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John - DayBack.comJohn - 

Canvas App Starter Kit

Hi All,  We recently brought our schedule balancing app, DayBack, to Salesforce. DayBack is a JavaScript web app and bringing it to Salesforce was  intimidating--more learning a new culture than a new language--but it went really well and now DayBack works seamlessly with Salesforce and is Lightning and Mobile1 ready.

We've packaged up what we've learned in this process as an opensource Canvas App Starter Kit. This is the reasource I wish we'd had when we got started. It consolidates a lot of the docs and best practices from around the ecosystem and includes a simpler Hello World application more tuned to JS devs.

So if you have a web app you'd like to bring to the App Exchange, I hope this gives you a big head start. (Feedback MUCH appreciated.)

Starter Kit Splash Screen