error:
There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: XZQIXSTJ. Error: Faraday::ResourceNotFound. Message: NOT_FOUND: Invalid Action Name: Fulfillment__c.New_Expedition_Leader_Case
What I did:
created an action on the Fulfillment object named New Expedition Leader Case.
With the predefined field values:
Contact Name ContactId Lookup Fulfillment__c.Explorer__r.Id
Fulfillment Fulfillment__c Lookup Fulfillment__c.Id
Priority Priority Picklist High
Then added it to the Layout page.
Any help?
It is named New_Expedition_Leader_Case.
Still getting the error
Thanks for your help!
Thanks sfdchacko. Same setup as my config.
Started from scratch again and now it worked!
Hi stuck at 8 any help?
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Please check that all of the relationships are maintained for Opportunity Contacts and Adventure Packages that you upload from the spreadsheet.
I tried creating a file (VLOOKUP) that has all the references.
Could someone advise how to import the data (as it is .xlsx). And on wich object. (Fulfillment?)
When I choose "[OpportunityLineItem]" as a Record to Update, I don't see the three fields.
Anybody had or has this issue? I'm only able to see the "Fulfilment Created" field.
Thanks for your help to get my Superbadge!
Record - [OpportunityLineItem]
Fulfilment Created = True
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
I have the same issue on #4, that I do not see the two fields "Needs Insurance" & "Needs Waiver" on the second Update Record Action in Node #1. Not sure how folks earlier @farouk @suriya got this resolved. Can anyone comment ? Appreciate it.
Have you added the update action for the two fields? see attached the process builder screen
1. Update Adventure Package:
RecordType: [OpportunityLineItem]
- Fulfillment Created : True
2. Update Need fields:
RecordType: [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID
- Needs Insurance : OpptyLineItem.Product2.Needs_Insurance__c
- Needs Waiver: OpptyLineItem.Product2.Needs_Insurance__c
I've only included one node in the process builder.
Good luck!
@Joel - I will try your one node solution as well.
The error I get is "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements."
Trailhead Superbadge Challenge #4
I am referencing the Adventure Package Object to Start my process so it it is:
Object - Adventure Package
Start Process- Only when a record is created
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.StageName Does not equal Cancelled
2. [OpportunityLineitem].Fulfillment_Created_c Equals False
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
1. Create a Record
Record Type - Fulfillment
Set Field Values
AdventurePackageId - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package cost - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
Expedition Leader - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader_c
Explorer - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_C
Fulfillment Name - Formula -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Schedule Date -Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status- Picklist - New
Package - [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
2. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID
No criteria just update records
Set new fields for the records you update
Needs Insurance -Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Needs_Needs_Insurance_c
Needs Waiver - Refernce - [OpportunityLineItem].Needs_Waiver_c
3. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem]
Criteria for Updating Records - No criteria-just update records
Set new field values for the records you update
Fulfilment Created = True
Evaluate the Next Criteria
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = True
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
Create a Record - Task
Set Field Values
Assigned to ID - reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.OwnerId
Related to ID - reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Exploter_c
Priority - Normal
Status - Not started
Subject- String - Update explorer
14 days from now
Post to Chatter
User - Select a user from a record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
Here is the issue i am getting.
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your task was created with all of the field values set appropriately.
Automate the creation of fulfillments. "The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements."
I have also raised simialr discussion here but as I can see in this post, there are people who have passed ,, and at the same time there are people who have not.
I request to post a complete solution which worked. I think those who have not passed might be missing something.
Appreciate your help. Thank you.
It helped me :)
FIrst I did follow
The last thing that made it work for me was under create task is
Related to ID - reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Id
which object to start with and what all fields to update?
Here is the task description:
Create a task for the sales rep to review the fulfillment, and remind rep to double check the explorer data is properly mapped to the fulfillment record.
- Assign a task to the opportunity owner.
- Add this task to the opportunity with Priority = Normal, Status = Not Started, and Subject = any sentence you choose to explain the task.
Here are my values:Assigned To ID - reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.OwnerId
Related To ID - reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Id
Priority - Normal
Status - Not Started
Subject - Update Explorer
Description - double check the explorer data is properly mapped to the fulfillment record.
It is actually creating the task with these values; however, I'm receiving the following error despite the successful creation of the task as assigned: I'm wondering if there's a problem with the check. Are there any other steps people have taken to correct this?
This is what I've got. Any insights?
Cannot complete this operation. This flow version is referenced elsewhere in Remove the usage and try again. : Flow Interview This flow version is referenced elsewhere in Remove the usage and try again. : Flow Interview
It feels like there may be an old version cached in my trailhead or something.
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Opportunities with the stage of 'Awaiting Approval' and a Discount = 0 should update the Opportunity Stage and not require an approval.
No idea????????????????????????????????????????????
Had to break up the process to 4 nodes. Apparently the nodes don't equate to If/Then logic. Thats where my confusion was. If anybody has problems with Step 5, let me know.
I am hitting the Trail to complete the LEX Superbadge challenge. Stuck at challenge # 4 - Fulfillment Creation. I read through the posts here and tried to follow all the suggestions & what has worked for @Farouk, @Trupti, @Fons, @ Jennifer, @Surlya & @ Nikhil but I keep getting this error --
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your task was created with all of the field values set appropriately.
I double checked all the reference fields and also ran the code in Dev Console and it shows no errors in the dev console. HELP!!
I'll help if I can see your current setup.
Make sure you map the Related Id to the Opportunity in the Task creation. That's what I was missing.
@Darrell - here is the screen shot of my process. Thanks!
[OpportunityLineItem].Explorer__c Is null Boolean False
Assigned To ID reference [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
I can't see the setting you have but these are the settings in my working process.
I didn't use this:
[OpportunityLineItem].Explorer__c Is null Boolean False
Doesn't look like they check that and didn't see it in the requirements.
THANK YOU!! The criteria was set to True instead of False in node evaluation. I passed challenge # 4 now :-)
The first criteria node requires the Explorer field to complete the Create Fulfillment. So you you can definitly skip the second addition of this criteria and set to no critieria because it should already be implemented for the first criteria node. It is probably overkill but it does solve the problem in this case.
I would appreciate any help people can give me on explainign the value of the adventure package, fulfilment object, and contact roles object. I completed the first two superbadges relatively easily and have got to the 8 challenge on the lightning superbadge but am finding it much harder than the previous superbadges! I've uploaded the data for the adventures, explorers and opportunities but am struggling to preserve relationships.
I think this is because I'm used to working with Salesforce in a service environment and so don't really understand the utlity of the adventure package or opportunity contact role objects which is inhibiting my ability to resolve this challenge. If there is anyone out there who can explain the high level business benefits of this arrangement of objects and how they work together or even just point towards some specific resources that do so it would be much appreciated.
Kind regards and thanks
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Delete failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0034100000577gqAAA; first error: DELETE_FAILED, Your attempt to delete Sam the ninja could not be completed because it is associated with the following adventure packages.: null, null : []
I think is not nearly clear what do you need to do with the process automation and the error that the system gives is even less clearer.
Any hint would be helpful.
i am getting the error
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.
I am referencing the Adventure Package Object to Start my process so it it is:
Object - Adventure Package
Start Process- Only when a record is created
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName Does not equal Cancelled
2. [OpportunityLineitem].Fulfillment_Created_c Equals False
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
1. Create a Record
Record Type - Fulfillment
Set Field Values
AdventurePackageId - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package cost - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
Expedition Leader - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader_c
Explorer - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_C
Fulfillment Name - Formula -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Schedule Date -Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status- Picklist - New
2. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID
No criteria just update records
Set new fields for the records you update
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
3. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem]
Criteria for Updating Records - No criteria-just update records
Set new field values for the records you update
Fulfilment Created = True
Evaluate the Next Criteria
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = True
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
Create a Record - Task
Set Field Values
Assigned to ID - reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.OwnerId
Related to ID - reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Id
Priority - Normal
Status - Not started
Subject- String - Update explorer
14 days from now
Post to Chatter
User - Select a user from a record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
Can you advise if you have done differently
- WIth this addition, the Second Node Criteria [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = True would be invalid. This can be set to false. The requirement references to "double check the explorer data is properly mapped to the fullfillment record. This would be fulfilled with the information in step 1.
Hope this helps and let me know if that solves your issue.I am facing an issue in #6
here is my process flow below:
Fulfillment Object to start my Process - when record is created or edited
entry criteria
{Fulfillment_c}.Status equals cancelled
Immediate Actions
Update Record - [Fullfillments_c].Opportunity.OpportunityLineItems
Set New fields
Sales Price reference {Fulfillment_c].Deposit_c
The issue is that i am unable to access [Fullfillments_c].Package.OpportunityLineItems
and is there somethng related to deleting a record and Liine Item ID Equals Formula [Fulfillment__c}.AdventurePackageId__c ???
Do I need to create a field named Package ??
I have already installed the unmanaged package
the error is:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The Fulfillment Cancellation Automation process does not appear to be working properly. Make sure that a cancelled Fulfillment updates the Adventure Package correctly.
changes made
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName Does not equal Cancelled
2. [OpportunityLineitem].Fulfillment_Created_c Equals False
3. [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer__c Is null Boolean False
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = False
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
I am stuck in #6
my process contains
object: create or update : fulfilment
criteria : fullfilment status = cancelled && service date greater than today()
immidiate action:
1. To update sales price
Record : [Fulfillment__c].Opportunity.OpportunityLineItems
Sales Price reference [Fulfillment__c].Deposit__c
2. To delete explorer
class: deleteExplorer
public class deleteExplorer { @InvocableMethod public static void deleteOp(List<Id> AdPackageIds) { List<Contact> con = new List<Contact>(); system.debug('-------------AdPackageIds--------'+ AdPackageIds); List<Fulfillment__c> f=[select explorer__c from Fulfillment__c where id in :AdPackageIds]; system.debug('------------- f list--------'+ f); for(Fulfillment__c full : f) { con =[select id from Contact where id =: full.explorer__c]; } system.debug('-------------con list--------'+ con); delete con; } }
apex variable set : AdPackageIds formula [Fulfillment__c].AdventurePackageId
Even now m getting an error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The Fulfillment Cancellation Automation process does not appear to be working properly. Make sure that a cancelled Fulfillment updates the Adventure Package correctly.
What is the issue ?can anybody please tell me..?
UI Changes for Sales Reps
Sometimes reps show adventure records to prospective customers on their phones. Add the custom photo uploader component included in your unmanaged package to the top-level record view so that reps see it when they open an adventure record.
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.
I am referencing the Adventure Package Object to Start my process so it it is:
Object - Adventure Package
Start Process- Only when a record is created
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName Does not equal Cancelled
2. [OpportunityLineitem].Fulfillment_Created_c Equals False
3. [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = False
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
1. Create a Record
Record Type - Fulfillment
Set Field Values
AdventurePackageId - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package cost - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
Expedition Leader - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader_c
Explorer - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_C
Fulfillment Name - Formula -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Schedule Date - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status- Picklist - New
Opportunity - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityID
2. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID
No criteria just update records
Set new fields for the records you update
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
3. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem]
Criteria for Updating Records - No criteria-just update records
Set new field values for the records you update
Fulfilment Created = True
Evaluate the Next Criteria
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = False
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
Create a Record - Task
Set Field Values
Assigned to ID - reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.OwnerId
Related to ID - reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Id
Priority - Normal
Status - Not started
Subject- String - Update explorer
14 days from now
Post to Chatter
User - Select a user from a record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
Once done with these changes, execute blow lines of code in dev console.
Product2 product = new Product2(name='Half Dome Hike', isActive=true);
insert product;
//insert the pricebookentry
Pricebook2 stdPrice = [Select id from Pricebook2 where isStandard=true limit 1];
PricebookEntry pbe = new PricebookEntry( IsActive = true, Product2Id =, UnitPrice = 2.00, Pricebook2Id = stdPrice.Id);
insert pbe;
I am trying to complete challenge 3 in superbadge-'Lightning Experience Specialist',
which happens to be a quiz.
When I click on Take Quiz, Answers all the 3 questions and click on-'Check Challenge to earn 25 points', nothing happens. It checks infinitely.
I tried doing this in both chrome and IE. And because of this, I have already missed my 75 points, still I want to complete it and move to next challenge.
But, it seems I am stuck in this and until I complete this, it won;t allow me to move to next challenge.
I also tried with other dev org, even tried on different machine, but with no luck.I desparetly want to complete this quiz.
Any help or lead to get attention of trailhead team on this issue is highly appreciated.
I am stuck in challenge 4, getting the same error each time: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.
I have used below single node implementation to complete this challenge.
Criteria for Executing Actions:Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName Does not equal Cancelled
2. [OpportunityLineitem].Fulfillment_Created_c Equals False
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
1. Create a Record
Record Type - Fulfillment
Set Field Values
AdventurePackageId - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package cost - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
Expedition Leader - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader_c
Explorer - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_C
Fulfillment Name - Formula -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Schedule Date -Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status- Picklist - New
2. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID
No criteria just update records
Set new fields for the records you update
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
3. Create a Record - Task
Set Field Values
Assigned to ID - reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.OwnerId
Related to ID - reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Id
Priority - Normal
Status - Not started
Subject- String - Update explorer
14 days from now
Post to Chatter
User - Select a user from a record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
Please let me know, what I am missing.
I see that I'm supposed to do create two records in the Fulfillment Creation automation ([OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID and [OpportunityLineItem]) with various field updates. I can't seem to get both to work simultaneously; specifically, whichever one I select first will enable me to update the Needs Insurance and Needs Waiver fields OR the Fulfillment Created field, but then on the second one, I can only get whichever fields I haven't already updated in my drop-down list.
On a possibly related note, I'm supposed to update the Priority field on the Fulfillment record creation step, but the Priority field does not show up in the Process Builder either. (I have checked my permissions, etc., for these fields. They are all on the page layout and I have access to them.)
Has anyone had this error?
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.
Reference = Adventure Package Object to start process.
Object - Adventure Package
Start Process- Only when a record is created
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName Does not equal Cancelled
2. [OpportunityLineitem].Fulfillment_Created_c Equals False
3. [OpportunityLineitem].Explorer__c is null Equals False
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
1. Create a Record
Record Type - Fulfillment
Set Field Values
AdventurePackageId - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package cost - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
Expedition Leader - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader_c
Explorer - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_C
Fulfillment Name - Formula -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Schedule Date -Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status- Picklist - New
2. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID
No criteria just update records
Set new fields for the records you update
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
3. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem]
Criteria for Updating Records - No criteria-just update records
Set new field values for the records you update
Fulfilment Created = True
Fulfilment State = Created
Evaluate the Next-Criteria
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = False
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
Create a Record - Task
Set Field Values
Assigned to ID - reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.OwnerId
Related to ID - reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Id
Priority - Normal
Status - Not started
Subject- String - Update explorer
14 days from now
Post to Chatter
User - Select a user from a record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
Hi to all, if you are stuck in challenge 4, try the following:
OBJECT: Adventure Package
Start the process: Only when a record is created
Criteria name: Opp is not cancelled
Criteria for Executing Actions: Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineitem].Fulfillment_Created_c Equals False
2. [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName Does not equal Cancelled
All of the conditions are met (AND)
1. "Create fulfillment"
Record Type: Fulfillment
Set Field Values:
AdventurePackageId - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package cost - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
Expedition Leader - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader_c
Explorer - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_C
Fulfillment Name - Formula - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Schedule Date - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status - Picklist - New
Opportunity - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
2. "Update Opportunity"
Record: [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID
No criteria-- just update the records!
Set new fields for the records you update:
Needs Insurance - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs Waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
3. "Update Opportunity Line"
Record: [OpportunityLineItem]
No criteria-- just update the records!
Set new field values for the records you update:
Fulfilment Created = True
Fulfilment State = Created
Criteria for Executing Actions:
--> Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = False
All of the conditions are met (AND)
"Create Task" (record type: Task)
Set Field Values:
Assigned to ID - reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.OwnerId
Related to ID - reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Id
Priority - Normal
Status - Not started
Subject - String - Double check explorer data
14 days from now
"Post to Chatter"
User - Select a user from a record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
NOTE: I have passed challenge 4 with this setup on 28-12-2016
OBJECT: Fulfillment
--> when a record is created or edited
CRITERIA NAME: Fulfillment is cancelled
--> Conditions are met
1. [Fulfillment__c].Status__c equals cancelled
2. [Fulfillment__c].Schedule_Date__c Greater than Formula TODAY()
--> All of the conditions are met (AND)
Name: update sales price
Record: [Fulfillment__c].Opportunity.OpportunityLineItems
--> Updated records meet all conditions
1. Line Item ID Equals Formula [Fulfillment__c].AdventurePackageId__c
Set new field values for the records you update:
Sales Price Reference [Fulfillment__c].Deposit__c
Customize -> Opportunities -> Opportunity Products --> Fields
Action: Edit "Explorer" (Explorer__c)
---> set "Required" to blank
---> set "What to do..." to 'Clear the value of this field'
NOTE TO TRAILHEAD TEAM: please update the instructions for this superbadge, as the business requirements are not clear enough
Thank you.
Whom those got stuck on the Challange 4. Today(Jan 21, 2017) I passed the challenge after 10 hours of hard work and surfing the net thanks @ Joel and @Farouk.
Follow the below steps:
I am not using second node and this works for me.
Hope this will help :)
Amit Singh
Refer my comment above. I passed this challenge 3 days ago.
Cheers :)
I checked your comments. But your solution is not matching with the screenshots. You mentioned you have not used 2nd node, but the screenshot clearly shows a 2nd node. Please check and let me know.
Shyam Nair
The second note is for nothing (I created earlier but was not working then I did all thing in First Node). Just add create a record for Task and Schedule Functionality in First Node.
Just a small update, for those who created Fulfillment object long ago, rename the Package__c field to Opportunity__c. Thanks.
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow. A flow trigger failed to execute the flow with version ID 3016F000000U8Oq. Flow error messages: An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow
An unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Please contact your system administrator for more information. Contact your administrator for help.:
When A record Changes
It's invoked by another process
Where is The coice to start the process on record creation?
I have followed all the steps given by you to complete challenge #4, but still getting error,:"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your task was created with all of the field values set appropriately."
help me out on this. the code which you told to execute in console, should we use Anonymous window?
Actually you don't need the second node to pass this challenge. I think this challenge has been changed somewhere along the road. You should be able to solve this challenge by removing the second node and putting the task in the immediate actions of the first node. So you got 4 immediate actions:
- Creation of the fulfillment record (you should know how to do this by now)
- Update of the opportunity line item: Fulfillment Created = True
- Update of the related opportunity:
- Needs Insurance = [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance__c
- Needs Waiver = [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver__c
- Create task and don't forget to set the Related To ID
Last but not least, create the Post to Chatter as a time dependent action and you should be able to finish this challenge.This worked for me, so please let me know if this works for you guys.
"If Needs Insurance and Needs waiver fields are downloaded as Formula then, rename these and create two new checkbox fields with the same name"
After that i was able to use them into my Two Records Updates form Opportunity and OpportunityLineItem.
THANK YOU!! The criteria was set to True instead of False in Node 2 evaluation. I passed challenge # 4 now
I'm still stuck on this step...
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.
This is What I did...
Create the following three automation procedures for the sales and fulfillment teams.
Create a process named Fulfillment Creation to automatically create a fulfillment record in Salesforce whenever an adventure package is created.
As long as the opportunity stage is not Cancelled at the time an adventure is added and a fulfillment has not already been created for the adventure package, you create a new fulfillment record, and automatically populate several fields from the opportunity, adventure, and adventure package data.
Object: Adventure Package
- Conditions are met
[OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.StageName > not equal > cancelled[OpportunityLineItem].Fulfillment_created_ _c > equal > False
Inmediate Action: Create a Record
Type: Fulfillment
Note: All are "Reference" except for:
Fulfillment Name which is a "Formula"
Status is a "Picklist"
AdventurePackageId = [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package cost = [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure = [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
Expedition Leader = [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader_c
Explorer = [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_C
Fulfillment Name = [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Schedule Date = [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status = New
Opportunity = [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
Update the related Opportunity to reflect the waiver and insurance needs on the Adventure.
Set the 'Needs Insurance' field on the Opportunity to match the 'Needs Insurance' field on the Adventure record.
Set the 'Needs Waiver' field on the Opportunity to match the 'Needs Waiver' field on the Adventure record.
Inmediate Action: Update Record
Record: [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityID
No criteria - just update!
Needs Insurance = [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_ _c
Needs Waver = [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waver_ _c
Inmediate Action: Update Record
Record: [OpportunityLineItem]
No criteria - just update!
Fulfillment Created = True
Assign a task to the opportunity owner.
Add this task to the opportunity with Priority = Normal, Status = Not Started, and Subject = any sentence you choose to explain the task.
Inmediate Action: Create a Record
Type: Task
Assigned to ID = [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
Priority = Normal
Status = Not Started
Related to ID = [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Id
Schedule a chatter post for the opportunity owner for 14 days from today.
Include the Adventure Name, Opportunity Name, and Adventure Package Id in the post.
Set time: 14 Days from now
Action: Post to Chatter
Post to: User / Select user from record / [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
I really appreciate your help to identify any mistake on the process.
I have checked everything, written apex code to test. And still the same error.
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.
The Fulfillment data is 100% correct.
Does anybody have any ideas? Are there still people stuck on this one?
Copied so many solutions and the only one wich passed was that one.
Object: Adventure Package
- Only when the record is created
Criteria Name: CriteriaCriteria for Executing Actions* Conditions are met
a) [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.StageName does not equal Cancelled
b) [OpportunityLineItem].Fulfillment_State__c does not equal Created
c) [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer__c Is null False
Conditions* All of the conditions are met (AND)
1.Update records
Action name: Update Adventure Package
Record* [OpportunityLineItem]
Criteria for Updating Records*
No criteria—just update the records!
Set new field values for the records you update
2. Update Records
Action Name* Insurance and Waiver update
Record* [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID
Criteria for Updating Records*
No criteria—just update the records!
Set new field values for the records you update:
3. Create a Record
Action Name* Task
Record Type*Task
Set Field Values
4. Create a Record
Action Name* Fulfillment Creation
Record Type* Fulfillment
- AdventurePackageId [OpportunityLineItem].Id
- Adventure Package Cost [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
- Adventure [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Id
- Expedition Leader [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader__c
- Explorer [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer__c
- Fulfillment Name [OpportunityLineItem].Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Id
- Opportunity [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
- Schedule Date [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
- Status New
Post to Chatter
Action Name* Chatter Reminder
Post to* User* [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
I am stuck in challenge 4 I have selected Adventure Package as object and in the NODE 1 I am not getting Opportunity stage field to add as creteria. Please help me.
Sai Tharun
@sai tharun Does this help:
Great! Could you post your solution please or have a look at one of my failed tries written a few comments above? I haven't passed the 4th challenge yet.
Or this copied from above:
Object: Adventure Package
Only when the record is created
Criteria Name: Criteria
Criteria for Executing Actions* Conditions are met
a) [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.StageName does not equal Cancelled
b) [OpportunityLineItem].Fulfillment_State__c does not equal Created
c) [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer__c Is null False
Conditions* All of the conditions are met (AND)
1.Update records
Action name: Update Adventure Package
Record* [OpportunityLineItem]
Criteria for Updating Records*
No criteria—just update the records!
Set new field values for the records you update
Fulfillment Created Boolean True
Fullmiment State Picklist Created
2. Update Records
Action Name* Insurance and Waiver update
Record* [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID
Criteria for Updating Records*
No criteria—just update the records!
Set new field values for the records you update:
Needs Insurance [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance__c
Needs Waiver [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver__c
3. Create a Record
Action Name* Task
Record Type*Task
Set Field Values
Assigned To ID [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.OwnerId
Priority Normal
Status Not Started
Subject Get on this!
4. Create a Record
Action Name* Fulfillment Creation
Record Type* Fulfillment
AdventurePackageId [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package Cost [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Id
Expedition Leader [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader__c
Explorer [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer__c
Fulfillment Name [OpportunityLineItem].Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Id
Opportunity [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
Schedule Date [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status New
14 Days from now
Post to Chatter
Action Name* Chatter Reminder
Post to* User* [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
All help appreciated. Thanx, Sai.
One that worked for them in or Workbench.
All my conversions mess up the date field, hence I failed to import the data. Installing Jitterbit and Excel Connector failed, and I can't login to Apex Data Loader, so can someone please send a csv file that works with or Workbench?
Also, I would like to enter some test data, but I cannot figure out how to create a new Adventure Package. I can get to Adventures, Explorers, Opportunities, and Fulfillments, but I can't get a tab for Adventure Packages. Is that supposed to be showing up?
Thanks for any advice.
If you want to test the mechanism you don't need to create an Adventure Package. Instead create a new Opportunity and check if a fulfillment gets created for it.
I had used:
AdventurePackageId [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
when I needed to use:
AdventurePackageId [OpportunityLineItem].Id.
And I made the same error in the formula for the name. Fixed those and it passed.
Thanks to all for your help and posts.
Please help me on this. how to do these steps ?
And after that, run this script in your dev console :
Product2 product = new Product2(name='Half Dome Hike', isActive=true); insert product; // insert the pricebookentry Pricebook2 stdPrice = [Select id from Pricebook2 where isStandard=true limit 1]; PricebookEntry pbe = new PricebookEntry( IsActive = true, Product2Id =, UnitPrice = 2.00, Pricebook2Id = stdPrice.Id); insert pbe;
for creating test records.
Thanks for all the help and great posts guys, I am hoping to start my first (and hopefully only) Salesforce career in the next week and will need all the help I can get :)
May I ask how did you land your first SF job?
I am stuck at step #7 of Super badge Lightning Experience Specialist. Not clear on the requirement of Support process. Do we have to use the process builder or Object Specific Quick action. Can any one help me with the steps.
Thanks in advance.
I'm stuck at step 6. This is my error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject
And this is the process:
OBJECT: Fulfillment
--> when a record is created or edited
CRITERIA NAME: Fulfillment is cancelled
--> Conditions are met
1. [Fulfillment__c].Status__c equals cancelled
2. [Fulfillment__c].Schedule_Date__c Greater than Formula TODAY()
--> All of the conditions are met (AND)
Name: update sales price
Record: [Fulfillment__c].Opportunity.OpportunityLineItems
--> Updated records meet all conditions
1. Line Item ID Equals Formula [Fulfillment__c].AdventurePackageId__c
Set new field values for the records you update:
Sales Price Reference [Fulfillment__c].Deposit__c
Customize -> Opportunities -> Opportunity Products --> Fields
Action: Edit "Explorer" (Explorer__c)
---> set "Required" to blank
---> set "What to do..." to 'Clear the value of this field'
Thanks for any advice.
[ ] only when a record is created
[x] when a record is created or edited
The name of the Process is "Fulfillment Cancellation Automation" ?
Could you provide some screenshots?
--> Conditions are met
1. [Fulfillment__c].Status__c equals cancelled
2. [Fulfillment__c].Schedule_Date__c Greater than Formula TODAY()
--> All of the conditions are met (AND)
1. [Fulfillment__c].Status__c equals cancelled
2. [Fulfillment__c].Schedule_Date__c Greater than Reference [Fulfillment__c].Opportunity__r.CloseDate
--> All of the conditions are met (AND)
Give it a Try.
Amit Singh,
GIRIKON LLC (" target="_blank)
Do you still have the 3 processes Active ? Are the objects as follows?
Are you validating the right org?
This is the log:
My process is the same
Execute Anonymous: Contact sam = new Contact(firstname='Sam', lastname='the ninja');
Execute Anonymous: insert sam;
Execute Anonymous: Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(name='Make Kite to Fly', stagename='New',;
Execute Anonymous: insert opp;
Execute Anonymous: // insert product
Execute Anonymous: Product2 product = new Product2(name='Butterfly Net', isActive=true);
Execute Anonymous: insert product;
Execute Anonymous: // insert the pricebookentry
Execute Anonymous: Pricebook2 stdPrice = [Select id from Pricebook2 where isStandard=true limit 1];
Execute Anonymous: PricebookEntry pbe = new PricebookEntry( IsActive = true, Product2Id =, UnitPrice = 2.00, Pricebook2Id = stdPrice.Id);
Execute Anonymous: insert pbe;
Execute Anonymous: // create the opp line item
Execute Anonymous: OpportunityLineItem oli1 = new OpportunityLineItem(OpportunityId=opp.Id, UnitPrice=2, quantity=1,pricebookentryid=pbe.Id, servicedate = date.newInstance(2050, 1, 1), explorer__c =;
Execute Anonymous: OpportunityLineItem oli2 = new OpportunityLineItem(OpportunityId=opp.Id, UnitPrice=2, quantity=1,pricebookentryid=pbe.Id, servicedate = date.newInstance(2010, 1, 1), explorer__c =;
Execute Anonymous: insert oli1;
Execute Anonymous: insert oli2;
Execute Anonymous: // this will create a fulfillment record
Execute Anonymous: // find the fulfillment -- by AdventurePackageId__c which is the opp line item
Execute Anonymous: Fulfillment__c f1 = [select id, deposit__c from Fulfillment__c where AdventurePackageId__c = :oli1.Id];
Execute Anonymous: Fulfillment__c f2 = [select id, deposit__c from Fulfillment__c where AdventurePackageId__c = :oli2.Id];
Execute Anonymous: // update the fulfillment and set to cancelled
Execute Anonymous: f1.Status__c = 'Cancelled';
Execute Anonymous: update f1;
Execute Anonymous: f2.Status__c = 'Cancelled';
Execute Anonymous: update f2;
Execute Anonymous: // get the fulfillment again to check the values
Execute Anonymous: oli1 = [select id, unitprice from OpportunityLineItem where Id = :oli1.Id];
Execute Anonymous: oli2 = [select id, unitprice from OpportunityLineItem where Id = :oli2.Id];
Execute Anonymous: // make sure the deposit matches the unit price
Execute Anonymous: System.assertEquals(f1.deposit__c, oli1.unitprice); // one way in the future
Execute Anonymous: System.assertNotEquals(f2.deposit__c, oli2.unitprice); // one way in the past
Execute Anonymous: // clean up
Execute Anonymous: delete opp;
Execute Anonymous: delete f1;
Execute Anonymous: delete f2;
Execute Anonymous: delete product;
Execute Anonymous: delete sam;
16:32:37.1 (1361064)|USER_INFO|[EXTERNAL]|0050Y000002frbH||Central European Time|GMT+02:00
16:32:37.1 (1389442)|EXECUTION_STARTED
16:32:37.1 (1394128)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|execute_anonymous_apex
16:32:37.1 (1575601)|VARIABLE_SCOPE_BEGIN|[19]|f1|Fulfillment__c|true|false
16:32:37.1 (1591724)|VARIABLE_SCOPE_BEGIN|[20]|f2|Fulfillment__c|true|false
16:32:37.1 (1621319)|VARIABLE_SCOPE_BEGIN|[13]|oli1|OpportunityLineItem|true|false
16:32:37.1 (1633032)|VARIABLE_SCOPE_BEGIN|[14]|oli2|OpportunityLineItem|true|false
16:32:37.1 (1656486)|VARIABLE_SCOPE_BEGIN|[3]|opp|Opportunity|true|false
16:32:37.1 (1681232)|VARIABLE_SCOPE_BEGIN|[10]|pbe|PricebookEntry|true|false
16:32:37.1 (1704632)|VARIABLE_SCOPE_BEGIN|[6]|product|Product2|true|false
16:32:37.1 (1733025)|VARIABLE_SCOPE_BEGIN|[1]|sam|Contact|true|false
16:32:37.1 (1756612)|VARIABLE_SCOPE_BEGIN|[9]|stdPrice|Pricebook2|true|false
16:32:37.1 (1899994)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[72]|Bytes:3
16:32:37.1 (1936821)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[77]|Bytes:152
16:32:37.1 (1955831)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[342]|Bytes:408
16:32:37.1 (1979741)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[355]|Bytes:408
16:32:37.1 (2002897)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[467]|Bytes:48
16:32:37.1 (2035681)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[139]|Bytes:6
16:32:37.1 (2066966)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[EXTERNAL]|Bytes:76
16:32:37.1 (2442388)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[1]
16:32:37.1 (2446044)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[1]
16:32:37.1 (2465290)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[1]|Bytes:4
16:32:37.1 (2563833)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[1]|Bytes:3
16:32:37.1 (2628629)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[1]|this.FirstName|"Sam"|0x24fb3378
16:32:37.1 (2639452)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[1]|Bytes:9
16:32:37.1 (2661099)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[1]|this.LastName|"the ninja"|0x24fb3378
16:32:37.1 (2712314)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[1]|sam|{"FirstName":"Sam","LastName":"the ninja"}|0x24fb3378
16:32:37.1 (2721315)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[2]
16:32:37.1 (2771021)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[50]|Bytes:5
16:32:37.1 (2796821)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[56]|Bytes:5
16:32:37.1 (2807129)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[64]|Bytes:7
16:32:37.1 (2848121)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[2]|Bytes:8
16:32:37.1 (2858168)|DML_BEGIN|[2]|Op:Insert|Type:Contact|Rows:1
16:32:37.1 (2893578)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[EXTERNAL]|Bytes:8
16:32:37.1 (45912972)|DML_END|[2]
16:32:37.1 (45946579)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[3]
16:32:37.1 (45969466)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[3]|Bytes:4
16:32:37.1 (46096292)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[3]|Bytes:16
16:32:37.1 (46150111)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[3]|this.Name|"Make Kite to Fly"|0x61b3f024
16:32:37.1 (46161537)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[3]|Bytes:3
16:32:37.1 (46187402)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[3]|this.StageName|"New"|0x61b3f024
16:32:37.1 (46280960)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[3]|Bytes:4
16:32:37.1 (46331889)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[3]|this.CloseDate|"2017-09-20T00:00:00.000Z"|0x61b3f024
16:32:37.1 (46401378)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[3]|opp|{"Name":"Make Kite to Fly","StageName":"New","CloseDate":"2017-09-20T00:00:00.000Z"}|0x61b3f024
16:32:37.1 (46411550)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[4]
16:32:37.1 (46434457)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[4]|Bytes:8
16:32:37.1 (46442340)|DML_BEGIN|[4]|Op:Insert|Type:Opportunity|Rows:1
16:32:37.1 (46470711)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[EXTERNAL]|Bytes:8
16:32:37.1 (59413578)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|Validation:Opportunity:new
16:32:37.1 (59441664)|VALIDATION_RULE|03d0Y000000F2bk|Approved_Field_Validation
16:32:37.1 (66955442)|VALIDATION_FORMULA|AND(
$Profile.Name <> 'System Administrator',
$Profile.Name <> 'Custom: Sales Profile'
)|$Profile.Name=Amministratore del sistema , Approved__c=0
16:32:37.1 (66985147)|VALIDATION_PASS
16:32:37.1 (66988640)|VALIDATION_RULE|03d0Y000000F2bp|High_Value_Opportunity_Validation
16:32:37.1 (67198642)|VALIDATION_FORMULA|AND(
IsClosed = TRUE,
Amount > 100000,
Approved__c <> TRUE
)|Amount=null , IsClosed=0 , Approved__c=0
16:32:37.1 (67206343)|VALIDATION_PASS
16:32:37.1 (67249515)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|Validation:Opportunity:new
16:32:37.1 (96975819)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|Workflow:Opportunity
16:32:37.1 (113544166)|WF_RULE_EVAL_BEGIN|Workflow
16:32:37.1 (113606958)|WF_CRITERIA_BEGIN|[Opportunity: Make Kite to Fly 0060Y00000AodDC]|Sales_Automation3010Y0000005O3C|01Q0Y000000Q42M|ON_ALL_CHANGES|0
16:32:37.1 (113739257)|WF_FORMULA|Formula:ENCODED:[treatNullAsNull]true|Values:
16:32:37.1 (113751512)|WF_CRITERIA_END|true
16:32:37.1 (123804470)|WF_SPOOL_ACTION_BEGIN|Workflow
16:32:37.1 (123857841)|WF_ACTION| Flow Trigger: 1;
16:32:37.1 (123862115)|WF_RULE_EVAL_END
16:32:37.1 (128202906)|WF_FLOW_ACTION_BEGIN|09L0Y000000ctUq
16:32:37.128 (128340603)|FLOW_CREATE_INTERVIEW_BEGIN|00D0Y000001YA53|3000Y000000D35q|3010Y0000005O3C
16:32:37.128 (131464221)|FLOW_CREATE_INTERVIEW_END|682543129a493228ecba2e72de6715e9f9dffb0-68c6|Sales Automation
16:32:37.131 (131810349)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEWS_BEGIN|1
16:32:37.131 (131851940)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEW_BEGIN|682543129a493228ecba2e72de6715e9f9dffb0-68c6|Sales Automation
16:32:37.131 (133498250)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEW_END|682543129a493228ecba2e72de6715e9f9dffb0-68c6|Sales Automation
16:32:37.131 (133510533)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEWS_END|1
16:32:37.1 (134707715)|WF_FLOW_ACTION_END|09L0Y000000ctUq
16:32:37.1 (134783994)|WF_ACTIONS_END| Flow Trigger: 1;
16:32:37.1 (134792550)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|Workflow:Opportunity
16:32:37.1 (136066533)|DML_END|[4]
16:32:37.1 (136086439)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[6]
16:32:37.1 (136106250)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[6]|Bytes:4
16:32:37.1 (136203751)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[6]|Bytes:13
16:32:37.1 (136245722)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[6]|this.Name|"Butterfly Net"|0x6e0b68d3
16:32:37.1 (136269128)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[6]|this.IsActive|true|0x6e0b68d3
16:32:37.1 (136323048)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[6]|product|{"Name":"Butterfly Net","IsActive":true}|0x6e0b68d3
16:32:37.1 (136329000)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[7]
16:32:37.1 (136349041)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[7]|Bytes:8
16:32:37.1 (136355874)|DML_BEGIN|[7]|Op:Insert|Type:Product2|Rows:1
16:32:37.1 (136376593)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[EXTERNAL]|Bytes:8
16:32:37.1 (157399251)|DML_END|[7]
16:32:37.1 (157435911)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[9]
16:32:37.1 (157445323)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[9]|Bytes:57
16:32:37.1 (157476523)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[9]|Bytes:4
16:32:37.1 (157795564)|SOQL_EXECUTE_BEGIN|[9]|Aggregations:0|SELECT id FROM Pricebook2 WHERE isStandard = TRUE LIMIT 1
16:32:37.1 (160991304)|SOQL_EXECUTE_END|[9]|Rows:1
16:32:37.1 (161022584)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[9]|Bytes:8
16:32:37.1 (161039650)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[9]|Bytes:29
16:32:37.1 (161164686)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[9]|Bytes:8
16:32:37.1 (161181363)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[9]|Bytes:36
16:32:37.1 (161247678)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[9]|Bytes:8
16:32:37.1 (161286853)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[9]|stdPrice|{"Id":"01s0Y000007IrcfQAC"}|0x52cab7ea
16:32:37.1 (161294629)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[10]
16:32:37.1 (161305151)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[10]|Bytes:4
16:32:37.1 (161423018)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[10]|this.IsActive|true|0x680df74e
16:32:37.1 (161466003)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[10]|this.Product2Id|"01t0Y000003N1zOQAS"|0x680df74e
16:32:37.1 (161476829)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[10]|Bytes:4
16:32:37.1 (161519888)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[10]|Bytes:28
16:32:37.1 (161545276)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[10]|this.UnitPrice|2.00|0x680df74e
16:32:37.1 (161572575)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[10]|this.Pricebook2Id|"01s0Y000007IrcfQAC"|0x680df74e
16:32:37.1 (161615281)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[10]|pbe|{"IsActive":true,"Product2Id":"01t0Y000003N1zOQAS","UnitPrice":2.00,"Pricebook2Id":"01s0Y000007IrcfQAC"}|0x680df74e
16:32:37.1 (161621267)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[11]
16:32:37.1 (161643779)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[11]|Bytes:8
16:32:37.1 (161651387)|DML_BEGIN|[11]|Op:Insert|Type:PricebookEntry|Rows:1
16:32:37.1 (161682871)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[EXTERNAL]|Bytes:8
16:32:37.1 (177767217)|DML_END|[11]
16:32:37.1 (177801297)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[13]
16:32:37.1 (177825103)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[13]|Bytes:4
16:32:37.1 (178002703)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[13]|this.OpportunityId|"0060Y00000AodDCQAZ"|0x5b4c52f3
16:32:37.1 (178045357)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[13]|Bytes:28
16:32:37.1 (178049998)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[13]|Bytes:28
16:32:37.1 (178074347)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[13]|this.UnitPrice|2|0x5b4c52f3
16:32:37.1 (178084697)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[13]|Bytes:28
16:32:37.1 (178087763)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[13]|Bytes:28
16:32:37.1 (178102133)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[13]|this.Quantity|1|0x5b4c52f3
16:32:37.1 (178132691)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[13]|this.PricebookEntryId|"01u0Y000006RKcDQAW"|0x5b4c52f3
16:32:37.1 (178209571)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[13]|Bytes:4
16:32:37.1 (178253600)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[13]|this.ServiceDate|"2050-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"|0x5b4c52f3
16:32:37.1 (178350563)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[13]|this.Explorer__c|"0030Y00000bopBrQAI"|0x5b4c52f3
16:32:37.1 (178414936)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[13]|oli1|{"OpportunityId":"0060Y00000AodDCQAZ","UnitPrice":2,"Quantity":1,"PricebookEntryId":"01u0Y000006RKcDQAW","ServiceDate":"2050-01-01T00:00:00.000Z","Explorer__c":"0030Y00000bopBrQAI"}|0x5b4c52f3
16:32:37.1 (178422722)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[14]
16:32:37.1 (178429883)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[14]|Bytes:4
16:32:37.1 (178454953)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[14]|this.OpportunityId|"0060Y00000AodDCQAZ"|0x354281bd
16:32:37.1 (178467166)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[14]|Bytes:28
16:32:37.1 (178470566)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[14]|Bytes:28
16:32:37.1 (178483645)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[14]|this.UnitPrice|2|0x354281bd
16:32:37.1 (178491368)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[14]|Bytes:28
16:32:37.1 (178494011)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[14]|Bytes:28
16:32:37.1 (178508216)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[14]|this.Quantity|1|0x354281bd
16:32:37.1 (178527400)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[14]|this.PricebookEntryId|"01u0Y000006RKcDQAW"|0x354281bd
16:32:37.1 (178562643)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[14]|Bytes:4
16:32:37.1 (178587890)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[14]|this.ServiceDate|"2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"|0x354281bd
16:32:37.1 (178610965)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[14]|this.Explorer__c|"0030Y00000bopBrQAI"|0x354281bd
16:32:37.1 (178639282)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[14]|oli2|{"OpportunityId":"0060Y00000AodDCQAZ","UnitPrice":2,"Quantity":1,"PricebookEntryId":"01u0Y000006RKcDQAW","ServiceDate":"2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z","Explorer__c":"0030Y00000bopBrQAI"}|0x354281bd
16:32:37.1 (178646249)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[15]
16:32:37.1 (178665729)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[15]|Bytes:8
16:32:37.1 (178672465)|DML_BEGIN|[15]|Op:Insert|Type:OpportunityLineItem|Rows:1
16:32:37.1 (178705539)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[EXTERNAL]|Bytes:8
16:32:37.1 (219335009)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|Workflow:OpportunityLineItem
16:32:37.1 (238438034)|WF_RULE_EVAL_BEGIN|Workflow
16:32:37.1 (238473564)|WF_CRITERIA_BEGIN|[Adventure Package: 00k0Y00000MAfZd]|Fulfillment_Creation3010Y0000005O2I|01Q0Y000000Q42q|ON_CREATE_ONLY|0
16:32:37.1 (238583592)|WF_FORMULA|Formula:ENCODED:[treatNullAsNull]true|Values:
16:32:37.1 (238590669)|WF_CRITERIA_END|true
16:32:37.1 (247830975)|WF_SPOOL_ACTION_BEGIN|Workflow
16:32:37.1 (247924846)|WF_ACTION| Flow Trigger: 1;
16:32:37.1 (247932126)|WF_RULE_EVAL_END
16:32:37.1 (247968478)|WF_FLOW_ACTION_BEGIN|09L0Y000000ctVK
16:32:37.248 (248067035)|FLOW_CREATE_INTERVIEW_BEGIN|00D0Y000001YA53|3000Y0000004iaB|3010Y0000005O2I
16:32:37.248 (251957630)|FLOW_CREATE_INTERVIEW_END|682643129a493228ecba2e72de6715e9f9dffb0-68c7|Fulfillment Creation
16:32:37.252 (252413773)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEWS_BEGIN|1
16:32:37.252 (252440374)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEW_BEGIN|682643129a493228ecba2e72de6715e9f9dffb0-68c7|Fulfillment Creation
16:32:37.252 (255587455)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEW_END|682643129a493228ecba2e72de6715e9f9dffb0-68c7|Fulfillment Creation
16:32:37.252 (255606325)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEWS_END|1
16:32:37.1 (256344087)|WF_FLOW_ACTION_END|09L0Y000000ctVK
16:32:37.1 (256379436)|WF_TIME_TRIGGERS_BEGIN
16:32:37.1 (274036287)|WF_ACTIONS_END| Flow Trigger: 1;
16:32:37.1 (274059803)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|Workflow:OpportunityLineItem
16:32:37.1 (281180737)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|Validation:Opportunity:0060Y00000AodDC
16:32:37.1 (281203369)|VALIDATION_RULE|03d0Y000000F2bk|Approved_Field_Validation
16:32:37.1 (281489273)|VALIDATION_FORMULA|AND(
$Profile.Name <> 'System Administrator',
$Profile.Name <> 'Custom: Sales Profile'
)|$Profile.Name=Amministratore del sistema , Approved__c=0
16:32:37.1 (281499675)|VALIDATION_PASS
16:32:37.1 (281501586)|VALIDATION_RULE|03d0Y000000F2bp|High_Value_Opportunity_Validation
16:32:37.1 (281618705)|VALIDATION_FORMULA|AND(
IsClosed = TRUE,
Amount > 100000,
Approved__c <> TRUE
)|Amount=2 , IsClosed=0 , Approved__c=0
16:32:37.1 (281625630)|VALIDATION_PASS
16:32:37.1 (281677312)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|Validation:Opportunity:0060Y00000AodDC
16:32:37.1 (304030905)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|Workflow:Opportunity
16:32:37.1 (312029237)|WF_RULE_EVAL_BEGIN|Workflow
16:32:37.1 (312067136)|WF_CRITERIA_BEGIN|[Opportunity: Make Kite to Fly 0060Y00000AodDC]|Sales_Automation3010Y0000005O3C|01Q0Y000000Q42M|ON_ALL_CHANGES|0
16:32:37.1 (312107050)|WF_FORMULA|Formula:ENCODED:[treatNullAsNull]true|Values:
16:32:37.1 (312113386)|WF_CRITERIA_END|true
16:32:37.1 (312130698)|WF_SPOOL_ACTION_BEGIN|Workflow
16:32:37.1 (312151325)|WF_ACTION| Flow Trigger: 1;
16:32:37.1 (312154960)|WF_RULE_EVAL_END
16:32:37.1 (312177347)|WF_FLOW_ACTION_BEGIN|09L0Y000000ctUq
16:32:37.312 (312243722)|FLOW_CREATE_INTERVIEW_BEGIN|00D0Y000001YA53|3000Y000000D35q|3010Y0000005O3C
16:32:37.312 (312295909)|FLOW_CREATE_INTERVIEW_END|682743129a493228ecba2e72de6715e9f9dffb0-68c8|Sales Automation
16:32:37.312 (312595077)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEWS_BEGIN|1
16:32:37.312 (312619584)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEW_BEGIN|682743129a493228ecba2e72de6715e9f9dffb0-68c8|Sales Automation
16:32:37.312 (313930693)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEW_END|682743129a493228ecba2e72de6715e9f9dffb0-68c8|Sales Automation
16:32:37.312 (313948816)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEWS_END|1
16:32:37.1 (314858672)|WF_FLOW_ACTION_END|09L0Y000000ctUq
16:32:37.1 (314951188)|WF_ACTIONS_END| Flow Trigger: 1;
16:32:37.1 (314959592)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|Workflow:Opportunity
16:32:37.1 (315634641)|DML_END|[15]
16:32:37.1 (315665358)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[16]
16:32:37.1 (315706196)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[16]|Bytes:8
16:32:37.1 (315716848)|DML_BEGIN|[16]|Op:Insert|Type:OpportunityLineItem|Rows:1
16:32:37.1 (315750490)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[EXTERNAL]|Bytes:8
16:32:37.1 (334900342)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|Workflow:OpportunityLineItem
16:32:37.1 (345287429)|WF_RULE_EVAL_BEGIN|Workflow
16:32:37.1 (345316980)|WF_CRITERIA_BEGIN|[Adventure Package: 00k0Y00000MAfZe]|Fulfillment_Creation3010Y0000005O2I|01Q0Y000000Q42q|ON_CREATE_ONLY|0
16:32:37.1 (345360347)|WF_FORMULA|Formula:ENCODED:[treatNullAsNull]true|Values:
16:32:37.1 (345366882)|WF_CRITERIA_END|true
16:32:37.1 (345384832)|WF_SPOOL_ACTION_BEGIN|Workflow
16:32:37.1 (345406163)|WF_ACTION| Flow Trigger: 1;
16:32:37.1 (345409971)|WF_RULE_EVAL_END
16:32:37.1 (345433129)|WF_FLOW_ACTION_BEGIN|09L0Y000000ctVK
16:32:37.345 (345496467)|FLOW_CREATE_INTERVIEW_BEGIN|00D0Y000001YA53|3000Y0000004iaB|3010Y0000005O2I
16:32:37.345 (345547857)|FLOW_CREATE_INTERVIEW_END|682843129a493228ecba2e72de6715e9f9dffb0-68c9|Fulfillment Creation
16:32:37.345 (345835991)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEWS_BEGIN|1
16:32:37.345 (345852579)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEW_BEGIN|682843129a493228ecba2e72de6715e9f9dffb0-68c9|Fulfillment Creation
16:32:37.345 (347989741)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEW_END|682843129a493228ecba2e72de6715e9f9dffb0-68c9|Fulfillment Creation
16:32:37.345 (348004018)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEWS_END|1
16:32:37.1 (348670517)|WF_FLOW_ACTION_END|09L0Y000000ctVK
16:32:37.1 (348698059)|WF_TIME_TRIGGERS_BEGIN
16:32:37.1 (351760773)|WF_ACTIONS_END| Flow Trigger: 1;
16:32:37.1 (351779199)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|Workflow:OpportunityLineItem
16:32:37.1 (359154051)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|Validation:Opportunity:0060Y00000AodDC
16:32:37.1 (359180729)|VALIDATION_RULE|03d0Y000000F2bk|Approved_Field_Validation
16:32:37.1 (359511049)|VALIDATION_FORMULA|AND(
$Profile.Name <> 'System Administrator',
$Profile.Name <> 'Custom: Sales Profile'
)|$Profile.Name=Amministratore del sistema , Approved__c=0
16:32:37.1 (359526816)|VALIDATION_PASS
16:32:37.1 (359529371)|VALIDATION_RULE|03d0Y000000F2bp|High_Value_Opportunity_Validation
16:32:37.1 (359677775)|VALIDATION_FORMULA|AND(
IsClosed = TRUE,
Amount > 100000,
Approved__c <> TRUE
)|Amount=4 , IsClosed=0 , Approved__c=0
16:32:37.1 (359687523)|VALIDATION_PASS
16:32:37.1 (359733226)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|Validation:Opportunity:0060Y00000AodDC
16:32:37.1 (373829446)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|Workflow:Opportunity
16:32:37.1 (379365215)|WF_RULE_EVAL_BEGIN|Workflow
16:32:37.1 (379397648)|WF_CRITERIA_BEGIN|[Opportunity: Make Kite to Fly 0060Y00000AodDC]|Sales_Automation3010Y0000005O3C|01Q0Y000000Q42M|ON_ALL_CHANGES|0
16:32:37.1 (379437534)|WF_FORMULA|Formula:ENCODED:[treatNullAsNull]true|Values:
16:32:37.1 (379443410)|WF_CRITERIA_END|true
16:32:37.1 (379459676)|WF_SPOOL_ACTION_BEGIN|Workflow
16:32:37.1 (379478056)|WF_ACTION| Flow Trigger: 1;
16:32:37.1 (379481596)|WF_RULE_EVAL_END
16:32:37.1 (379505605)|WF_FLOW_ACTION_BEGIN|09L0Y000000ctUq
16:32:37.379 (379566666)|FLOW_CREATE_INTERVIEW_BEGIN|00D0Y000001YA53|3000Y000000D35q|3010Y0000005O3C
16:32:37.379 (379615913)|FLOW_CREATE_INTERVIEW_END|682943129a493228ecba2e72de6715e9f9dffb0-68ca|Sales Automation
16:32:37.635 (635138813)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEWS_BEGIN|1
16:32:37.635 (635176755)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEW_BEGIN|682943129a493228ecba2e72de6715e9f9dffb0-68ca|Sales Automation
16:32:37.635 (636249182)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEW_END|682943129a493228ecba2e72de6715e9f9dffb0-68ca|Sales Automation
16:32:37.635 (636264627)|FLOW_START_INTERVIEWS_END|1
16:32:37.1 (637106756)|WF_FLOW_ACTION_END|09L0Y000000ctUq
16:32:37.1 (637222251)|WF_ACTIONS_END| Flow Trigger: 1;
16:32:37.1 (637234729)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|Workflow:Opportunity
16:32:37.1 (638183513)|DML_END|[16]
16:32:37.1 (638418602)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[19]
16:32:37.1 (638430840)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[19]|Bytes:80
16:32:37.1 (638514233)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[19]|Bytes:4
16:32:37.1 (638536933)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[19]|Bytes:7
16:32:37.1 (639192322)|SOQL_EXECUTE_BEGIN|[19]|Aggregations:0|SELECT id, deposit__c FROM Fulfillment__c WHERE AdventurePackageId__c = :tmpVar1
16:32:37.1 (647647385)|SOQL_EXECUTE_END|[19]|Rows:0
16:32:37.1 (647703970)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[19]|Bytes:4
16:32:37.1 (647724335)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[19]|Bytes:0
16:32:37.1 (647952331)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[19]|Bytes:4
16:32:37.1 (647981168)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[19]|Bytes:40
16:32:37.1 (648148541)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[19]|Bytes:46
16:32:37.1 (648314950)|FATAL_ERROR|System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject
AnonymousBlock: line 19, column 1
16:32:37.648 (648381821)|CUMULATIVE_LIMIT_USAGE
16:32:37.648 (648381821)|LIMIT_USAGE_FOR_NS|(default)|
Number of SOQL queries: 2 out of 100
Number of query rows: 1 out of 50000
Number of SOSL queries: 0 out of 20
Number of DML statements: 6 out of 150
Number of DML rows: 6 out of 10000
Maximum CPU time: 0 out of 10000
Maximum heap size: 0 out of 6000000
Number of callouts: 0 out of 100
Number of Email Invocations: 0 out of 10
Number of future calls: 0 out of 50
Number of queueable jobs added to the queue: 0 out of 50
Number of Mobile Apex push calls: 0 out of 10
16:32:37.648 (648381821)|CUMULATIVE_LIMIT_USAGE_END
16:32:37.1 (648434558)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|execute_anonymous_apex
16:32:37.1 (649537852)|EXECUTION_FINISHED
Click on "Stop" Button and check "Evaluate the Next Criteria"
In the second node [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = False(True is not fulfill the requirement) .
Object - Adventure Package
Start Process- Only when a record is created
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName Does not equal Cancelled
2. [OpportunityLineitem].Fulfillment_Created_c Equals False
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
1. Create a Record
Record Type - Fulfillment
Set Field Values
AdventurePackageId - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package cost - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
Expedition Leader - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader_c
Explorer - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_C
Fulfillment Name - Formula -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Schedule Date -Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status- Picklist - New
Package - [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
2. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID
No criteria just update records
Set new fields for the records you update
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
3. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem]
Criteria for Updating Records - No criteria-just update records
Set new field values for the records you update
Fulfilment Created = True
4. Create Record - Task
Set Field Values
Assigned to ID - reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.OwnerId
Related to ID - reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Id
Priority - Normal
Status - Not started
Subject- String - Update explorer
14 days from now
Post to Chatter
User - Select a user from a record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
While it should need it is "False".
Changing that helped me to finally solve this challenge !!!!
Thank you all for the help
Hi All!
Having issues with this step, please help :-)
Based on the solution from @Shahed Miah and @Farouk Fakunle I see the last "Set Field Value" as:
Package - [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
I dont have Package from my options.
I did get all the other ones and mapped them but I don't have "Package" in order to map it to the OpportunityId.
Please help.
Thanks a bunch for your help, I finally got it.
All the best.
Hi All!
I'm suck on challenge #6 now :-(
I am getting an error, but I belive my set-up is solid, please help me out by looking at the below images and sharing any insights.
Immediate Actions
I have issue because of namespace created. What to do?
There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: KEUZUFXS. Error: Faraday::ResourceNotFound. Message: NOT_FOUND: Invalid Action Name: Fulfillment__c.New_Expedition_Leader_Case
Completed the challenge. But test validation written by Salesforce is throwing an error.
I struggled one month with this issue, You saved me Yar!!!!
I passed this challenge..step 4:Automate the creation of fulfillments -lightning experience specialist
Over all image -
step 1 :creation of fulfillment record with autopopulated values -
step 2:update adventure package fulfillment created to true -
step 3: Update the related Opportunity to reflect the waiver and insurance needs on the Adventure
step 4: Create a task for the sales rep to review the fulfillment -
step 5: Schedule a chatter post -
Please let me know for any issues.
Amit Singh 1, Thank you man.....I was stuck with this one, just for a tiny bit.
Set Conditions:
[OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName Does not equal Cancelled
[OpportunityLineitem].Fulfillment_Created_c Equals False
[OpportunityLineitem].Explorer__c IsNull false
I was using True. Somehow I was unable to see my mistake.....As soon as a change to False...>B O O O M M M M.....
Thanks a million!
When I try to test and manually create Fulfillment record, I get the task created. What I'm struggling with - is Fulfillment creation
I'm trying to check for
Oppty Stage "does not equal" cancelled
Fulfillment_CreateD__c equals FALSE
Seems like two simple criteria to kick off the creation of the fulfillment record, but it's not firing. Anyone else has the same issue?
As they say in the instructions make sure your process works first, although, this does not mean you will pass the challenge. But, at least if it is working you can go back to the records created and verify what information you may be missing to pass the challenge. Good luck, I beat my head a few times but eventually got it.
1. Process Builder Name:- Fulfillment Creation
2. Object - Adventure Package
Start Process- Only when a record is created
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName Does not equal Cancelled
2. [OpportunityLineitem].Fulfillment_Created_c Equals True
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
1. Create a Record
Record Type - Fulfillment
Set Field Values
AdventurePackageId - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package cost - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
Expedition Leader - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader_c
Explorer - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer__C
Fulfillment Name - Formula -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Opportunity-Field Reference-[OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
Schedule Date -Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status- Picklist - New
NOTE :-Package is not required so, please don't include here
Package - [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
Step 2. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem]
Criteria for Updating Records - No criteria-just update records
Set new field values for the records you update
Fulfilment Created = True
Note no need to include then below fields in this section:-Please don't confuse
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
Step 3. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID
No criteria just update records
Set new fields for the records you update
Needs Insurance -Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Needs_Needs_Insurance_c
Needs Waiver - Refernce - [OpportunityLineItem].Needs_Waiver_c
Step 4. Create Task
Action Name:- TASK
Record Type:- Task
Set Field Values:-
Reminder Set-Boolean-True
Assigned to ID - reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
Priority - Normal
Status - Not started
Related to ID - reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Exploter_c
Subject- String - any sentence you choose to explain the task
Click on Save
14 Days from now
Step 6. Click on Add ACTIONS
Action Name:- Post to Chatter
Post to:- User, User-Select a user from a record :- [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
Step 7:- Click on Activate
Open developer Console
Click ->Debug->open Execute Anonymous Window-->Paste the below code select those code and Execute Highlighted
Product2 product = new Product2(name='Half Dome Hike', isActive=true);
insert product;
//insert the pricebookentry
Pricebook2 stdPrice = [Select id from Pricebook2 where isStandard=true limit 1];
PricebookEntry pbe = new PricebookEntry( IsActive = true, Product2Id =, UnitPrice = 2.00, Pricebook2Id = stdPrice.Id);
insert pbe;
that's what i do in my challenge, but i still don't clear my challenge for the step 4:
Can you help me please!!
@faroukfakunle Thanks for wonderful solution
your solution is working perfectly fine for me
the only change i made is
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = True to 1. [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = False
I am referencing the Adventure Pakage Object to Start my process so it it is:
Object - Adventure Package
Start Process- Only when a record is created
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName Does not equal Cancelled
2. [OpportunityLineitem].Fulfillment_Created_c Equals False
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
1. Create a Record
Record Type - Fulfillment
Set Field Values
AdventurePackageId - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package cost - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
Expedition Leader - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader_c
Explorer - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_C
Fulfillment Name - Formula -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Schedule Date -Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status- Picklist - New
Package - [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
2. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID
No criteria just update records
Set new fields for the records you update
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
3. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem]
Criteria for Updating Records - No criteria-just update records
Set new field values for the records you update
Fulfilment Created = True
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
Evaluate the Next Criteria
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = False
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
Create a Record - Task
Set Field Values
Assigned to ID - reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.OwnerId
Related to ID - reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Id
Priority - Normal
Status - Not started
Subject- String - Update explorer
14 days from now
Post to Chatter
User - Select a user from a record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
Once done with these changes, execute blow lines of code in dev console.
Product2 product = new Product2(name='Half Dome Hike', isActive=true);
insert product;
//insert the pricebookentry
Pricebook2 stdPrice = [Select id from Pricebook2 where isStandard=true limit 1];
PricebookEntry pbe = new PricebookEntry( IsActive = true, Product2Id =, UnitPrice = 2.00, Pricebook2Id = stdPrice.Id);
insert pbe;
I'm also stuck on the last challenge of this superbadge, with the same old "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'Opp Stage by Adventure' report does not appear to be configured correctly. Make sure it has the correct report type, groupings, filters and chart type.", so frustrating.
I've described my case and tried solutions in a new post, any help would be more than welcome!
Thanks, Quentin
"adventurePackageId - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package cost - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
Expedition Leader - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader_c
Explorer - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_C
Fulfillment Name - Formula -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Schedule Date -Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status- Picklist - New
Package - [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId"
I am having trouble locating Product 2 in the process builder field lookup. Do i need to create product 2? If so, what exactly does product 2 represent?
Thank you in advance,
Hi ,
Can anyone help me I am stuck in Stage 4, getting the following Error.
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your task was created with all of the field values set appropriately.
My Fulfilment Record Creation, Oppertunity Record Update and Adventure Package Update is working Fine. But when I am switching to Node-2 and Creating the Task, I am getting this Error.
2nd Criteria Node = [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = True
I have following Value in my Task.
Related to ID - reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Id
Priority - Normal
Status - Not started
Subject- String - Please Review
Process Builder : Fulfillment Creation - A record changes
Object : Adventure Package is created
>Criteria : First Node
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName Does not equal Cancelled
2. [OpportunityLineitem].Fulfillment_Created_c Equals False
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
>Create a Record
Record Type - Fulfillment
Set Field Values :
AdventurePackageId - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package cost - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
Expedition Leader - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader_c
Explorer - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_C
Fulfillment Name - Formula -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Opportunity - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
Schedule Date -Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status- Picklist - New
>Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem]
Updated records meet all conditions
Fulfilment Created = False
Set new field values for the records you update :
Fulfilment Created = True
>Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID
No criteria just update records
Set new fields for the records you update :
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
>Create Task
Action Name:- TASK
Record Type:- Task
Set Field Values:-
Reminder Set - Boolean - True
Assigned to ID - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
Priority - Normal
Status - Not started
Related to ID - reference - [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
Subject- String - Review the fulfillment, and double check the explorer data is properly mapped to the fulfillment record.
14 Days from now
Add Action : Post to Chatter
Name: Remind reps to check the adventure package and fulfillment records.
Post to:- User, User-Select a user from a record :- [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
Please review!
Object - Adventure Package
Start Process- Only when a record is created
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Oppotunity.StageName Does not equal Cancelled
2. [OpportunityLineitem].Fulfillment_Created_c Equals False
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
1. Create a Record
Record Type - Fulfillment
Set Field Values
AdventurePackageId - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package cost - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
Expedition Leader - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader_c
Explorer - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_C
Fulfillment Name - Formula -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Schedule Date -Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status- Picklist - New
Package - [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
2. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity ID
No criteria just update records
Set new fields for the records you update
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
3. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem]
Criteria for Updating Records - No criteria-just update records
Set new field values for the records you update
Fulfilment Created = True
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
Define Criteria for this Action Group
Criteria for Executing Actions - Conditions are met
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = FALSE!!!! (NOT TRUE)
Conditions - All of the conditions are met (AND)
Create a Record - Task
Set Field Values
Assigned to ID - reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.OwnerId
Related to ID - reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Id
Priority - Normal
Status - Not started
Subject- String - Update explorer
14 days from now
Post to Chatter
User - Select a user from a record - [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id
1. If you are not able to see Package field , Use 'Opportunity' field instead of Package .
Opportunity-Field Reference-[OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.
It works for me after adding this to Create Fulfillment Step.
2. Also , its ok if you dont see 'needs waiver and needs insurance' on OpportunityLineItem, go ahead with just Fulfilment Created = True.
3. Lastly, under task creation step check this reference onec again for Related Id. It should be Related to ID - reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Id
SELECT TotalPrice, Explorer__c, ServiceDate, Product2Id, Product2.Expedition_Leader__c, Product2.Needs_Insurance__c, Product2.Needs_Waiver__c, Fulfillment_Created__c FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE Id = :tmpVar1
OpportunityLineItem is APIName of AdventurePackage. It's vey confusing unless you check all the properties including lookup fields pointing to.
That's right: (False! - not true)
Challenge completed!
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.
But the fulfillment record is created successfully.
Close errors)
Can someone help me with this?
Hi Guy
I try all the suggestions here but Still I am receiving the error message:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.
May be I am overwhelmed with this after trying to fix for several hours and I am not able to get it Any help will be appreciated
1st Node:
Criteria Name. Adventure Pack is created
Criteria for Executing Actions: Conditions are met
AdventurePackageId - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Id
Adventure Package cost - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
Adventure - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Id
Expedition Leader - Reference -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Expedition_Leader__c
Explorer - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_C
Fulfillment Name - Formula -[OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + [OpportunityLineItem].Id
Opportunity - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
Schedule Date -Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
Status- Picklist - New
2nd Node:
Related to ID. Field reference [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Id
Post to: user
Select a user from a Record
Any help I really appreciate it
I am still stuck on #7. Any help would be appreciated. Here is what I have:
Thanks in advance!
- You don't need to set a predefine value for Fullfilment. The relationship field should take care of that
- Not sure why you're specifying record type and namespace prefix? Is it not your playground org?
P.S. I did set Case Reason as a predefined value to 'Fullfilment Issue', however, not sure if that makes a difference.Attaching screen for your reference. Hope it helps!
All of the fields in the Manage Package's Object Fulfillment start with Myfirstapp_19__, so when I created the Action, the Namespace prefix was added as well:
Any thoughts?
"[OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = False" It worked forme when the boolean is set as Fasle.
Can someone explain me why this is takig only "False".
Thank you!
I am just stuck on Lightning Experience specialist challenge 4 ,getting error
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, please enter other address too: [OtherStreet]
can anyone help to find the solution :)
I've followed all the steps but I get the same error message ... During this step:
3. Update Records
Record - [OpportunityLineItem]
Criteria for Updating Records - No criteria-just update records
Set new field values for the records you update
Fulfilment Created = True
Needs Insurance - Reference- [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance_c
Needs waiver - Reference - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver_c
I can not select the needs fields as they are formula fields and I can not update. Any help ? Thank you
FInally, I got it. When it's all done I did the step 7 that @Sandeep Kumar 2195 said. It works!! You need to be really careful with all the configuration, I used all the steps provided by @Sarah Hartman
Good luck
In second node of @farouk fakunle best answer,
The criteria will be:
Set Conditions:
1. [OpportunityLineItem].Explorer_c Is Null = false
It should be false and it worked for me.
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Discount__c]: [Discount__c]
Close errors
Not sure why Discount is being mentioned as an error. I made it required in the previous step which passed, otherwise I would not have been able to move on to this one. Any thoughts?? Thanks in advance!
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trigger OppoStageUpdate on Account (after update){
Set<Id> accountIds = new Set<Id>();
//day30 is the date which is 30 days less than today
List<Opportunity> oppListToUpdate=new List<Opportunity>();
//getting the opportunities whose account has been updated
List<Opportunity> oppList = [Select Id, AccountId, StageName, CreatedDate, CloseDate from Opportunity where AccountId in :accountIds];
for(Opportunity opp : oppList){
//checking for condition if created date is greater than 30 days from today and stage not equal to close won
if(opp.CreatedDate<day30 && opp.StageName!='Closed Won'){
opp.StageName='Closed Lost'; //This is a mandatory field when we update the CloseDate;
oppListToUpdate.add(opp); //putting the changed opportunity to separate list to update later
//checking if the opportunity list which has changed is having records or not
update oppListToUpdate;
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
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