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renu anamalla 9renu anamalla 9 

How to update and delete the record using Triggers

How to update and delete the record using Triggers?
Im new for salesforce.
I have one custom object JobForm__c
i have two fields ApplicaneName__c,JobFormName(mandatory)
I have applicant name='renu'
i want arjun.
sandhya reddy 10sandhya reddy 10
Hi Renu,

please go through the below link to get idea in trigger.

For you requirement below is code for delete on opportunity standard object where opportunity name is sandhya

u can use your custom object instead.

trigger DeleteOpp on Opportunity(after insert, after update) {
 List<Id> lstId = new List<Id>();
for(Opportunity opp: Trigger.old){
        List<Opportunity> existoppList = [Select Id from Opportunity where Name =:'sandhya'];
        delete existoppList;
trigger updateacc on Account (before update) {
    for (Account updatedAccount : {
       = 'arjun';


Please let us know if this helps you.

Thanks and Regards
renu anamalla 9renu anamalla 9
Thank you ....nice programmaer