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Vijay Patil 1
Handle Apostrophe in picklist value formula?
Can anybody knows how should I handle single quote (apestrope) in below code?
OR(ISPICKVAL(Status,'In Progress- Engineering'),ISPICKVAL(Status,'In Progress- PLM's'))
OR(ISPICKVAL(Status,'In Progress- Engineering'),ISPICKVAL(Status,'In Progress- PLM's'))
check the below code..
OR(ISPICKVAL(Status,"In Progress- Engineering"),ISPICKVAL(Status,"In Progress- PLM's"))
Thank you,
OR(TEXT(Status)= "In Progress- Engineering",TEXT(Status)= "In Progress- PLM's")
Thank you,
Incorrect parameter type for function 'ISPICKVAL()'. Expected Picklist, received Text
The above formula is in my workflow formula criteria.