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Andy BrackenburyAndy Brackenbury 

Copying data

I have input address details in the "company" but wish to export the data to the address within the "contact" en mass.  Is this possible?
deepak balur 19deepak balur 19
Assuming this is a one time requirement of yours. DataLoader is a tool which you could use to export data and then import it into contacts. You need to align your address to the right contact though to be able to get the right address across the right contacts.
Hi Andy,

We have recently released a new salesforce App called Rubrik which may help you with your updates. Rubrik is used to do mass update/creation/deletion of records based on user defined criteria. This allows Administrators to do tasks that would usually require a developer.

If I understand your situation correctly, you want to move the address field from the Account to the child contact's address field. Rubrik could definitely help you update those records in mass. With Rubrik, you can select the records to update based on your criteria and update the contact's address, all without having to do any coding or using dataloader. 

To see the full set of features, please go here:

To try out Rubrik, please go here:

We look forward to hearing from you!