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shiva pendemshiva pendem 

Gmail Integration from salesforce

Hi friends,

I have a requirement to integrate with gmail from salesforce, Requirement is i will have a custom button on object detail page
when i click on the button gmail compose page should be opened and automatically attachment should be attached to Gmail compose page.
Attachment can be a vf page Pdf which we will generate on the fly or we will take from attachment.

Please let us know solution on this.

Best Answer chosen by pcon
It sounds like you're looking for someone to write the code for this project. These forums are not meant for that; you'll want to post over on the AppExchange site [1] where you can match up with a developer looking to work on your project.  There are also multiple apps already on the AppExchange [2] that may do what you want to do.

[1] http://​

All Answers

It sounds like you're looking for someone to write the code for this project. These forums are not meant for that; you'll want to post over on the AppExchange site [1] where you can match up with a developer looking to work on your project.  There are also multiple apps already on the AppExchange [2] that may do what you want to do.

[1] http://​
This was selected as the best answer
Clark smithClark smith
Download all emails from gmail backup server to laptop or hard drive easily with gmail backup server software this backup utility developed for windows operating system to take all backup from gmail backup server to pst, eml, emlx and mbox file exntesion. 

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